library(testthat) context("Test the replication of the Campsis model") test_that("Method 'replicate' allows to replicate a model based on its variance-covariance matrix", { set.seed(123) model <- model_suite$pk$`1cpt_fo` %>% setMinMax(Theta(name="KA"), min=0.9, max=1.1) %>% setMinMax(Theta(name="CL"), min=2.8, max=3.2) %>% addRSE(Theta(name="KA"), value=10) %>% addRSE(Theta(name="CL"), value=10) repModel <- model %>% replicate(1000) model1 <- repModel %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=1) expect_equal(model1 %>% find(Theta(name="KA")) %>% .@value, 1.09958, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(model1 %>% find(Theta(name="CL")) %>% .@value, 2.831857, tolerance=1e-4) # The following test was moved from Campsis v1.6.0 to Campsismod v1.2.0 set.seed(1) model <- model_suite$testing$other$my_model1 repModel <- model %>% replicate(100) thetas <- repModel@replicated_parameters$THETA_CL var <- model@parameters@varcov["THETA_CL", "THETA_CL"] expect_equal(sd(thetas), sqrt(var), tolerance=1e-2) omegas <- repModel@replicated_parameters$OMEGA_CL var <- model@parameters@varcov["OMEGA_CL", "OMEGA_CL"] expect_equal(sd(omegas), sqrt(var), tolerance=1e-3) # Setting an impossible range will lead to an error set.seed(123) model <- model_suite$pk$`1cpt_fo` %>% setMinMax(Theta(name="KA"), min=1.3, max=2) %>% addRSE(Theta(name="KA"), value=10) expect_error(repModel <- model %>% replicate(1000), msg="Too many iterations") # Or may truncate the distribution as well if it is forced (here we increase the number of iterations) settings <- AutoReplicationSettings() settings@max_iterations <- 1000L repModel <- model %>% replicate(1000, settings=settings) # hist(repModel@replicated_parameters$THETA_KA) expect_equal(sum(repModel@replicated_parameters$THETA_KA >= 1.3), 1000) }) getInverseWishartVar <- function(phiii, phijj, phiij, nu, p) { # See num <- (nu-p+1)*phiij^2 + (nu-p-1)*phiii*phijj den <- (nu-p)*(nu-p-1)^2*(nu-p-3) return(num/den) } getInverseWishartVar2 <- function(phi, nu, p) { return((2*phi^2)/(nu-p-1)^2/(nu-p-3)) } getInverseWishartMean <- function(phi, nu, p) { # See return(phi/(nu-p-1)) } getInverseChiSquaredVar <- function(tau2, nu) { # See return(2*nu^2*tau2^2/(nu-2)^2/(nu-4)) } getInverseChiSquaredMean <- function(tau2, nu) { # See return(nu*tau2/(nu-2)) } test_that("Sampling the OMEGAs and SIGMAs based on the scaled inverse chi-square or wishart distributions works as expected", { set.seed(123) model <- model_suite$testing$other$`2cpt_zo_allo_metab_effect_on_cl` %>% add(Omega(name="VC_CL", index=2, index2=3, value=0.8, type="cor")) %>% replace(Sigma(name="RUV_FIX", value=1, type="var", fix=FALSE)) # Unfix the RUV_FIX just for the test # Previously, issue when printing the model, see #88 expect_no_error(show(model)) settings <- AutoReplicationSettings(wishart=TRUE, odf=30, sdf=1000, quiet=FALSE) repModel <- model %>% replicate(30000, settings=settings) # Standardise model first model <- model %>% standardise() nu <- settings@odf nuSigma <- settings@sdf p <- 2 # See # Check the generated values for OMEGA_DUR omegaDur <- model %>% find(Omega(name="DUR")) %>% .@value x <- repModel@replicated_parameters$OMEGA_DUR expect_equal(mean(x), getInverseChiSquaredMean(tau2=omegaDur, nu=nu), tolerance=0.0001) expect_equal(var(x), getInverseChiSquaredVar(tau2=omegaDur, nu=nu), tolerance=0.00001) # Check the generated values for OMEGA_VC omegaVc <- model %>% find(Omega(name="VC")) %>% .@value x <- repModel@replicated_parameters$OMEGA_VC expect_equal(mean(x), getInverseWishartMean(phi=omegaVc*nu, nu=nu, p=p), tolerance=0.0001) expect_equal(var(x), getInverseWishartVar2(phi=omegaVc*nu, nu=nu, p=p), tolerance=0.00001) # Check the generated values for OMEGA_CL omegaCl <- model %>% find(Omega(name="CL")) %>% .