test_that("get_target_column_names works with target_columns = 'linelist_tags'", { target_columns <- get_target_column_names( data = readRDS( system.file("extdata", "test_linelist.RDS", package = "cleanepi") ), target_columns = "linelist_tags", cols = NULL ) expect_type(target_columns, "character") expect_length(target_columns, 4L) expect_identical(target_columns, c("dt_onset", "dt_report", "sex", "outcome")) }) test_that("get_target_column_names works with target_columns as a vector of column names", { target_columns <- get_target_column_names( data = readRDS( system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi") ), target_columns = c("dateOfBirth", "sex"), cols = NULL ) expect_type(target_columns, "character") expect_length(target_columns, 2L) expect_identical(target_columns, c("dateOfBirth", "sex")) }) test_that("get_target_column_names works with target_columns as a vector of numeric values", { target_columns <- get_target_column_names( data = readRDS( system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi") ), target_columns = c(6L, 8L), cols = NULL ) expect_type(target_columns, "character") expect_length(target_columns, 2L) expect_identical(target_columns, c("dateOfBirth", "sex")) }) test_that("get_target_column_names works with target_columns and cols", { target_columns <- get_target_column_names( data = readRDS( system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi") ), target_columns = c("dateOfBirth", "sex", "country_name"), cols = "country_name" ) expect_type(target_columns, "character") expect_length(target_columns, 2L) expect_identical(target_columns, c("dateOfBirth", "sex")) }) test_that("get_target_column_names fails as expected", { expect_error( get_target_column_names( data = readRDS( system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi") ), target_columns = "country_name", cols = "country_name" ), regexp = cat("Assertion on',target_columns,'failed: all specified target columns will be ignored because they are either empty or constant.") ) }) test_that("get_target_column_names fails as expected", { expect_error( get_target_column_names( data = readRDS( system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi") ), target_columns = "linelist_tags", cols = NULL ), regexp = cat("Assertion on',keep,'failed: usage of 'linelist_tags' is only reserved for 'linelist' type of data.") ) }) data <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi")) scan_res <- scan_data(data) # Perform data cleaning cleaned_data <- data %>% replace_missing_values(target_columns = "sex", na_strings = "-99") %>% convert_to_numeric(target_columns = "sex", lang = "en") test_that("add_to_report works as expected", { cleaned_data <- add_to_report( x = cleaned_data, key = "scanning_result", value = scan_res ) report <- attr(cleaned_data, "report") expect_type(report, "list") expect_length(report, 3L) expect_named(report, c("missing_values_replaced_at", "converted_into_numeric", "scanning_result")) expect_identical(report[["missing_values_replaced_at"]], "sex") expect_identical(report[["converted_into_numeric"]], "sex") data <- add_to_report( x = data, key = "scanning_result", value = scan_res ) report <- attr(data, "report") expect_type(report, "list") expect_length(report, 1L) expect_named(report, "scanning_result") expect_named(report[["scanning_result"]], c("Field_names", "missing", "numeric", "date", "character", "logical")) expect_identical(nrow(report[["scanning_result"]]), 6L) }) # test internal function test_that("date_get_part1 works as expected", { res <- date_get_part1(NA, sep = "/") expect_identical(res, NA) res <- date_get_part1("2024/03/28", sep = "/") expect_identical(res, "2024") }) test_that("date_get_part2 works as expected", { res <- date_get_part2(NA, sep = "/") expect_identical(res, NA) res <- date_get_part2("2024/03/28", sep = "/") expect_identical(res, "03") }) test_that("date_get_part3 works as expected", { res <- date_get_part3(NA, sep = "/") expect_identical(res, NA) res <- date_get_part3("2024/03/28", sep = "/") expect_identical(res, "28") }) test_that("get_target_column_names fails as expected", { data <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "test_df.RDS", package = "cleanepi")) expect_error( get_target_column_names(data, target_columns = c(2L, 3L, 10L), cols = NULL), regexp = cat("Some specified column names indices are out of bound.") ) })