context("test get pairs for pairscan") library(here) library(doParallel) # test that requires sourcing the files under test pkg_path <- here("R") for (f in list.files(pkg_path)) { source(file.path(pkg_path, f)) } #This example finds marker pairs to test in a randomly #generated genotype matrix possible_genotypes <- c(0, 0.5, 1) genotype_matrix <- matrix(sample(possible_genotypes, 1000, replace = TRUE), nrow = 100, ncol = 10) colnames(genotype_matrix) <- paste("marker", letters[1:10], sep = "_") pairs_which <- get_pairs_for_pairscan(genotype_matrix, min_per_genotype = 6, verbose = TRUE) test_that("test that there are no self pairs", { len <- length(pairs_which[pairs_which[, "marker1"] == pairs_which[, "marker2"]]) expect_equal(0, len) }) test_that("test that the result set size is correct", { expect_lt(10, dim(pairs_which)[1]) expect_equal(2, dim(pairs_which)[2]) })