@value x <- repModel@replicated_parameters$OMEGA_CL expect_equal(mean(x), getInverseWishartMean(phi=omegaCl*nu, nu=nu, p=p), tolerance=0.0001) expect_equal(var(x), getInverseWishartVar2(phi=omegaCl*nu, nu=nu, p=p), tolerance=0.000001) # Check the generated values for OMEGA_VC (standardise parameter first!) omegaVcCl <- model %>% find(Omega(name="VC_CL")) %>% standardise(parameters=model@parameters) %>% .@value x <- repModel@replicated_parameters$OMEGA_VC_CL expect_equal(mean(x), getInverseWishartMean(phi=omegaVcCl*nu, nu=nu, p=p), tolerance=0.0001) expect_equal(var(x), getInverseWishartVar(phiii=omegaVc*nu, phijj=omegaCl*nu, phiij=omegaVcCl*nu, nu=nu, p=p), tolerance=0.00001) # Check the generated values for RUV_FIX sigmaFix <- model %>% find(Sigma(name="RUV_FIX")) %>% .@value x <- repModel@replicated_parameters$SIGMA_RUV_FIX expect_equal(mean(x), getInverseChiSquaredMean(tau2=sigmaFix, nu=nuSigma), tolerance=0.0005) expect_equal(var(x), getInverseChiSquaredVar(tau2=sigmaFix, nu=nuSigma), tolerance=0.00001) model1 <- repModel %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=1) expect_equal(model1 %>% find(Omega(name="DUR")) %>% .@value, 0.01086832, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(model1 %>% find(Omega(name="VC")) %>% .@value, 0.07978391, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(model1 %>% find(Omega(name="CL")) %>% .@value, 0.05921943, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(model1 %>% find(Omega(name="VC_CL")) %>% .@value, 0.06040083, tolerance=1e-4) model2 <- repModel %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=2) expect_equal(model2 %>% find(Omega(name="DUR")) %>% .@value, 0.01469925, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(model2 %>% find(Omega(name="VC")) %>% .@value, 0.06764799, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(model2 %>% find(Omega(name="CL")) %>% .@value, 0.04674834, tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(model2 %>% find(Omega(name="VC_CL")) %>% .@value, 0.04431662, tolerance=1e-4) # Method replicate should also accept only 1 replicate (see issue #93) settings <- AutoReplicationSettings(wishart=TRUE, odf=30, sdf=1000, quiet=FALSE) model <- model_suite$testing$other$`2cpt_zo_allo_metab_effect_on_cl` %>% add(Omega(name="VC_CL", index=2, index2=3, value=0.8, type="cor")) %>% replace(Sigma(name="RUV_FIX", value=1, type="var", fix=FALSE)) %>% # Unfix the RUV_FIX just for the test sort() repModel <- model %>% replicate(1, settings=settings) parameterNames <- model@parameters %>% getNames() expect_equal(c("REPLICATE", parameterNames), colnames(repModel@replicated_parameters)) }) test_that("Method 'setMinMax' can be used on THETAs, OMEGAs and SIGMAs to set limits", { set.seed(123) model1 <- model_suite$pk$`1cpt_fo` %>% setMinMax("theta", min=0, max=Inf) %>% addRSE(Theta(name="KA"), value=100) # Very large RSE on KA repModel1 <- model1 %>% replicate(1000, settings=AutoReplicationSettings(quiet=FALSE)) # No THETA_KA should be negative expect_true(all(repModel1@replicated_parameters$THETA_KA >= 0)) # Same model but no limit model2 <- model_suite$pk$`1cpt_fo` %>% addRSE(Theta(name="KA"), value=100) # Very large RSE on KA repModel2 <- model2 %>% replicate(1000, settings=AutoReplicationSettings(quiet=FALSE)) # 841 values of THETA_KA are positive # 159 values of THETA_KA are negative expect_equal(sum(repModel2@replicated_parameters$THETA_KA >= 0), 841) expect_equal(sum(repModel2@replicated_parameters$THETA_KA < 0), 159) }) test_that("Replicate a model that has IOV works as expected", { # The following test was moved from Campsis v1.6.0 to Campsismod v1.2.0 set.seed(1) model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan2_trans2 # Add uncertainty on OMEGA_IOV_CL1 varcov <- matrix(1e-4) # SD=0.01 row.names(varcov) <- "OMEGA_IOV_CL1" colnames(varcov) <- "OMEGA_IOV_CL1" model@parameters@varcov <- varcov pk <- model %>% add(Omega(name="IOV_CL1", value=0.025, type="var", same=FALSE)) %>% add(Omega(name="IOV_CL2", value=0.025, type="var", same=TRUE)) %>% add(Omega(name="IOV_CL3", value=0.025, type="var", same=TRUE)) repModel <- pk %>% replicate(2) pk1 <- repModel %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=1) pk2 <- repModel %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=2) set <- c(pk %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL1")) %>% .