context("Confidence intervals") set.seed(12345) # CRAN skip atlas check fix testthat::skip_if(grepl(pattern = "atlas", sessionInfo()$BLAS, = TRUE)) # Handling warning messages coming from montecarlo integration handler_validmc <- function(msg) { if (any(grepl("out of range", msg))) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } # Setup dataset---- n <- 50 alp <- 0.05 lambda_t0 <- 1 lambda_t1 <- 3 times <- c(rexp(n = n, rate = lambda_t0), rexp(n = n, rate = lambda_t1)) censor <- rexp(n = 2 * n, rate = -log(alp)) times_c <- pmin(times, censor) event_c <- 1 * (times < censor) DF <- data.frame("ftime" = times_c, "event" = event_c, "Z" = c(rep(0, n), rep(1, n))) DT <- data.table("ftime" = times_c, "event" = event_c, "Z" = c(rep(0, n), rep(1, n))) fitDF <- fitSmoothHazard(event ~ Z, data = DF, time = "ftime", ratio = 10) fitDT <- fitSmoothHazard(event ~ Z, data = DT, time = "ftime", ratio = 10) # Start tests---- absDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DF[1, ]) absDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DT[1, ]) test_that("no error in confint with one covariate profile", { foo1 <- try(confint(absDF, fitDF, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) foo2 <- try(confint(absDT, fitDT, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error")) }) absDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DF[c(1, n+1), ]) absDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = DT[c(1, n+1), ]) test_that("no error in confint with two covariate profiles", { foo1 <- try(confint(absDF, fitDF, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) foo2 <- try(confint(absDT, fitDT, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error")) }) absDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1) absDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1) test_that("no error in confint without newdata", { foo1 <- try(confint(absDF, fitDF, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) foo2 <- try(confint(absDT, fitDT, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error")) }) absDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = "typical") absDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = 1, newdata = "typical") test_that("no error in confint with typical profile", { foo1 <- try(confint(absDF, fitDF, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) foo2 <- try(confint(absDT, fitDT, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error")) }) absDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(1, 2), newdata = DF[1, ]) absDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(1, 2), newdata = DT[1, ]) test_that("no error in confint with one covariate profile + 2 time points", { foo1 <- try(confint(absDF, fitDF, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) foo2 <- try(confint(absDT, fitDT, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error")) }) absDF <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(1, 2), newdata = DF[c(1, n+1), ]) absDT <- absoluteRisk(fitDF, time = c(1, 2), newdata = DT[c(1, n+1), ]) test_that("no error in confint with two covariate profiles + 2 time points", { foo1 <- try(confint(absDF, fitDF, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) foo2 <- try(confint(absDT, fitDT, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) expect_false(inherits(foo2, "try-error")) }) # With splines testthat::skip_if_not_installed("splines") n <- 100 alp <- 0.05 lambda_t0 <- 1 lambda_t1 <- 3 times <- c(rexp(n = n, rate = lambda_t0), rexp(n = n, rate = lambda_t1)) censor <- rexp(n = 2 * n, rate = -log(alp)) times_c <- pmin(times, censor) event_c <- 1 * (times < censor) DF <- data.frame("ftime" = times_c, "event" = event_c, "Z" = c(rep(0, n), rep(1, n)), "X2" = rnorm(2*n)) library(splines) fit_obj <- fitSmoothHazard(event ~ Z*bs(X2), data = DF, time = "ftime", ratio = 10) times_for_absrisk <- seq(min(DF$ftime), max(DF$ftime), length.out = 50) abs_obj <- absoluteRisk(fit_obj, time = times_for_absrisk, newdata = DF[1, ], method = "numerical") test_that("no error in confint when using splines", { foo1 <- try(confint(abs_obj, fit_obj, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) }) # Extrapolate times_for_absrisk <- seq(min(DF$ftime), 2*max(DF$ftime), length.out = 50) abs_obj <- absoluteRisk(fit_obj, time = times_for_absrisk, newdata = DF[1, ], method = "numerical") test_that("no error in confint when extrapolating", { foo1 <- try(confint(abs_obj, fit_obj, nboot = 10), silent = TRUE) expect_false(inherits(foo1, "try-error")) })