skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("broom.helpers", "withr", "survey", "survival"), reference_pkg = "cardx")) test_that("construct_model() works", { expect_snapshot( construct_model( data = mtcars |> dplyr::rename(`M P G` = mpg, `c/yl` = cyl), formula = reformulate2(c("M P G", "c/yl"), response = "hp"), method = "lm" ) |> ard_regression() |> |> dplyr::filter(stat_name %in% c("term", "estimate")) ) expect_equal( mtcars[c("mpg", "hp", "vs")] |> dplyr::rename(`M P G` = mpg, `h\np` = hp) |> names() |> bt(), c("`M P G`", "`h\np`", "vs") ) expect_equal( bt_strip(c("`complex variable name`", "east_variable_name")), c("complex variable name", "east_variable_name") ) expect_equal( bt("`a b`"), "`a b`" ) expect_error( check_not_namespaced("geepack::geeglm"), "cannot be namespaced" ) # styler: off expect_error({ outside_fun <- function() .as_list_of_exprs(x = !!expr(list())) outside_fun()}, NA ) expect_equal({ outside_fun <- function() { construct_model( mtcars, formula = mpg ~ cyl, method = "lm", method.args = !!expr(list()) ) |> coef() } outside_fun()}, lm(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars) |> coef() ) # styler: on # test function works when passing a function in `method=` expect_equal( construct_model( data = mtcars, method = lm, formula = mpg ~ cyl + am ) |> ard_regression(), lm(mpg ~ cyl + am, mtcars) |> ard_regression() ) # test function works when passing a namespaced function in `method=` expect_equal( construct_model( data = mtcars, method = survival::coxph, formula = survival::Surv(mpg, am) ~ cyl ) |> ard_regression(), survival::coxph(survival::Surv(mpg, am) ~ cyl, mtcars) |> ard_regression() ) # now the survey method ------- # styler: off expect_equal({ data(api, package = "survey") # stratified sample survey::svydesign(id = ~1, strata = ~stype, weights = ~pw, data = apistrat, fpc = ~fpc) |> construct_model(formula = api00 ~ api99, method = "svyglm") |> ard_regression() |> cards::get_ard_statistics(stat_name %in% "estimate")}, survey::svyglm( api00 ~ api99, design = survey::svydesign(id = ~1, strata = ~stype, weights = ~pw, data = apistrat, fpc = ~fpc) ) |> coef() |> getElement(2L) |> list(estimate = _) ) # styler: on }) test_that("construct_model() messaging", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, construct_model( data = mtcars, method = "survival::coxph", formula = survival::Surv(mpg, am) ~ cyl ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, construct_model( data = mtcars, method = letters, formula = am ~ cyl ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, construct_model( data = mtcars, method = "glm", formula = am ~ cyl, method.args = list(iamnotavalidparameter = "binomial") ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, construct_model( data = mtcars, method = glm, formula = am ~ cyl, method.args = list(iamnotavalidparameter = "binomial") ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, { data(api, package = "survey") design <- survey::svydesign(id = ~1, weights = ~pw, data = apistrat) construct_model( data = design, formula = api00 ~ api99, method = "svyglm", method.args = list(iamnotavalidparameter = stats::gaussian()), package = "survey" ) } ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, { data(api, package = "survey") design <- survey::svydesign(id = ~1, weights = ~pw, data = apistrat) construct_model( data = design, formula = api00 ~ api99, method = "svyglm", method.args = list(iamnotavalidparameter = stats::gaussian()) ) } ) })