library(testthat) context("Check warnings are displayed in some particular cases") source(paste0("", "testUtils.R")) test_that("Warnings displayed when model contains unknown statements (1)", { modelName <- "unknown_statement_hello" expect_warning(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName)), regexp="Model code contains unknown statements") }) test_that("Warnings displayed when model contains unknown statements (2)", { modelName <- "unknown_statement_illegal_variable_name" expect_warning(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName)), regexp="Model code contains unknown statements") }) test_that("Warnings displayed when no theta, omega and sigma.csv files", { modelName <- "unknown_statement_hello" expect_warning(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName)), regexp="No file 'theta.csv' could be found") expect_warning(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName)), regexp="No file 'omega.csv' could be found") expect_warning(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName)), regexp="No file 'sigma.csv' could be found") model <- suppressWarnings(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName))) mrgmod <- model %>% export(dest="mrgsolve") expect_equal(mrgmod@param, "[PARAM] @annotated") expect_equal(mrgmod@omega, character(0)) expect_equal(mrgmod@sigma, character(0)) }) test_that("Error displayed if model file has ODE's in non ODE record", { modelName <- "ode_in_non_ode_record" expect_error(suppressWarnings(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName))), regexp="ODE detected in non ODE record") }) test_that("Error displayed if model file has an IF-statement in a properties record", { modelName <- "if_in_properties_record" expect_error(suppressWarnings(read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName))), regexp="IF-statement detected in properties record") }) test_that("Parsing a Campsis model with an incomplete final line shouldn't raise any warning", { # This model contains the following files: # Campsis model file with incomplete final line # File theta.csv with incomplete final line # Correct file omega.csv # Correct file sigma.csv modelName <- "incomplete_final_line/" model <- read.campsis(paste0(testFolder, "custom/", modelName)) # Check MAIN and ODE record can be found expect_true(!is.null(model %>% find(MainRecord()))) expect_true(!is.null(model %>% find(OdeRecord()))) # Check both theta's K and V have been loaded correctly expect_equal(model@parameters %>% select("theta") %>% length(), 2) })