# @author Quentin Grimonprez context("Check functions") test_that("checkData works", { expect_error(checkData(c()), "data must be a data.frame.") df <- data.frame(id = 1) expect_error(checkData(df), "Missing columns in data: time, state.") df <- data.frame(id = 1, time = 1, state = "e") expect_error(checkData(df), "There is 1 row or less.") df <- data.frame(id = 1, time = 1, state = "e") expect_error(checkData(df, minSize = 10), "There is 10 row or less.") df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, time = c(1, NA), state = 1:2) expect_error(checkData(df), "There is some missing values.") df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, time = c(1, NA), state = letters[1:2]) expect_error(checkData(df), "There is some missing values.") df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, time = 1:2, state = 1:2) expect_silent(checkData(df)) }) test_that("is.whole.number works", { expect_true(is.whole.number(2)) expect_true(is.whole.number(2.)) expect_false(is.whole.number(2.5)) expect_equal(is.whole.number(NA), FALSE) expect_equal(is.whole.number("aaa"), FALSE) expect_true(all(is.whole.number(1:5))) expect_equal(is.whole.number(c(0.5, 2)), c(FALSE, TRUE)) }) test_that("checkDataEndTmax works", { df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, time = 1:2, state = 1:2) expect_error(checkDataEndTmax(df), "Each individual must end with the same time value.") df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, time = rep(1, 2), state = 1:2) expect_silent(checkDataEndTmax(df)) }) test_that("checkDataBeginTime works", { df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, time = 1:2, state = 1:2) expect_error(checkDataBeginTime(df), "Each individual must begin with the same time value.") df <- data.frame(id = 1:2, time = rep(1, 1), state = 1:2) expect_silent(checkDataBeginTime(df)) }) test_that("checkDataNoDuplicatedTimes works", { df <- data.frame(id = rep(1:2, each = 2), time = c(0, 0, 1, 2), state = rep(1:2, 2)) expect_warning(checkDataNoDuplicatedTimes(df), "Some ids contain duplicated time values.") df <- data.frame(id = rep(1:2, each = 2), time = rep(1:2, 2), state = rep(1:2, 2)) expect_silent(checkDataNoDuplicatedTimes(df)) }) test_that("checkLogical works", { expect_silent(checkLogical(TRUE, "aa")) expect_error(checkLogical(c(TRUE, TRUE), "aa"), "aa must be either TRUE or FALSE.") expect_error(checkLogical(3, "aa"), "aa must be either TRUE or FALSE.") expect_error(checkLogical(NA, "aa"), "aa must be either TRUE or FALSE.") expect_error(checkLogical(NaN, "aa"), "aa must be either TRUE or FALSE.") }) test_that("checkInteger accepts valid integers within bounds", { expect_silent(checkInteger(5, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10)) expect_silent(checkInteger(-3, minValue = -5, maxValue = 0)) expect_silent(checkInteger(0)) }) test_that("checkInteger throws an error for non-integer values", { expect_error(checkInteger(5.5), "x must be an integer") expect_error(checkInteger("text", paramName = "a"), "a must be an integer") expect_error(checkInteger("text", minValue = 0, paramName = "a"), "a must be an integer") }) test_that("checkInteger accepts NULL when acceptNULL is TRUE", { expect_silent(checkInteger(NULL, acceptNULL = TRUE)) }) test_that("checkInteger throws an error for values out of bounds", { expect_error( checkInteger(11, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = FALSE, maxEqual = FALSE), "x must be an integer > 1 and < 10" ) expect_error( checkInteger(10, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = FALSE, maxEqual = FALSE), "x must be an integer > 1 and < 10" ) expect_error( checkInteger(0, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = FALSE, maxEqual = FALSE), "x must be an integer > 1 and < 10" ) expect_error( checkInteger(1, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = FALSE, maxEqual = FALSE), "x must be an integer > 1 and < 10" ) expect_error( checkInteger(-6, minValue = -5, maxValue = 0, minEqual = FALSE, maxEqual = FALSE), "x must be an integer > -5 and < 0" ) }) test_that("checkInteger throws an error for values out of bounds (minEqual = TRUE, maxEqual = TRUE)", { expect_error( checkInteger(11, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = TRUE, maxEqual = TRUE), "x must be an integer >= 1 and <= 10" ) expect_silent(checkInteger(10, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = FALSE, maxEqual = TRUE)) expect_error( checkInteger(0, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = TRUE, maxEqual = TRUE), "x must be an integer >= 1 and <= 10" ) expect_silent(checkInteger(1, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10, minEqual = TRUE, maxEqual = FALSE)) expect_error( checkInteger(-6, minValue = -5, maxValue = 0, minEqual = TRUE, maxEqual = TRUE), "x must be an integer >= -5 and <= 0" ) }) test_that("checkInteger throws an error when wrong type", { expect_error(checkInteger(NULL), "x must be an integer") expect_error(checkInteger(NA), "x must be an integer") expect_error(checkInteger(c(1, 2, 3)), "x must be an integer") }) test_that("checkInteger throws custom message", { expect_error(checkInteger(NULL, customMessage = "aa"), "aa") })