test_that("check that ucc's are valid", { expect_error( ce_prepdata( 2021, interview, ce_hg(2021, "interview", hg_zip_path = "../testdata/stubs.zip"), c("0048", "Juice"), int_zp = "../testdata/intrvw21.zip" ), "'0048' is not a valid UCC. Please review the CE PUMD documentation.", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("'survey' accepts only valid survey titles", { expect_error( ce_prepdata( 2021, intv, ce_hg(2021, "interview", hg_zip_path = "../testdata/stubs.zip"), uccs = "610310", int_zp = "../testdata/intrvw21.zip" ), "'survey' must be one of 'interview,' 'diary,' or 'integrated.'" ) }) test_that("'year' accepts only valid years", { expect_error( ce_prepdata( 1990, intv, ce_hg(2021, "interview", hg_zip_path = "../testdata/stubs.zip"), uccs = "610310", int_zp = "../testdata/intrvw21.zip" ), "cepumd only works with data from 1997 onward." ) }) test_that("'hg' is a data.frame", { expect_error( ce_prepdata( 2021, diary, "610310", hg = list(a = 45, d = "joe"), sex ), paste( "'hg' requires a valid HG dataframe.", "Please generate one using ce_hg()." ), fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("'hg' is valid data frame", { expect_error( ce_prepdata( 2021, diary, "610310", hg = data.frame(a = 1:10, b = letters[1:10]), sex ), paste( "'hg' requires a valid HG dataframe.", "Please generate one using ce_hg()." ) ) })