context("test CAPE class") library(here) pkg_path <- here("R") for (f in list.files(pkg_path)) { source(file.path(pkg_path, f)) } test_data_path <- here("tests/testthat/testdata/demo_qtl_data") params_data_path <- here("demo/demo_qtl") file_name <- file.path(test_data_path, "NON_NZO_Reifsnyder_pgm_CAPE_num.csv") param_file <- file.path(params_data_path, "NON_NZO.parameters.yml") results_path <- file.path("results") dir.create(results_path, showWarnings = FALSE) cross <- read_population(file_name) cross_obj <- cape2mpp(cross) geno_obj <- cross_obj$geno_obj$geno data_obj <- Cape$new( parameter_file = param_file, results_path = results_path, pheno = cross_obj$data_obj$pheno, chromosome = cross_obj$data_obj$chromosome, marker_num = cross_obj$data_obj$marker_num, marker_location = cross_obj$data_obj$marker_location, geno_names = dimnames(geno_obj), geno = geno_obj ) test_that("test that the pheno matrix is right", { expect_equal(208, dim(data_obj$pheno)[1]) }) # change the reference allele, and check the change test_that("check setting the ref_allele", { data_obj$ref_allele <- "B" expect_equal("B", data_obj$ref_allele) }) # check that setting the wrong type throws and error # test_that("throw error on bad type", { # expect_error(cp$ref_allele <- c(1,2,3)) # })