context("canvasXpress Web Charts - Bar") test_that("cXbar1", { check_ui_test(cXbar1()) }) test_that("cXbar2", { check_ui_test(cXbar2()) }) test_that("cXbar3", { check_ui_test(cXbar3()) }) test_that("cXbar4", { check_ui_test(cXbar4()) }) test_that("cXbar5", { check_ui_test(cXbar5()) warning("Inconsistent Tooltip: for Setosa/Sepal.Length dots, sometimes the second number is in scientific format") }) test_that("cXbar6", { check_ui_test(cXbar6()) }) test_that("cXbar7", { check_ui_test(cXbar7()) }) test_that("cXbar8", { check_ui_test(cXbar8()) }) test_that("cXbar9", { check_ui_test(cXbar9()) }) test_that("cXbar10", { check_ui_test(cXbar10()) }) test_that("cXbar11", { check_ui_test(cXbar11()) }) test_that("cXbar12", { check_ui_test(cXbar12()) warning("Durable overlay looks different in R than on the CX website, test is missing the following parm: smpOverlayProperties=list('Durable' = list(type='Boolean'))") }) test_that("cXbar13", { check_ui_test(cXbar13()) warning("Durable overlay looks different in R than on the CX website, test is missing the following in smpOverlayProperties: 'Durable' = list(type='Boolean')") }) test_that("cXbar14", { # check_ui_test(cXbar14()) }) test_that("cXbar15", { check_ui_test(cXbar15()) }) test_that("cXbar16", { check_ui_test(cXbar16()) })