rule_class <- function(x) { structure(x, class = c("cli_rule", "rule", "cli_ansi_string", "ansi_string", "character")) } capture_msgs <- function(expr) { msgs <- character() i <- 0 suppressMessages(withCallingHandlers( expr, message = function(e) msgs[[i <<- i + 1]] <<- conditionMessage(e))) paste0(msgs, collapse = "") } capture_cli_messages <- function(expr) { msgs <- character() withCallingHandlers( expr, cliMessage = function(e) { msgs <<- c(msgs, conditionMessage(e)) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } ) msgs } capt <- function(expr, print_it = TRUE) { pr <- if (print_it) print else identity paste(capture.output(pr(expr)), collapse = "\n") } capt0 <- function(expr, strip_style = FALSE) { out <- capture_msgs(expr) if (strip_style) ansi_strip(out) else out } local_cli_config <- function(unicode = FALSE, dynamic = FALSE, ansi = FALSE, num_colors = 1, .local_envir = parent.frame()) { withr::local_options( cli.dynamic = dynamic, cli.ansi = ansi, cli.unicode = unicode, crayon.enabled = num_colors > 1, crayon.colors = num_colors, .local_envir = .local_envir ) withr::local_envvar( PKG_OMIT_TIMES = "true", PKG_OMIT_SIZES = "true", .local_envir = .local_envir ) } test_style <- function() { list( ".testcli h1" = list( "font-weight" = "bold", "font-style" = "italic", "margin-top" = 1, "margin-bottom" = 1), ".testcli h2" = list( "font-weight" = "bold", "margin-top" = 1, "margin-bottom" = 1), ".testcli h3" = list( "text-decoration" = "underline", "margin-top" = 1) ) } fix_times <- function(out) { out <- sub("[(][ ]*[.0-9]+ [Mk]B/s[)]", "(8.5 MB/s)", out) out <- sub("[(][.0-9]+/s[)]", "(100/s)", out) out <- sub(" [.0-9]+(ms|s|m)", " 3ms", out) out <- sub("ETA:[ ]*[.0-9]+m?s", "ETA: 1s", out) out <- gsub("\\[[.0-9]+m?s\\]", "[1s]", out) out } fix_logger_output <- function(lines) { sub( paste0( "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]T", "[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\\+00:00 ", "cli-[0-9]+-[0-9]+ " ), "2021-06-18T00:09:14+00:00 cli-36434-1 ", lines ) } make_c_function <- function(file = NULL, code = NULL, args = character(), type = c(".c", ".cpp"), header = NULL, linkingto = packageName(), quiet = Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT") == "true") { type <- match.arg(type) # Create source file dir.create(dir <- tempfile()) if (is.null(file)) { lines <- create_c_function_call(code, args, header = header) } else { lines <- readLines(file) } src <- basename(tempfile(fileext = type)) writeLines(lines, file.path(dir, src)) # Compile cflags <- "" for (pkg in linkingto) { pkgdir <- file.path(find.package(pkg), "include") lcldir <- file.path(find.package(pkg), "inst", "include") cflags <- paste(cflags, "-I", pkgdir, "-I", lcldir) } env <- c(PKG_CFLAGS = cflags) callr::rcmd( "SHLIB", src, wd = file.path(dir), env = env, echo = !quiet, show = !quiet ) # Load DLL dllfile <- file.path(dir, sub("[.]c(pp)?$", .Platform$dynlib.ext, src)) dll <- dyn.load(dllfile, local = TRUE, now = TRUE) # TODO: finalizer to unload/delete dll } create_c_function_call <- function(code, args, header = NULL) { c( "#include ", header, "SEXP tmp_c_function(", if (length(args) > 0) paste0("SEXP ", args, collapse = ", "), ") {", code, "}\n" ) } win2unix <- function (str) { gsub("\r\n", "\n", str, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) } st_from_bel <- function(x) { gsub("\007", "\033\\", x, fixed = TRUE) } st_to_bel <- function(x) { gsub("\033\\", "\007", x, fixed = TRUE) } test_package_root <- function() { x <- tryCatch( rprojroot::find_package_root_file(), error = function(e) NULL) if (!is.null(x)) return(x) pkg <- testthat::testing_package() x <- tryCatch( rprojroot::find_package_root_file( path = file.path("..", "..", "00_pkg_src", pkg)), error = function(e) NULL) if (!is.null(x)) return(x) stop("Cannot find package root") } sanitize_wd <- function(x) { wd <- paste0("file://", getwd()) gsub(wd, "file:///testthat/home", x, fixed = TRUE) } sanitize_home <- function(x) { home <- paste0("file://", path.expand("~")) gsub(home, "file:///my/home", x, fixed = TRUE) } sanitize_srcref <- function(x) { gsub(" at .*.R:[0-9]+:[0-9]+", "", x) } sanitize_call <- function(x) { gsub(" in `.*`", "", x) } r_pty <- function(.envir = parent.frame()) { skip_on_cran() # TODO: why does this fail on the CI, in covr if (Sys.getenv("R_COVR") == "true" && isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI")))) { skip("fails on CI in covr") } if (![["sysname"]] %in% c("Darwin", "Linux")) skip("Needs Linux or macOS") r <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R") p <- processx::process$new( r, c("-q", "--slave", "--vanilla"), pty = TRUE, env = c("current", R_CLI_HIDE_CURSOR = "false", R_LIBS = .libPaths()[1]) ) defer({ close(p$get_input_connection()) p$wait(1000) p$kill() }, envir = .envir) p$poll_io(1000) p$read_output() p }