library(testthat) context("Test utilities on the Campsis model") source(paste0("", "testUtils.R")) test_that("Method 'add' works as expected", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 # Add a parameter model <- model %>% add(Theta(name="XX", index=6, value=1)) expect_equal(model@parameters %>% select("theta") %>% length(), 6) # Add a code record # TODO: update this # model <- model %>% add(PredRecord()) # model@model <- model@model %>% sort() # expect_equal(model@model %>% length(), 4) }) test_that("Method 'replace' works as expected", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 # Replace a parameter (1) model <- model %>% replace(Theta(name="KA", index=1, value=1.5)) expect_equal((model %>% find(Theta("KA")))@value, 1.5) # Replace a parameter, index does not need to be provided (2) model <- model %>% replace(Theta(name="KA", value=1.5)) expect_equal((model %>% find(Theta("KA")))@value, 1.5) # Replace a code record error <- ErrorRecord() # 0 statement model <- model %>% replace(error) expect_true(!is.null(model %>% find(ErrorRecord()))) expect_equal(model %>% find(ErrorRecord()) %>% length(), 0) # Replace a model statement model <- model %>% replace(Equation("S2", "V2*1000")) equation <- model %>% find(Equation("S2")) expect_equal(equation@rhs, "V2*1000") # Add and replace a compartment property model <- model %>% add(Bioavailability(1, "0.75")) model <- model %>% replace(Bioavailability(1, "0.50")) expect_equal((model@compartments@properties %>% getByIndex(1))@rhs, "0.50") }) test_that("Method 'delete' works as expected", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 # Delete a parameter updatedModel <- model %>% delete(Theta(name="KA")) expect_equal(updatedModel@parameters %>% length(), model@parameters %>% length() - 1) # Delete a code record updatedModel <- model %>% delete(ErrorRecord()) expect_equal(updatedModel@model %>% length(), model@model %>% length() - 1) # Delete a model statement updatedModel <- model %>% delete(Equation("S2")) expect_equal(updatedModel %>% find(MainRecord()) %>% length(), model %>% find(MainRecord()) %>% length() - 1) # Add and delete a compartment property model <- model %>% add(Bioavailability(1, "0.75")) model <- model %>% add(Bioavailability(2, "0.75")) updatedModel <- model %>% delete(Bioavailability(1)) expect_equal(updatedModel@compartments@properties %>% length(), model@compartments@properties %>% length() - 1) # Delete works also with an index main <- model %>% find(MainRecord()) expect_true(main %>% contains(Equation("S2"))) updatedMain <- main %>% delete(Equation("S2")) expect_false(updatedMain %>% contains(Equation("S2"))) }) test_that("Method 'add' on Campsis model, exceptions on parameters names", { model1 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 model2 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan1_trans1 expect_error(model1 %>% add(model2), regexp="Model can't be appended because of duplicate parameter name\\(s\\): EPS_PROP") model1 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan1_trans1 model2 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan1_trans1 expect_error(model1 %>% add(model2), regexp="Model can't be appended because of duplicate parameter name\\(s\\): THETA_K, THETA_V, ETA_K, ETA_V, EPS_PROP") # Unnamed correlations should not be an issue when merging models model1 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan1_trans1 %>% addSuffix(suffix="1") %>% add(Omega(index=2, index2=1, value=0.5, type="cor")) model2 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan1_trans1 %>% addSuffix(suffix="2") %>% add(Omega(index=2, index2=1, value=0.5, type="cor")) resultingModel <- model1 %>% add(model2) # Check correlations are still there at the correct omega indexes expect_equal(resultingModel@parameters %>% getByIndex(Omega(index=2, index2=1)) %>% .@type, "cor") expect_equal(resultingModel@parameters %>% getByIndex(Omega(index=4, index2=3)) %>% .