context("canvasXpress pipe support") skip_if_offline(host = "") test_that("piping - change graphType", { data <- data.frame(S1 = c(1,1,2,2,5,5), S2 = c(1,4,4,2,5,5), S3 = c(5,3,2,3,5,6), S4 = c(5,3,2,3,5,5)) obj1 <- canvasXpress(data = data, graphType = "Bar") check_ui_test(obj1) obj2 <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "Bar to Scatter2D", graphType = "Scatter2D") check_ui_test(obj2) obj3 <- obj2 %>% canvasXpress( title = "Scatter2D to Boxplot", graphType = "Boxplot") check_ui_test(obj3) }) test_that("piping - change events", { obj1 <- cXscatter2d13() check_ui_test(obj1) events <- JS("{ 'mousemove' : function(o, e, t) { if (o) { if (o.objectType == null) { t.showInfoSpan(e, '' + o.y.vars[0] + '
' + 'Some example event here' + '
' + 'Value:' +[0][0]); } else { t.showInfoSpan(e, o.display); }; };}}") result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "Piped custom events", events = events) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - change afterRender", { data <- data.frame(S1 = c(1,1,2,3), S2 = c(1,4,4,3), S3 = c(5,3,2,3)) boxplot <- canvasXpress(data = data, graphType = "Scatter2D") check_ui_test(boxplot) histogram1 <- boxplot %>% canvasXpress(title = "Scatter to histogram", afterRender = list(list("createHistogram"))) check_ui_test(histogram1) histogram2 <- histogram1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "Remove histogram", afterRender = NULL) check_ui_test(histogram2) }) test_that("piping - change width/height", { obj1 <- cXstacked1() check_ui_test(obj1) obj2 <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "changed height", height = 300) check_ui_test(obj2) warning("you will need to view this in full screen to see the difference") }) test_that("piping - change attributes for tojson", { # Change the attributes that affect json # skipping pretty because there won't be a visible change obj1 <- cXscatterbubble2d1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "one digit", digits = 1) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - invalid object", { obj1 <- cXboxplot14() obj1$x$data$y <- NULL result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "test") warning("The plot should be unavailable") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - attempted data changes", { # Piping to a different position error_msg <- "data cannot be NULL!" obj1 <- cXscatterbubble2d1() check_ui_test(obj1) expect_error(obj1 %>% canvasXpress(smpAnnot = .), regexp = error_msg) expect_error(obj1 %>% canvasXpress(varAnnot = .), regexp = error_msg) # Attempt to replace the data variables # Get two dataframes to use error_msg <- "Primary object data changes are not supported when modifying a canvasXpress object" y <- read.table("", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", row.names = 1, fill = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) x <- read.table("", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", row.names = 1, fill = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_error(cXdotplot4() %>% canvasXpress(smpAnnot = y), regexp = error_msg) expect_error(cXbarline3() %>% canvasXpress(varAnnot = x), regexp = error_msg) }) test_that("piping - area chart", { obj1 <- cXarea8() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "decoration lines, xAxisTickSize, shapeby", decorations = list(line = list(list(color = "rgba(205,0,0,0.5)", width = 2, x = 2000), list(color = "rgba(0,104,139,0.5)", width = 2, x = 2005))), xAxisTickSize = 2, shapeBy = "country") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - arealine chart", { obj1 <- cXarealine3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "subtitle text, smpLabelRotate = 90", subtitle = "changed", smpLabelRotate = 90) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - bar chart", { obj1 <- cXbar13() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "Smp label color, legendOrder", smpLabelColor = "red", legendOrder = list("Stage" = list("Stage4", "Stage2", "Stage1", "Stage3")) ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - barline chart", { obj1 <- cXbarline3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "groupSamples and only plot V2", groupSamples = list("Factor1"), xAxis = list("V2") ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - boxplot chart", { obj1 <- cXboxplot5() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove boxplotMean and smpTitle", boxplotMean = FALSE, smpTitle = NULL ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - bubble chart", { obj1 <- cXbubble3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "bubbleLabelLineType to line and bubbleOutlineColor", bubbleLabelLineType = "line", bubbleOutlineColor = "blue") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - chord chart", { obj1 <- cXchord2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "legendPosition and theme", legendPosition = "bottom", theme = "ggplot", ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - circular chart", { obj1 <- cXcircular1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "subtitle NULL, xAxisTitle, smpLabelInterval 40", subtitle = NULL, xAxisTitle = "changed", smpLabelInterval = 40) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - contour chart", { obj1 <- cXcontour2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "contourLevel, heatmapIndicator", showContourLevel = TRUE, showHeatmapIndicator = FALSE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - correlation chart", { obj1 <- cXcorrelation3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress(title = "correlationType to circle and remove correlationAnchorLegend", correlationAnchorLegend = NULL, correlationType = "circle") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - dashboard chart", { obj1 <- cXdashboard5() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "layout 2x1", layoutConfig = list(list(size = "2X1")) ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - density chart", { obj1 <- cXdensity10() check_ui_test(obj1) warning("remove segregateVariablesBy results in different color scheme than if you do it manually on the plot") result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove segregation", segregateVariablesBy = list() ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - donut chart", { obj1 <- cXdonnut2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "half circle and legendColumns 3", circularArc = 180, legendColumns = 3 ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - dotline chart", { obj1 <- cXdotline2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "add annotation to one point", decorations = list(marker = list(list(sample = "S3", variable = "V1", text = "Maybe an Outlier?", x = 0.39, y = 0.71))) ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - dotplot chart", { obj1 <- cXdotplot14() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "add jitter to points", jitter = TRUE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - facet chart", { obj1 <- cXfacet3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove segregation", afterRender = NULL) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - fish chart", { obj1 <- cXfish1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "modify fish shape and axis", fishShape = "polygon", fishAxis = list(0, 120)) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - gantt chart", { obj1 <- cXgantt3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "modify fish shape and axis", patternBy = "Indication") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - genome chart", { obj1 <- cXgenome4() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove ideogram (chromosome, first row)", showIdeogram = FALSE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - heatmap chart", { obj1 <- cXheatmap4() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "highlight cells", highlightSmp = list("S3", "S5", "S10", "S11"), highlightVar = list("V22", "V30", "V4")) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - hexplotbinplot chart", { obj1 <- cXhexplotbinplot2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change bins and shape to rectangle)", binplotBins = 20, binplotShape = "rectangle") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - histogram chart", { obj1 <- cXhistogram6() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change histogram bins and show path line", histogramBins = 10, showHistogramPath = TRUE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - kaplanmeier chart", { obj1 <- cXkaplanmeier3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change X axis label and legend inside plot", legendInside = TRUE, xAxisTitle = "CHANGED") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - layout chart", { obj1 <- cXlayout3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "fixed toolbar and resizable FALSE", toolbarType = "fixed", resizable = FALSE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - line chart", { obj1 <- cXline2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "zoomDisabled", zoomDisable = TRUE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - linearfit chart", { obj1 <- cXlinearfit2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove stringVariableFactors", stringVariableFactors = NULL) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - lollipop chart", { obj1 <- cXlollipop2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "lollipop circle filled and size of circle increased", barLollipopFactor = 2.5, barLollipopOpen = FALSE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - map chart", { obj1 <- cXmap2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove legend title and zoom in map", showLegendTitle = FALSE, mapConfig = list(zoom = 3) ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - meter chart", { obj1 <- cXmeter2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "add subtitle, change meter max and meter segments", meterMax = 100, subtitle = "subtitle added", meterSegments = list(25, 50, 75, 200)) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - network chart", { obj1 <- cXnetwork9() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change networkColaFlowLayoutAxis from y to x", networkColaFlowLayoutAxis = "x" ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - nonlinearfit chart", { obj1 <- cXnonlinearfit5() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change line color to blue", decorations = list(power = list(list(color = "blue"))) ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - oncoprint chart", { obj1 <- cXoncoprint2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove overlays", smpOverlays = NULL) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - parallelcoordinates chart", { obj1 <- cXparallelcoordinates1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change legend title to bold", legendTitle = "bold") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - pie chart", { obj1 <- cXpie1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "remove sample label and put segment labels outside chart", pieSegmentLabels = "outside", showPieSampleLabel = FALSE) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - radar chart", { obj1 <- cXradar1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "show 270 of the chart and add blue legend border color", circularArc = 270, legendKeyBackgroundBorderColor = "blue") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - ridgeline chart", { obj1 <- cXridgeline3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "show histogram and change xAxis grid to dashed", hideHistogram = FALSE, xAxisTickLineType = "dashed") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - sankey chart", { obj1 <- cXsankey4() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "Sankey with changed theme", theme = "stata") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - scatter2D chart", { obj1 <- cXscatter2d4() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "Histogram removed, legend side changed", xAxisHistogramShow = FALSE, legendPosition = "left") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - scatter3D chart", { obj1 <- cXscatter3d3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change colour scheme, select point and font", colorScheme = "Behance", fontName = "Courier", selectedDataPoints = list("V62")) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - scatterbubbl2D chart", { obj1 <- cXscatterbubble2d3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change theme and background", theme = "SpongeBob", backgroundType = "solid") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - splom chart", { obj1 <- cXsplom7() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change theme, legend position, and legend columns", theme = "KimPossible", legendPosition = "bottom", legendColumns = 3) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - stacked chart", { obj1 <- cXstacked5() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change graph orientation and axis label rotation", graphOrientation = "vertical", smpLabelRotate = 90) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - stackedline chart", { obj1 <- cXstackedline1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change colour scheme and italicize title/subtitle", colorScheme = "Blues", titleFontStyle = "italic", subtitleFontStyle = "italic") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - stackedpercent chart", { obj1 <- cXstackedpercent5() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change colour scheme and background", colorScheme = "Magma", backgroundType = "gradient") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - stackedpercentline chart", { obj1 <- cXstackedpercentline1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change grid line type, rotate x-axis labels, change theme", xAxisTickLineType = "dashed", smpLabelRotate = 90, theme = "solarized") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - sunburst chart", { obj1 <- cXsunburst2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change to different graph type", circularType = "bubble") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - tagcloud chart", { obj1 <- cXtagcloud1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change colour scheme and legend position", colorScheme = "SpongeBob", legendPosition = "bottom", legendColumns = 6 ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - tcga chart", { obj1 <- cXtcga8() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "changed y-axis and legend position", yAxisTitle = "changed", legendPosition = "bottom" ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - tree chart", { obj1 <- cXtree5() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change label colour and colour spectrum", smpLabelColor = "#60418c", afterRender = list( list( "modifyColorSpectrumByScheme", list("PuOr"), 1697141782953 ) ) ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - treemap chart", { obj1 <- cXtreemap3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change graph orientation, bold title, italic legend title", titleFontStyle = "bold", graphOrientation = "horizontal", legendTitleFontStyle = "italic" ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - upset chart", { obj1 <- cXupset2() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change font and theme", theme = "solarized", fontName = "Luminari" ) check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - venn chart", { obj1 <- cXvenn1() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "change font and theme", fontName = "Bradley Hand", theme = "solarized") check_ui_test(result) }) test_that("piping - waterfall chart", { obj1 <- cXwaterfall3() check_ui_test(obj1) result <- obj1 %>% canvasXpress( title = "changed grid line colour, bold font, colour scheme", axisTitleFontStyle = "bold", xAxisTickColor = "#471a1a", colorScheme = "PuBu") check_ui_test(result) })