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Type 'q()' to quit R. > # Functions requiring M and/or N > TestBodyMassBins <- function() + { + AssertEqual(c(1,3,10), BodyMassBins(c6), check.attributes=FALSE) + AssertEqual(c(1,1,3), BodyMassBins(c6, n.bins=3), check.attributes=FALSE) + AssertEqual(c(2,2,2,1,2,1,1,5,2,2,1,1,2,3,2,3,3,2,2,1,4,3,2,3,1,2,1,2,3, + 4,1,4,5,5,3,6,5,6,4,4,4,7,3,3,3,6,6,4,4,4,4,6,7,10,10,10), + BodyMassBins(TL84), check.attributes=FALSE) + + # TODO Warnings + # AssertRaises(BodyMassBins(c1)) + # AssertRaises(BodyMassBins(c2)) + + AssertRaises(BodyMassBins(TL84, n.bins=1)) + AssertRaises(BodyMassBins(TL84, upper=min(NP(TL84,'M')), + lower=max(NP(TL84,'M')))) + AssertRaises(BodyMassBins(TL84, lower=mean(NP(TL84,'M')), + upper=max(NP(TL84,'M')))) + AssertRaises(BodyMassBins(TL84, lower=min(NP(TL84,'M')), + upper=mean(NP(TL84,'M')))) + } > > TestResourceLargerThanConsumer <- function() + { + AssertEqual(NULL, ResourceLargerThanConsumer(c1)) + AssertEqual(NULL, ResourceLargerThanConsumer(c2)) + AssertEqual(0, nrow(ResourceLargerThanConsumer(c6))) + check <- ResourceLargerThanConsumer(TL84) + AssertEqual(c('Cyclops varians rubellus', 'Leptodiaptomus siciloides'), + check$resource) + AssertEqual(c('Tropocyclops prasinus', 'Tropocyclops prasinus'), + check$consumer) + } > > TestSumNByClass <- function() + { + AssertRaises(SumNByClass(c1)) + AssertRaises(SumNByClass(c2)) + AssertEqual(unname(NP(c6,'N')), + unname(SumNByClass(c6, class=c('a','b','c')))) + AssertEqual(sum(NP(c6,'N')), unname(SumNByClass(c6, class=c('a','a','a')))) + AssertEqual(sum(NP(c6,'N')[1:2]), + unname(SumNByClass(c6, class=c('a','a',NA)))) + AssertEqual(unname(c(NP(c6,'N')[3], sum(NP(c6,'N')[1:2]))), + unname(SumNByClass(c6, class=c('a','a','')))) + + AssertEqual(c(invertebrate=1.8678e+06, producer=3.2107e+09, + vert.ecto=2.2350e+00), SumNByClass(TL84)) + + AssertEqual(as.numeric(c(NA,NA,NA)), + unname(SumNByClass(BroadstoneStream))) + AssertEqual(c(''=0, invertebrate=32081.3, producer=0.0), + SumNByClass(BroadstoneStream, na.rm=TRUE)) + + AssertRaises(SumNByClass(c6, class=NULL)) + } > > TestSumBiomassByClass <- function() + { + AssertRaises(SumNByClass(c1)) + AssertRaises(SumNByClass(c2)) + AssertEqual(unname(Biomass(c6)), + unname(SumBiomassByClass(c6, class=c('a','b','c')))) + AssertEqual(sum(Biomass(c6)), + unname(SumBiomassByClass(c6, class=c('a','a','a')))) + AssertEqual(sum(Biomass(c6)[1:2]), + unname(SumBiomassByClass(c6, class=c('a','a',NA)))) + AssertEqual(unname(c(Biomass(c6)[3], sum(Biomass(c6)[1:2]))), + unname(SumBiomassByClass(c6, class=c('a','a','')))) + + AssertEqual(as.numeric(c(NA,NA,NA)), + unname(SumBiomassByClass(BroadstoneStream))) + AssertEqual(c(''=0, invertebrate=830.4337, producer=0), + round(SumBiomassByClass(BroadstoneStream, na.rm=TRUE),4)) + + AssertRaises(SumBiomassByClass(c6, class=NULL)) + } > > TestNvMLinearRegressions <- function() + { + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(c1) + AssertEqual('all', names(res)) + AssertEqual(NULL, res[[1]]) + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(c2) + AssertEqual('all', names(res)) + AssertEqual(NULL, res[[1]]) + + # Using default class of category - all NA as c6 does not have category + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(c6) + AssertEqual('all', names(res)) + AssertEqual(c(2.58,-1.04), unname(round(coef(res[['all']]), 2))) + + # class, NULL should result in a single lm object being returned + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(c6, class=NULL) + AssertEqual('all', names(res)) + AssertEqual(c(2.58,-1.04), unname(round(coef(res[['all']]), 2))) + + # Each node is in