data("trans", package = "cat2cat") data("occup", package = "cat2cat") # Split the panel dataset to separate years occup_2006 <- occup[occup$year == 2006, ] occup_2008 <- occup_old <- occup[occup$year == 2008, ] occup_2010 <- occup_new <- occup[occup$year == 2010, ] occup_2012 <- occup[occup$year == 2012, ] occup_simple_backward <- cat2cat::cat2cat( data = list( old = occup_old, new = occup_new, cat_var = "code", time_var = "year" ), mappings = list( trans = trans, direction = "backward" ) ) testthat::test_that("Simple cat2cat example - two periods - backward", { testthat::expect_true(all(names(occup_simple_backward) %in% c("old", "new"))) testthat::expect_true($old)) testthat::expect_true($new)) }) # Adding the dummy level to the mapping table for levels without the candidate # The best to fill them manually with proper candidates, if possible trans2 <- rbind(trans, data.frame( old = "no_cat", new = setdiff(occup_new$code, trans$new) )) # Forward mapping for the case with two periods occup_simple_forward <- cat2cat::cat2cat( data = list( old = occup_old, new = occup_new, cat_var = "code", time_var = "year" ), mappings = list( trans = trans2, direction = "forward" ) ) testthat::test_that("Simple cat2cat example - two periods - forward", { testthat::expect_true(all(names(occup_simple_forward) %in% c("old", "new"))) testthat::expect_true($old)) testthat::expect_true($new)) }) testthat::test_that("Table with number of replications for both mapping directions", { # Build number of observations before and after unification table res <- data.frame( `before_mapping` = c(nrow(occup_old), nrow(occup_new)), `after_mapping` = c( paste0( nrow(occup_simple_backward$old), " (nonzero ", sum(occup_simple_backward$old$wei_freq_c2c > 0), ")" ), paste0( nrow(occup_simple_forward$new), " (nonzero ", sum(occup_simple_forward$new$wei_freq_c2c > 0), ")" ) ) ) rownames(res) <- c("old (backward)", "new (forward)") res_tab <- knitr::kable( res, "latex", caption = "Number of observations before and after unification." ) testthat::expect_identical( res_tab, structure( "\\begin{table}\n\n\\caption{Number of observations before and after unification.}\n\\centering\n\\begin{tabular}[t]{l|r|l}\n\\hline\n & before\\_mapping & after\\_mapping\\\\\n\\hline\nold (backward) & 17223 & 227662 (nonzero 163262)\\\\\n\\hline\nnew (forward) & 17323 & 18680 (nonzero 18517)\\\\\n\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\\end{table}", format = "latex", class = "knitr_kable" ) ) }) # Set the seed as e.g., randomForest is used set.seed(1234) # Statistical models setup # It could be shared for different iterations for this scenario ml_setup <- list( data = rbind(occup_2010, occup_2012), cat_var = "code", method = c("knn", "rf"), features = c("age", "sex", "edu", "exp", "parttime", "salary"), args = list(k = 10) ) # Use the cat2cat procedure to map 2010 to 2008 occup_back_2008_2010 <- cat2cat::cat2cat( data = list( old = occup_2008, new = occup_2010, cat_var = "code", time_var = "year" ), mappings = list(trans = trans, direction = "backward"), ml = ml_setup ) # Use the cat2cat procedure to map 2008 to 2006 occup_back_2006_2008 <- cat2cat::cat2cat( data = list( old = occup_2006, new = occup_back_2008_2010$old, cat_var_new = "g_new_c2c", cat_var_old = "code", time_var = "year" ), mappings = list(trans = trans, direction = "backward"), ml = ml_setup ) # Select a proper dataset for each year o_2006 <- occup_back_2006_2008$old o_2008 <- occup_back_2008_2010$old # or occup_back_2006_2008$new o_2010 <- occup_back_2008_2010$new # Add default cat2cat procedure columns to not processed dataset o_2012 <- cat2cat::dummy_c2c(occup_2012, cat_var = "code", ml = c("knn", "rf")) # Combine datasets final_data_back_ml <-, list(o_2006, o_2008, o_2010, o_2012)) testthat::test_that("Backward mapping, with four periods, one mapping table, and ml