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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(classInt) > set.seed(1) > data_censored<-c(rep(0,10), rnorm(100, mean=20,sd=1),rep(26,10)) > cl2<-classIntervals(data_censored, n=4, style="fixed",dataPrecision=2,fixedBreaks=c(-1,1,19,25,30)) > > print(cl2, unique=FALSE) style: fixed one of 166,650 possible partitions of this variable into 4 classes [-1,1) [1,19) [19,25) [25,30] 10 11 89 10 > print(cl2, unique=TRUE) style: fixed one of 166,650 possible partitions of this variable into 4 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [1,19) [19,25) 26 10 11 89 10 > > ### example from man page > classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="fixed", fixedBreaks=c(15.57, 25, 50, 75, 100, 155.30)) style: fixed one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes [15.57,25) [25,50) [50,75) [75,100) [100,155.3] 110 10 0 0 0 Warning message: In classIntervals(data_censored, n = 5, style = "fixed", fixedBreaks = c(15.57, : variable range greater than fixedBreaks > > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="sd"), unique=FALSE) style: sd one of 79,208,745 possible partitions of this variable into 6 classes [-5.126688,0.8860022) [0.8860022,6.898692) [6.898692,12.91138) 10 0 0 [12.91138,18.92407) [18.92407,24.93676) [24.93676,30.94945] 10 90 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="sd"), unique=TRUE) style: sd one of 79,208,745 possible partitions of this variable into 6 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [0.8860022,6.898692) [6.898692,12.91138) 10 0 0 [12.91138,18.92407) [18.92407,24.93676) 26 10 90 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="equal"), unique=TRUE) style: equal one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [5.2,10.4) [10.4,15.6) [15.6,20.8) [20.8,26] 10 0 0 81 29 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="quantile"), unique=TRUE) style: quantile one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes [0,19.24129) [19.24129,19.87857) [19.87857,20.39315) [20.39315,21.07048) 24 24 24 24 [21.07048,26] 24 > set.seed(1) > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="kmeans"), unique=TRUE) style: kmeans one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.11514) [19.11514,20.31048) [20.31048,24.20081) 10 12 43 45 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="hclust", method="complete"), unique=TRUE) style: hclust one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.01088) [19.01088,21.00347) [21.00347,24.20081) 10 11 74 15 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="hclust", method="single"), unique=TRUE) style: hclust one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,18.33574) [18.33574,21.78784) [21.78784,24.20081) 10 3 94 3 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="fisher"), unique=TRUE) style: fisher one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.72123) [19.72123,20.85116) [20.85116,24.20081) 10 33 49 18 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="jenks"), unique=TRUE) style: jenks one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 (0,19.69582] (19.69582,20.82122] (20.82122,22.40162] 10 33 49 18 26 10 > > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="fixed", fixedBreaks=c(15.57, 25, 50, 75, 100, 155.30)), unique=TRUE) style: fixed one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label [15.57,25) 26 [50,75) [75,100) [100,155.3] 110 10 0 0 0 Warning message: In classIntervals(data_censored, n = 5, style = "fixed", fixedBreaks = c(15.57, : variable range greater than fixedBreaks > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="sd"), unique=TRUE) style: sd one of 79,208,745 possible partitions of this variable into 6 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [0.8860022,6.898692) [6.898692,12.91138) 10 0 0 [12.91138,18.92407) [18.92407,24.93676) 26 10 90 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="equal"), unique=TRUE) style: equal one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [5.2,10.4) [10.4,15.6) [15.6,20.8) [20.8,26] 10 0 0 81 29 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="quantile"), unique=TRUE) style: quantile one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes [0,19.24129) [19.24129,19.87857) [19.87857,20.39315) [20.39315,21.07048) 24 24 24 24 [21.07048,26] 24 > set.seed(1) > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="kmeans"), unique=TRUE) style: kmeans one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.11514) [19.11514,20.31048) [20.31048,24.20081) 