it's own class. Can't fit lm through one data point + # so should have 'all' and three NULLs + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(c6, class=c('a','b','c')) + AssertEqual(c('all','a','b','c'), names(res)) + AssertEqual(c(2.58,-1.04), unname(round(coef(res[['all']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(list(a=NULL, b=NULL, c=NULL), res[2:4]) + + # Node 1 in a different class to nodes 2 and 3 + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(c6, class=c('a','b','b')) + AssertEqual(c('all', 'a', 'b'), names(res)) + AssertEqual(c(2.58,-1.04), unname(round(coef(res[['all']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(c(1.14,-0.20), unname(round(coef(res[['b']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(NULL, res[['a']]) + + # category is default class + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(TL84) + AssertEqual(c('all', 'producer', 'invertebrate', 'vert.ecto'), names(res)) + AssertEqual(c(-2.69, -0.83), unname(round(coef(res[['all']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(c(2.56, -0.41), unname(round(coef(res[['producer']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(c(1.47, -0.32), unname(round(coef(res[['invertebrate']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(c(-34.66, -11.63), unname(round(coef(res[['vert.ecto']]), 2))) + + # Some nodes lack both a category and N and M + res <- NvMLinearRegressions(BroadstoneStream) + AssertEqual(c(1.08, -0.74), unname(round(coef(res[['all']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(c(1.08, -0.74), unname(round(coef(res[['invertebrate']]), 2))) + AssertEqual(NULL, res[['']]) + AssertEqual(NULL, res[['producer']]) + } > > TestNvMTriTrophic1 <- function() + { + # Recreates Table 1 from Cohen et al 2010 PNAS + data(TL84, TL86, YthanEstuary) + collection <- CommunityCollection(list(TL84, TL86, YthanEstuary)) + table <- NvMTriTrophicTable(collection) + + # Exclude the rows that include all nodes and links + table <- head(table, -4) + + # Check to 2 dp + table <- round(table, 2) + + # The data from the paper + check <- matrix(c( + 6.33, 5.90, 7.29, + 5.41, 3.43, 5.06, + 5.99, 5.69, 6.15, + 12.67, 11.79, 14.57, + 11.02, 8.65, 10.51, + 11.40, 9.12, 11.20, + 1.15, 1.36, 1.39, + 1.03, 1.05, 1.07, + 4.84, 4.84, 4.43, + 30.62, 28.56, 32.31, + 20.78, 22.66, 21.98, + 1.47, 1.26, 1.47, + 19.96, 23.33, 16.88, + 18.71, 20.63, 13.18, # TL86 mean chain span 20.63 vs 20.62 + 0.90, 0.91, 0.60, + 1.07, 1.13, 1.28, + 0.96, 1.03, 0.77, + 264.00, 236.00, 379.00, + 2500.00, 2601.00, 8281.00, + 0.11, 0.09, 0.05, + 5.28, 4.63, 4.16), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) + dimnames(check) <- dimnames(table) + AssertEqual(table, check) + } > > TestNvMTriTrophic2 <- function() + { + # Recreates Table S3 from Cohen et al 2010 PNAS + communities <- list(TL84, TL86, RemoveNodes(YthanEstuary,'POM (detritus)')) + communities <- lapply(communities, RemoveIsolatedNodes) + communities <- lapply(communities, RemoveCannibalisticLinks) + + res <- lapply(communities, function(community) + { + chains <- ThreeNodeChains(community, node.properties='M') + MR <- chains$bottom.M + MI <- chains$intermediate.M + MC <- chains$top.M + + lp <- TLPS(community, node.properties='M') + + return (c('MR<=MI<=MC'=sum(MR<=MI & MI<=MC), + 'MR<=MCMC'=sum(lp$resource.M>lp$consumer.M), + 'All links'=nrow(lp))) + }) + res <- do.call('cbind', res) + + colnames(res) <- c('TL84', 'TL86', 'Ythan Estuary') + + # The data from the paper + check <- matrix(c( 1001, 577, 1232, + 30, 59, 65, + 12, 10, 68, + 0, 1, 3, + 1, 3, 0, + 0, 1, 3, + 1044, 651, 1371, + 262, 232, 368, + 0, 0, 2, + 2, 4, 9, + 264, 236, 379), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) + + colnames(check) <- colnames(res) + rownames(check) <- rownames(res) + AssertEqual(check, res) + } > > TestNvMTriTrophic3 <- function() + { + # Some of Doris' Icelandic streams communities have only producers and + # herbivores, which caused an earlier version of + # .NvMTrophicChainProperties() to fail with a nasty error. + # Let's check some cases for simple communities + AssertRaises(NvMTriTrophicStatistics(c1)) + AssertRaises(NvMTriTrophicStatistics(c2)) + AssertRaises(NvMTriTrophicStatistics(c3)) + AssertRaises(NvMTriTrophicStatistics(c4)) + AssertRaises(NvMTriTrophicStatistics(c5)) + + # Resource-consumer + rc <- Community(nodes=data.frame(node=c('R', 'C'), + M=c(1, 10), + N=c(100, 1)), + trophic.links=data.frame(resource='R', consumer='C'), + properties=list(title='Resource-consumer', M.units='g', + N.units='m^-2')) + tts <- NvMTriTrophicStatistics(rc) + check <- data.frame(resource='R', + consumer='C', + length=3, + angle=-63.43494882292200998108, + slope=-2, + stringsAsFactors=FALSE, + row.names="1") + AssertEqual(check, tts$links) + + AssertEqual(NULL, tts$three.node.chains) + + check <- data.frame(Node.1='R', + Node.2='C', + chain.span=3, + count.chain.length=1, + sum.chain.length=3, + stringsAsFactors=FALSE) + AssertEqual(check, tts$trophic.chains) + + # Tri-trophic chain + tts <- NvMTriTrophicStatistics(c6) + check <- data.frame(resource=c('R','C'), + consumer=c('C','P'), + length=c(2.52287874528033739807,1.56066730616973736723), + angle=c(-75.34856290594565564334,-11.28584933963889191944), + slope=c(-3.82497857878639635487, -0.19956289353132869446), + stringsAsFactors=FALSE, + row.names=c("1","2")) + AssertEqual(check, tts$links) + + check <- data.frame(bottom='R', + intermediate='C', + top='P', + Llower=2.52287874528033739807, + Lupper=1.56066730616973736723, + two.span=4.08354605145007454325, + Alower=-75.34856290594565564334, + Aupper=-11.28584933963889191944, + Abetween=64.06271356630675484212, + stringsAsFactors=FALSE) + AssertEqual(check, tts$three.node.chains) + + check <- data.frame(Node.1='R', + Node.2='C', + Node.3='P', + chain.span=4.08354605145007454325, + count.chain.length=2.00000000000000000000, + sum.chain.length=4.08354605145007454325, + stringsAsFactors=FALSE) + AssertEqual(check, tts$trophic.chains) + } > > TestNodesWithoutMOrN <- function() + { + NodesWithoutMOrN <- cheddar:::.NodesWithoutMOrN + AssertEqual('S', NodesWithoutMOrN(c1)) + AssertEqual('S', NodesWithoutMOrN(c2)) + AssertEqual(c('R','C'), NodesWithoutMOrN(c3)) + AssertEqual(c('R','C','P'), NodesWithoutMOrN(c4)) + AssertEqual(c('R','C','O'), NodesWithoutMOrN(c5)) + AssertEqual(0, length(NodesWithoutMOrN(c6))) + AssertEqual(0, length(NodesWithoutMOrN(TL84))) + AssertEqual('POM (detritus)', NodesWithoutMOrN(YthanEstuary)) + } > > TestNvMSlopeAndIntercept <- function() + { + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlope(c1)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlope(c2)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlope(c3)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlope(c4)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlope(c5)) + AssertEqual(-1.04009302605305009592, NvMSlope(c6)) + AssertEqual(-0.82711453844476423569, NvMSlope(TL84)) + + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMIntercept(c1)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMIntercept(c2)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMIntercept(c3)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMIntercept(c4)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMIntercept(c5)) + AssertEqual(2.57689795300774