models", { testthat::expect_true( testthat::expect_identical( dim(final_data_back_ml), c(475543L, 19L) ) testthat::expect_identical( colnames(final_data_back_ml), c( "id", "age", "sex", "edu", "exp", "district", "parttime", "salary", "code", "multiplier", "year", "code4", "index_c2c", "g_new_c2c", "wei_freq_c2c", "rep_c2c", "wei_naive_c2c", "wei_knn_c2c", "wei_rf_c2c" ) ) }) testthat::test_that("Correlations between ml methods", { corr_separate <- dplyr::filter( dplyr::do( dplyr::select( dplyr::select( dplyr::group_by( dplyr::filter(final_data_back_ml, rep_c2c >= 10), index_c2c ), matches("wei.*c2c") ), -wei_naive_c2c ), corr = tryCatch( cor(.[, -1]), error = function(e) NA, warning = function(w) NA ) ), !any( ) corr_table <- Reduce("+", corr_separate$corr) / length(corr_separate$corr) testthat::expect_true(inherits(corr_table, "matrix")) testthat::expect_equal(dim(corr_table), c(3L, 3L)) }) testthat::test_that("Counts for a few random levels in the unified variable over time", { data_count_plot <- cat2cat::prune_c2c(df = final_data_back_ml) data_count_plot2 <- dplyr::summarise_all( dplyr::group_by( dplyr::select( dplyr::mutate( dplyr::filter( data_count_plot, g_new_c2c %in% c("261102", "325502", "352111") ), g_new_c2c_nams = forcats::fct_recode( g_new_c2c, `OHS Inspector` = "325502", `Sound Engineer` = "352111", `Prosecutor` = "261102" ) ), "wei_freq_c2c", "wei_rf_c2c", "year", "g_new_c2c_nams", -"g_new_c2c" ), g_new_c2c_nams, year ), sum ) # Build counts across a 3 random categories table counts_base <- tidyr::pivot_wider( data_count_plot2, names_from = "year", values_from = c("wei_freq_c2c", "wei_rf_c2c"), names_sep = " " ) res_tab <- dplyr::select( counts_base, g_new_c2c_nams, `rf 2006` = `wei_rf_c2c 2006`, `freq 2006` = `wei_freq_c2c 2006`, `rf 2008` = `wei_rf_c2c 2008`, `freq 2008` = `wei_freq_c2c 2008`, `2010` = `wei_rf_c2c 2010`, `2012` = `wei_rf_c2c 2012` ) testthat::expect_true(inherits(res_tab, "data.frame")) testthat::expect_equal(dim(res_tab), c(3L, 7L)) }) # Mincerian-like regression formula formula_micer <- I(log(salary)) ~ sex + parttime + edu + exp + I(exp**2) testthat::test_that("Regression - neutral impact of the unified variable", { # Fit a weighted linear regression on replicated lms_replicated <- lm( formula = formula_micer, data = final_data_back_ml, weights = multiplier * wei_freq_c2c ) # Adjust size of stds as the replication process enlarges degrees of freedom lms_replicated$df.residual <- nrow(occup) - length(lms_replicated$assign) # Fit a linear regression on original dataset lms_original <- lm( formula = formula_micer, data = occup, weights = multiplier ) summary_replicated <- suppressWarnings(summary(lms_replicated)) summary_original <- summary(lms_original) testthat::expect_equal(summary_replicated$coefficients, summary_original$coefficients) testthat::expect_equal(summary_replicated$r.squared, summary_original$r.squared) }) testthat::test_that("Regression for each level in the unified variable", { # Separate regression for each occupational group under newest classification regression_sep <- dplyr::filter( dplyr::do( dplyr::filter( dplyr::mutate( dplyr::group_by( cat2cat::prune_c2c(df = final_data_back_ml, method = "nonzero"), g_new_c2c ), n = dplyr::n() ), n >= 30 ), lm = tryCatch( lm(formula_micer, .data, weights = multiplier * wei_freq_c2c), error = function(e) NULL ) ), !is.null(lm) ) # Regression results for the first group summary_group <- summary(regression_sep$lm[[1]]) testthat::expect_equal( round(summary_group$coefficients, 2), structure( c( 9.5, 0.52, 1.87, -0.25, 0, 0, 0.46, 0.1, 0.5, 0.07, 0.02, 0, 20.63, 5.17, 3.77, -3.55, 0.08, 0.29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.94, 0.77 ), dim = c(6L, 4L), dimnames = list( c("(Intercept)", "sexTRUE", "parttime", "edu", "exp", "I(exp^2)"), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)") ) ) ) })