@value, pk %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL2")) %>% .@value, pk %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL3")) %>% .@value) set1 <- c(pk1 %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL1")) %>% .@value, pk1 %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL2")) %>% .@value, pk1 %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL3")) %>% .@value) set2 <- c(pk2 %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL1")) %>% .@value, pk2 %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL2")) %>% .@value, pk2 %>% find(Omega("IOV_CL3")) %>% .@value) expect_equal(set, c(0.025, 0.025, 0.025)) expect_equal(round(set1, digits=3), c(0.019, 0.019, 0.019)) # Depends on seed expect_equal(round(set2, digits=3), c(0.027, 0.027, 0.027)) # Depends on seed }) test_that("Method 'replicate' also allows to manually replicate a model based on a table (1 replicate/row)", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan2_trans2 data <- data.frame(REPLICATE=seq_len(5), SIGMA_PROP=c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)) expect_error(model %>% replicate(n=6, settings=ManualReplicationSettings(data))) repModel <- model %>% replicate(n=3, settings=ManualReplicationSettings(data)) expect_equal(repModel@replicated_parameters$SIGMA_PROP, c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)) sigma1 <- repModel %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=1) %>% find(Sigma("PROP")) expect_equal(sigma1@value, 0.1) sigma2 <- repModel %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=2) %>% find(Sigma("PROP")) expect_equal(sigma2@value, 0.2) # Etc. }) test_that("OMEGA's are correctly converted to block of OMEGA's (unfixed omegas, 1 correlation)", { parameters <- Parameters() %>% add(Theta(name="CL", value=5)) %>% add(Theta(name="VC", value=80)) %>% add(Theta(name="DUR", value=1)) %>% add(Theta(name="PROP_RUV", value=0.15)) %>% add(Omega(name="CL", value=30, type="cv%")) %>% add(Omega(name="VC", value=30, type="cv%")) %>% add(Omega(name="DUR", value=30, type="cv%")) %>% add(Omega(index=1, index2=2, value=0.5, type="cor")) # Create first block manually expectedBlock1 <- OmegaBlock() %>% add(parameters %>% find(Omega(name="CL"))) %>% add(parameters %>% find(Omega(name="VC"))) %>% add(parameters %>% find(Omega(index=1, index2=2))) expectedBlock1@start_index <- 0L expectedBlock1@block_index <- 1L expect_equal(expectedBlock1 %>% getOmegaIndexes(), c(1, 2)) # Create all blocks automatically blocks <- OmegaBlocks() %>% add(parameters) expect_equal(blocks %>% length(), 2) block1 <- blocks %>% getByIndex(1) block2 <- blocks %>% getByIndex(2) expect_equal(block1, expectedBlock1) expect_true(block1 %>% length()==2) expect_true(block2 %>% length()==1) expect_true(block1 %>% hasOffDiagonalOmegas()) expect_true(!block2 %>% hasOffDiagonalOmegas()) expect_true(block1@start_index==0) expect_true(block2@start_index==2) expect_equal(capture_output(show(block1)), "BLOCK(2) - OMEGA_CL / OMEGA_VC") expect_equal(capture_output(show(block2)), "BLOCK(1) - OMEGA_DUR") # Generic functions not called correctly msg <- "No default function is provided" expect_error(getOmegaIndexes(""), regexp=msg) expect_error(hasOffDiagonalOmegas(""), regexp=msg) expect_error(shiftOmegaIndexes(""), regexp=msg) }) test_that("Method 