library(carbonr) # Load the dataset or create a dummy dataset for testing #data(cpi_data) # Start writing tests using testthat syntax test_that("check_CPI returns correct jurisdictions", { # Test for check_CPI() without specifying jurisdiction result <- check_CPI() expected_result <- unique(cpi_data$Jurisdiction) expect_equal(result, expected_result) }) test_that("check_CPI returns correct years", { # Test for check_CPI() with jurisdiction specified result <- check_CPI(jurisdiction = "United Kingdom") expected_result <- unique(cpi_data %>% dplyr::filter(Jurisdiction == "United Kingdom") %>% dplyr::pull(Year)) expect_equal(result, expected_result) }) test_that("check_CPI returns correct years and periods", { # Test for check_CPI() with jurisdiction and period specified result <- check_CPI(jurisdiction = "Germany", period = TRUE) expected_result <- cpi_data %>% dplyr::filter(Jurisdiction == "Germany") %>% dplyr::select(Period, Year) expect_equal(result, expected_result) })