context("plot.singleEventCB") set.seed(12345) # CRAN skip atlas check fix testthat::skip_if(grepl(pattern = "atlas", sessionInfo()$BLAS, = TRUE)) # Uncomment next line to skip tests in non-interactive session skip_if_not_installed("glmnet") skip_if_not_installed("gbm") skip_if_not_installed("splines") skip_if_not_installed("visreg") library(splines) library(visreg) data("simdat") data("brcancer") mod_glm <- casebase::fitSmoothHazard(status ~ trt + ns(log(eventtime), df = 3) + trt:ns(log(eventtime), df = 1), time = "eventtime", data = simdat[sample(nrow(simdat), size = 200), ], ratio = 1, family = "glm") mod_brcancer <- fitSmoothHazard(cens ~ ns(time, df = 3) * tgrade, data = brcancer, time = "time") test_that("no error in plot method for singleEventCB objects - hazard function", { outglm <- try(plot(mod_glm, hazard.params = list(xvar = "eventtime", by = "trt", alpha = 0.05, ylab = "Hazard")), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(outglm, "try-error")) }) test_that("no error in plot method for singleEventCB objects - hazard ratio with and without confidence interval", { newtime <- quantile(mod_glm[["originalData"]][[mod_glm[["timeVar"]]]], probs = seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01)) # reference category newdata <- data.frame(trt = 0, eventtime = newtime) # check for correctly specified var and exposed args expect_error(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, increment = 1, xvar = "eventtime", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE)) # var not found in newdata expect_error(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, var = "treatment", increment = 1, xvar = "eventtime", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE)) # exposed takes priority expect_warning(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, exposed = function(data) transform(data, trt = 1), var = "treatment", increment = 1, xvar = "eventtime", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE)) # exposed isnt a function and var not found in newdata expect_error(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, exposed = transform(newdata, trt = 1), var = "treatment", increment = 1, xvar = "eventtime", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE)) # exposed isnt a function. use var in newdata expect_warning(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, exposed = transform(newdata, trt = 1), var = "trt", increment = 1, xvar = "eventtime", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE)) # check that supplying only one row to newdata works # and that the dataset is returned invisibly expect_invisible(plot(mod_brcancer, type = "hr", newdata = brcancer[1, ], var = "tgrade", increment = 1, xvar = "time", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE)) # check that supplying only one row to newdata works # and that the dataset is returned invisibly expect_invisible(plot(mod_brcancer, type = "hr", newdata = brcancer[1, ], var = "tgrade", increment = 1, xvar = "time", ci = FALSE, rug = TRUE, cex = 5)) # check that supplying only one row to newdata works # and that the dataset is returned invisibly # when CI=F and other plot params are passed to ... expect_invisible(plot(mod_brcancer, type = "hr", newdata = brcancer[1, ], var = "tgrade", increment = 1, xvar = "time", ci = FALSE, rug = TRUE, cex = 5, pch = 22) ) outglm_hr <- try(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, var = "trt", increment = 1, xvar = "eventtime", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE), silent = TRUE) outglm_hr_noci <- try(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, var = "trt", increment = 1, xvar = "eventtime", ci = FALSE, rug = TRUE), silent = TRUE) # using the exposed argument instead outglm_hr_exposed <- try(plot(mod_glm, type = "hr", newdata = newdata, exposed = function(data) transform(data, trt = 1), xvar = "eventtime", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(outglm_hr, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(outglm_hr_noci, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(outglm_hr_exposed, "try-error")) }) library(data.table) mod_brcancer2 <- fitSmoothHazard(cens ~ ns(time, df = 3) * tgrade, data =, time = "time") test_that("make sure the data is returned by plot.singleEventCB", { plot1 <- plot(mod_brcancer, type = "hr", newdata = brcancer[1, ], var = "tgrade", increment = 1, xvar = "time", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE) plot2 <- plot(mod_brcancer2, type = "hr", newdata =[1, ]), var = "tgrade", increment = 1, xvar = "time", ci = TRUE, rug = TRUE) expect_true(inherits(plot1, "data.frame")) expect_true(inherits(plot2, "data.frame")) })