'show' called on replication settings works as expected", { manualSettings <- ManualReplicationSettings(data.frame(REPLICATE=1:5, THETA_KA=1:5)) expect_equal(capture_output(show(manualSettings)), "Replication settings: manual") defaultSettings <- AutoReplicationSettings() expect_equal(capture_output(show(defaultSettings)), "Replication settings: default (auto)") adjustedSettings <- AutoReplicationSettings(wishart=TRUE, odf=30, sdf=1000) expect_equal(capture_output(show(adjustedSettings)), "Replication settings: wishart=TRUE, odf=30, sdf=1000") }) test_that("Campsismod gives identical results to the simpar package", { set.seed(123) # Generate parameters with Campsismod model <- CampsisModel() %>% add(Theta(value=5)) %>% add(Omega(value=0.2, type="sd")) %>% add(Omega(value=0.4, type="sd")) %>% add(Omega(index=2, index2=1, value=0.1^2, type="covar")) %>% add(Sigma(value=0.1, type="sd")) %>% addRSE(Theta(index=1), value=4) res <- model %>% replicate(n=10000, settings=AutoReplicationSettings(wishart=TRUE, odf=30, sdf=1000)) %>% .@replicated_parameters expect_equal(mean(res$THETA_1), 5, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(sd(res$THETA_1), 0.2, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(mean(res$OMEGA_1_1), 0.044, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(sd(res$OMEGA_1_1), 0.012, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(mean(res$OMEGA_2_1), 0.011, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(sd(res$OMEGA_2_1), 0.017, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(mean(res$OMEGA_2_2), 0.177, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(sd(res$OMEGA_2_2), 0.049, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(mean(res$SIGMA_1_1), 0.010, tolerance=0.001) expect_equal(sd(res$SIGMA_1_1), 0.00045, tolerance=0.00001) # Generate parameters with simpar # theta <- c(5) # covar <- diag(0.2^2, 1) # omega <- matrix(c(0.2^2,0.1^2,0.1^2,0.4^2), nrow=2) # sigma <- matrix(0.1^2) # # res <- simpar::simpar(10000, theta, covar, omega, sigma, odf=30, sdf=1000) %>% # tibble::as_tibble() # # mean(res$TH.1) # 5.000818 # sd(res$TH.1) # 0.1994202 # # mean(res$OM1.1) # 0.04449487 # sd(res$OM1.1) # 0.0128251 # # mean(res$OM2.1) # 0.01109515 # sd(res$OM2.1) # 0.0176825 # # mean(res$OM2.2) # 0.1771933 # sd(res$OM2.2) # 0.0497492 # # mean(res$SG1.1) # 0.01000736 # sd(res$SG1.1) # 0.0004495882 }) test_that("Checking for positive definiteness works as expected", { set.seed(123) model <- model_suite$testing$other$`2cpt_zo_allo_metab_effect_on_cl` %>% add(Omega(name="VC_CL", index=2, index2=3, value=0.8, type="cor")) %>% replace(Sigma(name="RUV_FIX", value=1, type="var", fix=FALSE)) # Unfix the RUV_FIX just for the test settingsA <- AutoReplicationSettings(wishart=FALSE, quiet=FALSE, checkPosDef=TRUE) repModelA <- model %>% replicate(20, settings=settingsA) set.seed(123) model <- model_suite$testing$other$`2cpt_zo_allo_metab_effect_on_cl` %>% add(Omega(name="VC_CL", index=2, index2=3, value=0.8, type="cor")) %>% replace(Sigma(name="RUV_FIX", value=1, type="var", fix=FALSE)) # Unfix the RUV_FIX just for the test settingsB <- AutoReplicationSettings(wishart=FALSE, quiet=FALSE, checkPosDef=FALSE) repModelB <- model %>% replicate(20, settings=settingsB) # Compare manually # repModelA@replicated_parameters # repModelB@replicated_parameters # Omega matrix in replicate 9 of repModelB is not positive definite model9 <- repModelB %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=9) expect_false(isMatrixPositiveDefinite(rxodeMatrix(model9, type="omega"))) # Omega matrix in replicate 9 of repModelA is positive definite model9 <- repModelA %>% export(dest=CampsisModel(), index=9) expect_true(isMatrixPositiveDefinite(rxodeMatrix(model9, type="omega"))) })