@type, "cor") }) test_that("Method 'add' on Campsis model, exceptions on compartment names", { model1 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 model1@parameters@list <- model1@parameters@list[-(model1@parameters %>% length())] # Remove SIGMA PROP model2 <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan1_trans1 model2@parameters@list <- model2@parameters@list[-(model2@parameters %>% length())] # Remove SIGMA PROP expect_error(model1 %>% add(model2), regexp="Element 'ODE \\(A_CENTRAL\\)' is already present.") #expect_error(model1 %>% add(model2), regexp="Model can't be appended because of duplicate compartment name\\(s\\): A_CENTRAL, A_OUTPUT") }) test_that("Add effect compartment model to PK model using add method", { regFilename <- "pk_pd_appended" pk <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 pk <- pk %>% add(Bioavailability(1, "0.75")) pd <- new("campsis_model") %>% add(Equation("KE0", "THETA_KE0*exp(ETA_KE0)")) %>% add(Ode("A_EFFECT", "KE0*(A_CENTRAL/S2 - A_EFFECT)")) expect_equal(pd@compartments %>% length(), 1) pd <- pd %>% add(Theta("KE0", value=0.5)) pd <- pd %>% add(Omega("KE0", value=0.3, type="sd")) pd <- pd %>% add(InitialCondition(1, "0.40")) pd <- pd %>% add(Bioavailability(1, "0.50")) pkpd <- pk %>% add(pd) campsisNonRegTest(pkpd, regFilename) }) test_that("Valid object method works depending on complete argument", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 model@parameters@list[[1]]@index <- c(1,1) %>% as.integer() expect_true(validObject(model)) expect_error(validObject(model, complete=TRUE)) }) test_that("Method 'add' properly merges variance-covariance matrices", { modelA <- model_suite$testing$other$`2cpt_zo_allo_metab_effect_on_cl` %>% addSuffix("A") %>% disable("VARCOV_OMEGA") modelB <- model_suite$testing$other$`2cpt_zo_allo_metab_effect_on_cl` %>% addSuffix("B") model <- modelA %>% add(modelB) varcov <- model %>% getVarCov() varcovExpected <- model_suite$testing$other$`2cpt_zo_allo_metab_effect_on_cl` %>% getVarCov() # Check variance-covariance content expect_equal(as.numeric(varcov[1:7, 1:7]), as.numeric(varcovExpected[1:7, 1:7])) expect_equal(as.numeric(varcov[8:17, 8:17]), as.numeric(varcovExpected)) dimnames <- dimnames(varcov) expect_equal(dimnames[[1]], dimnames[[2]]) expected <- c("THETA_METAB_CL_A", "THETA_DUR_A", "THETA_VC_A", "THETA_VP_A", "THETA_Q_A", "THETA_CL_A", "THETA_PROP_RUV_A", "THETA_METAB_CL_B", "THETA_DUR_B", "THETA_VC_B", "THETA_VP_B", "THETA_Q_B", "THETA_CL_B", "THETA_PROP_RUV_B", "OMEGA_DUR_B", "OMEGA_VC_B", "OMEGA_CL_B") expect_equal(expected, dimnames[[1]]) # Add the empty model to the model with variance-covariance matrix expect_equal(as.numeric(modelB %>% add(CampsisModel()) %>% getVarCov()), as.numeric(varcovExpected)) # Add the model with variance-covariance matrix to the empty model expect_equal(as.numeric(CampsisModel() %>% add(modelB) %>% getVarCov()), as.numeric(varcovExpected)) }) test_that("Method 'addRSE' works as expected", { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 %>% addRSE(Theta("CL"), 10) %>% addRSE(Theta("Q"), 8) %>% # Test #92 (addRSE can be called multiple times) addRSE(Theta("Q"), 10) %>% addRSE(Omega("KA"), 50) uncertainty <- getUncertainty(model) %>% dplyr::filter(!$`rse%`)) expect_equal(tibble::tibble(name=c("THETA_CL", "THETA_Q", "OMEGA_KA"), se=c(0.5, 0.4, 0.0125), `rse%`=c(10, 10, 50)), uncertainty) }) test_that("Method 'move' works as expected", { # Move CP from error block to ODE block model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 %>% move(Equation("CP"), Position(OdeRecord())) # Check that CP is now in the ODE block expect_true(model %>% find(OdeRecord()) %>% contains(Equation("CP"))) # Check that CP is not in the error block expect_false(model %>% find(ErrorRecord()) %>% contains(Equation("CP"))) # Move the error block to the ODE block model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 %>% move(ErrorRecord(), Position(OdeRecord())) # Check error block is empty expect_equal(model %>% find(ErrorRecord()) %>% length(), 0) expect_true(model %>% find(OdeRecord()) %>% contains(Equation("CP"))) expect_true(model %>% find(OdeRecord()) %>% contains(Equation("OBS_CP"))) expect_true(model %>% find(OdeRecord()) %>% contains(Equation("Y"))) })