context("canvasXpress Web Charts - Oncoprint") #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTES: # In oncoprint plots, the selection/deselection of legends is linked # to a custom logic of selecting/deselecting series in the plot. # i.e, It may not be possible to hide or unhide a series by toggling # the state of corresponding legend. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("cXoncoprint1", { check_ui_test(cXoncoprint1()) }) test_that("cXoncoprint2", { check_ui_test(cXoncoprint2()) }) test_that("cXoncoprint3", { check_ui_test(cXoncoprint3()) }) test_that("cXoncoprint4", { if (interactive()) { check_ui_test(cXoncoprint4()) warning("The values on Tooltips are different from web. In the R version, there are NaN values while the web has zeroes. ", "This is due to the differences in the underlying data") } else { message("Non-interactive oncoprint-4 test skipped") } })