049380, NvMIntercept(c6)) + AssertEqual(-2.68627529180856106095, NvMIntercept(TL84)) + + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlopeAndIntercept(c1)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlopeAndIntercept(c2)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlopeAndIntercept(c3)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlopeAndIntercept(c4)) + AssertEqual(NULL, NvMSlopeAndIntercept(c5)) + AssertEqual(c(slope=-1.04009302605305009592, + intercept=2.57689795300774049380), + NvMSlopeAndIntercept(c6)) + AssertEqual(c(slope=-0.82711453844476423569, + intercept=-2.68627529180856106095), + NvMSlopeAndIntercept(TL84)) + } > > TestNvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass <- function() + { + AssertEqual(c(slope.all=-1.04009302605305009592), NvMSlopeByClass(c6)) + AssertEqual(c(slope.all=-0.82711453844476423569, + slope.producer=-0.40715089579609509141, + slope.invertebrate=-0.32431675051076519489, + slope.vert.ecto=-11.62787086769622924010), + NvMSlopeByClass(TL84)) + + AssertEqual(c(intercept.all=2.57689795300774049380),NvMInterceptByClass(c6)) + AssertEqual(c(intercept.all=-2.68627529180856106095, + intercept.producer=2.55833642234355362888, + intercept.invertebrate=1.46560619016986248830, + intercept.vert.ecto=-34.66097278952445748246), + NvMInterceptByClass(TL84)) + + AssertEqual(c(slope.all=-1.04009302605305009592, + intercept.all=2.57689795300774049380), + NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass(c6)) + AssertEqual(c(slope.all=-0.82711453844476423569, + slope.producer=-0.40715089579609509141, + slope.invertebrate=-0.32431675051076519489, + slope.vert.ecto=-11.62787086769622924010, + intercept.all=-2.68627529180856106095, + intercept.producer=2.55833642234355362888, + intercept.invertebrate=1.46560619016986248830, + intercept.vert.ecto=-34.66097278952445748246), + NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass(TL84)) + + AssertEqual(c(slope.all=-0.73916494129624910059, + slope.invertebrate=-0.73916494129624910059, + 'slope.'=NA, + slope.producer=NA, + intercept.all=1.07951558005480174884, + intercept.invertebrate=1.07951558005480174884, + 'intercept.'=NA, + intercept.producer=NA), + NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass(BroadstoneStream)) + + AssertEqual(c(slope.all=-1.13010867280292459647, + slope.vert.endo=-2.46246611880339116851, + 'slope.'=-1.87594996135075309240, + slope.vert.ecto=2.32192809488736218171, + intercept.all=1.43776079409099510897, + intercept.vert.endo=2.95188840529695939452, + 'intercept.'=1.16171181260177314165, + intercept.vert.ecto=0.00000000000000005773), + NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass(c8)) + } > > TestNvMConvexHull <- function() + { + AssertEqual(0.5, cheddar:::.PolygonArea(c(0, 1, 0.5, 0), c(0, 0, 1, 0))) + AssertEqual(1, cheddar:::.PolygonArea(c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0))) + res <- NvMConvexHull(TL84) + # Can't guarantee in ordering of points on the hull + nodes <- c('Chaoborus punctipennis','Chromulina sp.', + 'Chrysosphaerella longispina','Keratella testudo','Phoxinus eos', + 'Phoxinus neogaeus','Umbra limi','Unclassified flagellates') + AssertEqual(nodes, sort(res$nodes)) + AssertEqual(30.68266, round(res$area, 5)) + AssertEqual(matrix(c( -6.522879, 4.0791812, + -13.518557, 8.1731863, + -9.080399, 6.6020600, + -11.000000, 3.7781513, + -2.995679, 0.2944662, + -2.931814, -0.8761484, + -2.889410, -0.8794261, + -12.460924, 9.2741578), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2), + unname(round(res$points[nodes,], 7)), + tolerance=1e-7) + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.14 0.03 0.17