context("LoremProvider works") test_that("LoremProvider works", { aa <- LoremProvider$new() expect_is(aa, "LoremProvider") expect_is(aa, "R6") expect_is(aa$word, "function") expect_is(aa$word(), "character") expect_equal(length(aa$word()), 1) expect_is(aa$words, "function") expect_is(aa$words(), "character") expect_equal(length(aa$words()), 3) expect_is(aa$sentence, "function") expect_is(aa$sentence(), "character") expect_equal(length(aa$sentence()), 1) expect_is(aa$sentences, "function") expect_is(aa$sentences(), "character") expect_equal(length(aa$sentences()), 3) expect_is(aa$paragraph, "function") expect_is(aa$paragraph(), "character") expect_equal(length(aa$paragraph()), 1) expect_is(aa$paragraphs, "function") expect_is(aa$paragraphs(), "character") expect_equal(length(aa$paragraphs()), 3) expect_is(aa$text, "function") expect_is(aa$text(), "character") expect_equal(length(aa$text()), 1) }) test_that("LoremProvider fails well", { expect_error( LoremProvider$new(locale = "foobar"), "foobar not in set of available locales" ) expect_error( LoremProvider$new(sentence_punctuation = 5), "sentence_punctuation must be of class character" ) expect_error( LoremProvider$new(word_connector = 5), "word_connector must be of class character" ) aa <- LoremProvider$new() expect_error( aa$word(ext_words = 5), "ext_words must be of class character" ) expect_error( aa$words(nb = "foobar"), "nb must be of class numeric, integer" ) expect_error( aa$words(ext_words = 5), "ext_words must be of class character" ) expect_error( aa$sentence(nb_words = "adf"), "nb_words must be of class numeric, integer" ) expect_error( aa$sentence(ext_words = 5), "ext_words must be of class character" ) expect_error( aa$sentence(variable_nb_words = 5), "variable_nb_words must be of class logical" ) expect_error( aa$sentences(nb = "adf"), "nb must be of class numeric, integer" ) expect_error( aa$sentences(ext_words = 5), "ext_words must be of class character" ) expect_error( aa$paragraph(nb_sentences = "foobar"), "nb_sentences must be of class numeric, integer" ) expect_error( aa$paragraph(variable_nb_sentences = 4), "variable_nb_sentences must be of class logical" ) expect_error( aa$paragraph(ext_words = 5), "ext_words must be of class character" ) expect_error( aa$paragraphs(nb = "adf"), "nb must be of class numeric, integer" ) expect_error( aa$paragraphs(ext_words = 5), "ext_words must be of class character" ) expect_error( aa$text(max_nb_chars = "adf"), "max_nb_chars must be of class numeric, integer" ) expect_error( aa$text(ext_words = 5), "ext_words must be of class character" ) })