library( "censReg" ) library( "plm" ) # load outputs that were previously produced by this script saved <- new.env() load( "", envir = saved ) options( digits = 5 ) printAll <- function( objName, what = "print" ) { cat( "Comparing new object '", objName, "' to previously saved object...", sep = "" ) x <- get( objName ) if( !exists( objName, envir = saved, inherits = FALSE ) ) { cat( " previously saved object not found\n" ) } else { xSaved <- get( objName, envir = saved, inherits = FALSE ) if( !isTRUE( all.equal( class( x ), class( xSaved ) ) ) ) { cat( " different classes:\n" ) cat( "new:\n" ) print( class( x ) ) cat( "saved:\n" ) print( class( xSaved ) ) } else if( !isTRUE( all.equal( names( x ), names( xSaved ) ) ) ) { cat( " different names:\n" ) cat( "new:\n" ) print( names( x ) ) cat( "saved:\n" ) print( names( xSaved ) ) } else { cat( "\n" ) } for( n in names( x ) ) { if( ! n %in% c( "code", "gradient", "iterations", "last.step", "message" ) ) { cat( " comparing component '", n, "' ...", sep = "" ) if( n == "vcov" ) { tol <- 5e-1 } else if( n == "estimate" ) { tol <- 5e-2 } else { tol <- 5e-3 } testRes <- all.equal( x[[ n ]], xSaved[[ n ]], tol = tol ) if( isTRUE( testRes ) ) { cat( " OK\n" ) } else { cat( " different\n" ) print( testRes ) cat( "new:\n" ) print( x[[ n ]] ) cat( "saved:\n" ) try( print( xSaved[[ n ]] ) ) } } } } for( mName in c( "Coef", "CoefNoLs", "Vcov", "VcovNoLs", "CoefSum", "CoefSumNoLs", "LogLik", "Nobs", "ExtractAIC" ) ) { if( mName == "Vcov" & objName == "randEffOnlyInt" ) { next } cat( " comparing method '", mName, "' ...", sep = "" ) tol <- 5e-3 if( mName == "Coef" ) { xm <- coef( x ) tol <- 5e-2 } else if( mName == "CoefNoLs" ) { xm <- coef( x, logSigma = FALSE ) tol <- 5e-2 } else if( mName == "Vcov" ) { xm <- vcov( x ) tol <- 5e-1 } else if( mName == "VcovNoLs" ) { xm <- vcov( x, logSigma = FALSE ) tol <- 5e-1 } else if( mName == "CoefSum" ) { xm <- coef( summary( x ) ) tol <- 5e-2 } else if( mName == "CoefSumNoLs" ) { xm <- coef( summary( x ), logSigma = FALSE ) tol <- 5e-2 } else if( mName == "LogLik" ) { xm <- logLik( x ) } else if( mName == "Nobs" ) { xm <- nobs( x ) } else if( mName == "ExtractAIC" ) { xm <- extractAIC( x ) } else { stop( "unknown value of 'mName': ", mName ) } methodObjName <- paste0( objName, mName ) if( !exists( methodObjName, envir = saved, inherits = FALSE ) ) { cat( " previously saved object not found\n" ) } else { xmSaved <- get( methodObjName, envir = saved, inherits = FALSE ) testRes <- all.equal( xm, xmSaved, tol = tol ) if( isTRUE( testRes ) ) { cat( " OK\n" ) } else { cat( " different\n" ) print( testRes ) cat( "new:\n" ) print( xm ) cat( "saved:\n" ) print( xmSaved ) } } # assign to parent frame so that it will be included in the saved workspace assign( methodObjName, xm, envir = parent.frame() ) } if( what %in% c( "print", "methods", "all" ) ) { print( x, digits = 1 ) print( x, logSigma = FALSE , digits = 1 ) print( maxLik:::summary.maxLik( x ), digits = 1 ) print( summary( x ), digits = 1 ) print( summary( x ), logSigma = FALSE , digits = 1 ) } if( what %in% c( "methods", "all" ) ) { print( round( coef( x ), 2 ) ) print( round( coef( x, logSigma = FALSE ), 2 ) ) print( round( vcov( x ), 2 ) ) print( round( vcov( x, logSigma = FALSE ), 2 ) ) print( round( coef( summary( x ) ), 2 ) ) print( round( coef( summary( x ), logSigma = FALSE ), 2 ) ) try( margEff( x ) ) print( logLik( x ) ) print( nobs( x ) ) print( extractAIC( x ) ) } if( what == "all" ) { for( n in names( x ) ) { cat( "$", n, "\n", sep = "" ) if( n %in% c( "estimate", "gradientObs" ) ) { print( round( x[[ n ]], 2 ) ) } else if( n %in% c( "hessian" ) ) { print( round( x[[ n ]], 1 ) ) } else if( n %in% c( "gradient" ) ) { } else if( ! n %in% c( "last.step" ) ) { print( x[[ n ]] ) } cat( "\n" ) } cat( "class\n" ) print( class( x ) ) } } nId <- 15 nTime <- 4 set.seed( 123 ) pData <- data.frame( id = rep( paste( "F", 1:nId, sep = "_" ), each = nTime ), time = rep( 1980 + 1:nTime, nId ) ) pData$ui <- rep( rnorm( nId ), each = nTime ) pData$x1 <- rnorm( nId * nTime ) pData$x2 <- runif( nId * nTime ) pData$ys <- -1 + pData$ui + 2 * pData$x1 + 3 * pData$x2 + rnorm( nId * nTime ) pData$y <- ifelse( pData$ys > 0, pData$ys, 0 ) nData <- pData # save data set without information on panel structure pData <- pdata.frame( pData, c( "id", "time" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ## Newton-Raphson method randEff <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData ) printAll( "randEff" ) try( margEff( randEff ) ) # only intercept randEffOnlyInt <- censReg( y ~ 1, data = pData ) printAll( "randEffOnlyInt", what = "diff" ) # no intercept randEffNoInt <- censReg( y ~ x1 -1, data = pData ) printAll( "randEffNoInt" ) # neither intercept nor explanatory variables try( censReg( y ~ -1, data = pData ) ) ## BHHH method randEffBhhh <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, method = "BHHH" ) printAll( "randEffBhhh" ) ## BFGS method (optim) randEffBfgs <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, method = "BFGS" ) printAll( "randEffBfgs" ) ## BFGS method (R) randEffBfgsr <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, method = "BFGSR" ) printAll( "randEffBfgsr", what = "none" ) ## BHHH with starting values randEffBhhhStart <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, method = "BHHH", start = c( -0.4, 1.7, 2.2, -0.1, -0.01 ) ) printAll( "randEffBhhhStart" ) ## left-censoring at 5 pData$yAdd <- pData$y + 5 randEffAdd <- censReg( yAdd ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, left = 5 ) printAll( "randEffAdd" ) ## right-censoring pData$yNeg <- - pData$y randEffNeg <- censReg( yNeg ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, left = -Inf, right = 0 ) printAll( "randEffNeg" ) ## right-censoring at -5 pData$yAddNeg <- - pData$yAdd randEffAddNeg <- censReg( yAddNeg ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, left = -Inf, right = -5 ) printAll( "randEffAddNeg" ) ## both right and left censoring pData$yBoth <- ifelse( pData$y < 3, pData$y, 3 ) randEffBoth <- censReg( yBoth ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, left = 0, right = 3 ) printAll( "randEffBoth" ) ## re-order observations/individuals set.seed( 234 ) perm <- sample( nId ) nData2 <- nData nData2$id <- NA for( i in 1:nId ) { nData2$id[ nData$id == paste( "F", i, sep = "_" ) ] <- paste( "G", perm[ i ], sep = "_" ) } pData2 <- pdata.frame( nData2, c( "id", "time" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) randEff2 <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData2 ) all.equal( randEff2[ -c(3,5,6,7,9,11,15) ], randEff[ -c(3,5,6,7,9,11,15) ], tolerance = 1e-2 ) # check if the order of observations/individuals influences the likelihood values d1c1 <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, start = coef(randEff), iterlim = 0 ) all.equal( d1c1[-c(5,6,7,9,12,15,19)], randEff[-c(5,6,7,9,12,15,19)] ) round( d1c1$maximum - randEff$maximum, 12 ) d2c2 <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData2, start = coef(randEff2), iterlim = 0 ) all.equal( d2c2[-c(5,6,7,9,12,15,19)], randEff2[-c(5,6,7,9,12,15,19)] ) round( d2c2$maximum - randEff2$maximum, 12 ) d1c2 <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, start = coef(randEff2), iterlim = 0 ) round( d2c2$maximum - d1c2$maximum, 12 ) round( d2c2$gradient - d1c2$gradient, 12 ) d2c1 <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData2, start = coef(randEff), iterlim = 0 ) round( d1c1$maximum - d2c1$maximum, 12 ) round( d1c1$gradient - d2c1$gradient, 12 ) round( d2c2$maximum - d2c1$maximum, 3 ) round( d1c1$maximum - d1c2$maximum, 3 ) d1cS <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, start = randEff$start, iterlim = 0 ) d2cS <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData2, start = randEff$start, iterlim = 0 ) round( d1cS$maximum - d2cS$maximum, 12 ) round( d1cS$gradient - d2cS$gradient, 12 ) ## unbalanced panel data nDataUnb <- nData[ -c( 2, 5, 6, 8 ), ] pDataUnb <- pdata.frame( nDataUnb, c( "id", "time" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) randEffUnb <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pDataUnb ) printAll( "randEffUnb" ) ## NAs in data pDataNa <- pData obsNa <- which( ! rownames( pData ) %in% rownames( pDataUnb ) ) pDataNa$y[ obsNa[ 1:2 ] ] <- NA pDataNa$x1[ obsNa[ 3 ] ] <- NA pDataNa$x2[ obsNa[ c( 1, 2, 4 ) ] ] <- NA randEffNa <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pDataNa ) all.equal( randEffNa[ -15 ], randEffUnb[ -15 ] ) # returning log-likelihood contributions only (no estimations) logLikRandEff <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, start = coef( randEff ), logLikOnly = TRUE ) print( logLikRandEff, digits = 1 ) all.equal( sum( logLikRandEff ), c( logLik( randEff ) ) ) logLikStart <- censReg( y ~ x1 + x2, data = pData, start = c( -0.4, 1.7, 2.2, -0.1, -0.01 ), logLikOnly = TRUE ) print( round( c( logLikStart ), 3 ) ) print( round( attr( logLikStart, "gradient" ), 2 ) ) # save all objectives that were produced in this script # (in order to compare them with objects created by this script in the future) rm( saved ) save.image( "censRegPanelTest.RData" )