context("canvasXpress Charts - Segregation Titles") test_that("segregation xAxis2Title", { tryCatch({ y <- read.table("", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", row.names = 1, fill = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) x <- read.table("", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", row.names = 1, fill = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }, error = function(e) { skip('Unable to read data files') }) result <- canvasXpress(data = y, smpAnnot = x, graphOrientation = "horizontal", graphType = "Boxplot", colorBy = "supp", groupingFactors = list("dose"), segregateSamplesBy = list("supp"), showBoxplotOriginalData = TRUE, showLegend = TRUE, legendPosition = "bottom", smpLabelRotate = 90, smpTitle = "dose", title = "xAxis2 title and legend should be readable", xAxis2Show = TRUE, xAxisTitle = "len", xAxis2Title = "xAxis2 Custom title") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("segregation smpTitle", { tryCatch({ y <- read.table("", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", row.names = 1, fill = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) x <- read.table("", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", row.names = 1, fill = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }, error = function(e) { skip('Unable to read data files') }) result <- canvasXpress(data = y, smpAnnot = x, graphOrientation = "vertical", graphType = "Boxplot", colorBy = "supp", groupingFactors = list("dose"), segregateSamplesBy = list("supp"), showBoxplotOriginalData = TRUE, showLegend = TRUE, legendPosition = "bottom", smpLabelRotate = 90, title = "smpTitle and legend should be readable", xAxisTitle = "len", smpTitle = "smpTitle Custom title") check_ui_test(result) })