library(testthat) context("Test all methods that may be applied on compartments") test_that("Method 'add' can't be used to add a compartment (add an ODE instead)", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 expect_error(model %>% add(Compartment(index=model@compartments %>% length() + 1, name="OUTPUT2")), regexp="No default function is provided") }) test_that("Method 'contains' works with compartments", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 expect_true(model %>% contains(Compartment(1))) expect_false(model %>% contains(Compartment(5))) }) test_that("Method 'delete' can't be used to delete a compartment (at least for now)", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 expect_error(model %>% delete(Compartment(index=1)), regexp="No default function is provided") }) test_that("Method 'find' may return a compartment", { # Example 1 model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 compartment <- model %>% find(Compartment(index=2)) expect_equal(compartment@index, 2) expect_equal(compartment@name, "CENTRAL") # Example 2 model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan1_trans1 compartments <- model@compartments compartment1 <- compartments %>% find(Compartment(index=1)) compartment2 <- compartments %>% find(Compartment(index=2)) expect_equal(compartments %>% length(), 2) expect_equal(compartment1@name, "CENTRAL") expect_equal(compartment2@name, "OUTPUT") expect_equal(capture_output(show(compartment1)), "A_CENTRAL (CMT=1)") expect_equal(capture_output(show(compartment2)), "A_OUTPUT (CMT=2)") }) test_that("Method 'getCompartmentIndex' works as expected", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 index_depot <- model %>% getCompartmentIndex("DEPOT") index_central <- model %>% getCompartmentIndex("CENTRAL") expect_equal(index_depot, 1) expect_equal(index_central, 2) expect_error(model %>% getCompartmentIndex("XX"), regexp="Compartment XX not found") }) test_that("Method 'replace' can be used to adapt the name of a compartment", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 %>% add(Bioavailability(1, "0.75")) # Replace compartment and ODE model <- model %>% replace(Compartment(1, "ABS")) %>% delete(Ode("A_DEPOT")) %>% add(Ode("A_ABS", "-KA*ABS"), Position(Ode("A_CENTRAL"), after=FALSE)) # Replace occurrence in CENTRAL compartment central <- model %>% find(Ode("A_CENTRAL")) central@rhs <- gsub(pattern="A_DEPOT", replacement="A_ABS", x=central@rhs) model <- model %>% replace(central) # Check compartment has been correctly replaced compartment <- model %>% find(Compartment(1)) expect_equal(compartment@name, "ABS") # Check 2 first ODE's abs <- model %>% find(Ode("A_ABS")) central <- model %>% find(Ode("A_CENTRAL")) expect_equal(abs@rhs, "-KA*ABS") expect_equal(central@rhs, "KA*A_ABS + Q*A_PERIPHERAL/V3 + (-CL/V2 - Q/V2)*A_CENTRAL") # Check bioavailability equation will be adapted too expect_equal(model %>% find(Bioavailability(1)) %>% toString(model=model, dest="campsis"), "A_ABS=0.75") }) test_that("Method 'toString' works as expected on compartment", { cmt <- Compartment(index=1) expect_equal(cmt %>% toString(), "A_1") cmt <- Compartment(index=1, name="CENTRAL") expect_equal(cmt %>% toString(), "A_CENTRAL") })