# # # mod <- ca_library("aridvege") init <- generate_initmat(mod, rep(1/3, 3), nr = 24) run <- run_camodel(mod, init, times = seq(1, 64, by = 3), control = list(console_output_every = 0)) test_that("camodel methods are OK", { # Just run the plotting to make sure the code runs expect_true({ plot(mod) TRUE }) expect_true({ summary(init) image(init) TRUE }) }) test_that("camodel run result methods are OK", { # Just run the plotting to make sure the code runs expect_true({ plot(run) image(run) TRUE }) # Handle errors expect_error({ image(run, snapshot = "fdsq") }) # expect_warning({ image(run, snapshot_time = 56) }) # Handle the no-saved landscape case run_noimg <- run_camodel(mod, init, times = seq(1, 64), control = list(save_snapshots_every = 0, console_output_every = 0)) expect_error({ image(run_noimg) }) })