10 12 43 45 26 10 > set.seed(1) > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="kmeans", intervalClosure="right"), unique=TRUE) style: kmeans one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 (8.89265,19.11514] (19.11514,20.31048] (20.31048,24.20081] 10 12 43 45 26 10 > set.seed(1) > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="kmeans", dataPrecision=0), unique=TRUE) style: kmeans one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [9,20) [20,21) [21,25) 26 10 12 43 45 10 > set.seed(1) > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="kmeans"), cutlabels=FALSE, unique=TRUE) style: kmeans one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 8.89265 - 19.11514 19.11514 - 20.31048 20.31048 - 24.20081 10 12 43 45 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="hclust", method="complete"), unique=TRUE) style: hclust one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.01088) [19.01088,21.00347) [21.00347,24.20081) 10 11 74 15 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="hclust", method="single"), unique=TRUE) style: hclust one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,18.33574) [18.33574,21.78784) [21.78784,24.20081) 10 3 94 3 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="fisher"), unique=TRUE) style: fisher one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.72123) [19.72123,20.85116) [20.85116,24.20081) 10 33 49 18 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="jenks"), unique=TRUE) style: jenks one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 (0,19.69582] (19.69582,20.82122] (20.82122,22.40162] 10 33 49 18 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, style="headtails"), unique=TRUE) style: headtails one of 101 possible partitions of this variable into 2 classes [0,18.92407) [18.92407,26] 20 100 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, style="headtails", thr = 1)) style: headtails one of 166,650 possible partitions of this variable into 4 classes [0,18.92407) [18.92407,20.86153) [20.86153,23.03872) [23.03872,26] 20 72 18 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, style="headtails", thr = 0)) style: headtails one of 101 possible partitions of this variable into 2 classes [0,18.92407) [18.92407,26] 20 100 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, style="box", iqr_mult = 0)) style: box one of 79,208,745 possible partitions of this variable into 6 classes [0,19.38567) [19.38567,19.38567) [19.38567,20.11391) [20.11391,20.77193) 30 0 30 30 [20.77193,20.77193) [20.77193,26] 0 30 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, style="box")) style: box one of 79,208,745 possible partitions of this variable into 6 classes [0,17.30627) [17.30627,19.38567) [19.38567,20.11391) [20.11391,20.77193) 10 20 30 30 [20.77193,22.85133) [22.85133,26] 20 10 > x <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 50) > print(classIntervals(x, n=3, style="fisher"), unique=TRUE) style: fisher one of 3 possible partitions of this variable into 3 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [0.5,26) 50 3 2 1 > print(classIntervals(x, n=3, style="jenks"), unique=TRUE) style: jenks one of 3 possible partitions of this variable into 3 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 (0,2] 50 3 2 1 > if (getRversion() > "3.5.3") { + suppressWarnings(set.seed(1, sample.kind=c("Rounding"))) + } else { + set.seed(1) + } > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="bclust", verbose=FALSE), unique=TRUE) style: bclust one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.01088) [19.01088,21.00347) [21.00347,24.20081) 10 11 74 15 26 10 > print(classIntervals(data_censored, n=5, style="bclust", hclust.method="complete", verbose=FALSE), unique=TRUE) style: bclust one of 4,082,925 possible partitions of this variable into 5 classes Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label 0 [8.89265,19.79106) [19.79106,21.28327) [21.28327,24.20081) 10 34 57 9 26 10 > > # the log-likelihood returns a valid logLik object. > stopifnot( + identical( + round(logLik(classIntervals(rep(1:3, each=10), n=2, style="jenks")), 5), + structure(-14.52876, df = 2, nobs = 30L, class = "logLik") + ) + ) > # logLik for exact intervals (a single value is the unique member of an > # interval) yields a likelihood of zero. > stopifnot( + identical( + suppressWarnings(logLik(classIntervals(rep(1:3, each=10), n=3, style="jenks"))), + structure(0, df = 3, nobs = 30L, class = "logLik") + ) + ) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.37 0.12 0.48