describe("get_filter works",{ it("parses a value",{ x <- get_filter(RegioS = "NL01") expect_equal(x, "(RegioS eq 'NL01')") }) it("parses values",{ x <- get_filter(RegioS = c("NL01 ", "GM0003")) expect_equal(x, "(RegioS eq 'NL01 ' or RegioS eq 'GM0003')") }) it("parses has_substring",{ x <- get_filter(Perioden = has_substring("KW")) expect_equal(x, "(substringof('KW', Perioden))") }) it("parses has_substring with multiple substrings",{ x <- get_filter(Perioden = has_substring(c("KW", "JJ"))) expect_equal(x, "(substringof('KW', Perioden) or substringof('JJ', Perioden))") }) it("parses has_substring and eq",{ x <- get_filter(Perioden = has_substring("KW") | eq("2019JJ00")) expect_equal(x, "(substringof('KW', Perioden) or Perioden eq '2019JJ00')") }) it("parses multiple columns",{ x <- get_filter(Perioden = has_substring("KW"), RegioS = c("NL01 ", "GM0003")) expect_equal(x, "(substringof('KW', Perioden)) and (RegioS eq 'NL01 ' or RegioS eq 'GM0003')") }) })