R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-06 r87702 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "") > library(testthat) > library(campsismod) Attaching package: 'campsismod' The following object is masked from 'package:utils': find The following objects are masked from 'package:base': Position, as.data.frame, replace, replicate, sort, toString, write > test_check("campsismod") Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 35.2% Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 0.1% [MAIN] TVMETAB_CL=THETA_METAB_CL if (METAB==0) TVMETAB_CL=0 MU_DUR=THETA_DUR MU_VC=THETA_VC TVVP=THETA_VP TVQ=THETA_Q MU_CL=THETA_CL + TVMETAB_CL TVPROP_RUV=THETA_PROP_RUV METAB_CL=exp(TVMETAB_CL) DUR=exp(MU_DUR + ETA_DUR) VC=exp(MU_VC + ETA_VC)*pow(WT/70,1) VP=exp(TVVP)*pow(WT/70,1) Q=exp(TVQ)*pow(WT/70,0.75) CL=exp(MU_CL + ETA_CL)*pow(WT/70,0.75) PROP_RUV=exp(TVPROP_RUV) [ODE] d/dt(A_CENTRAL)=Q/VP*A_PERIPHERAL - Q/VC*A_CENTRAL - CL/VC*A_CENTRAL d/dt(A_PERIPHERAL)=Q/VC*A_CENTRAL - Q/VP*A_PERIPHERAL [DURATION] A_CENTRAL=DUR [ERROR] CONC=A_CENTRAL/VC if (CONC <= 0.001) CONC=0.001 IPRED=log(CONC) W=PROP_RUV Y=IPRED + W*EPS_RUV_FIX THETA's: name index value fix se rse% 1 METAB_CL 1 0.318947 FALSE 0.05438998 17.0529839 2 DUR 2 0.410151 FALSE 0.02184601 5.3263326 3 VC 3 4.422430 FALSE 0.03187821 0.7208301 4 VP 4 5.278690 FALSE 0.03158368 0.5983243 5 Q 5 1.417360 FALSE 0.02033219 1.4345114 6 CL 6 1.614790 FALSE 0.03582011 2.2182517 7 PROP_RUV 7 -1.931370 FALSE 0.01862662 0.9644253 OMEGA's: name index index2 value fix type se rse% 1 DUR 1 1 0.0135632 FALSE var 0.004452572 32.82833 2 VC 2 2 0.0506109 FALSE var 0.009368292 18.51042 3 CL 3 3 0.0432495 FALSE var 0.008303180 19.19833 4 VC_CL 2 3 0.8000000 FALSE cor NA NA SIGMA's: name index index2 value fix type 1 RUV_FIX 1 1 1 FALSE var Variance-covariance matrix available (see ?getVarCov) Compartments: A_CENTRAL (CMT=1) A_PERIPHERAL (CMT=2) Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 100.0% Success rate when sampling OMEGA_DUR from scaled inverse chi-squared distribution: 100.0% Success rate when sampling OMEGA BLOCK(2) from scaled inverse Wishart distribution: 100.0% Success rate when sampling SIGMA_RUV_FIX from scaled inverse chi-squared distribution: 100.0% Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 100.0% Success rate when sampling OMEGA_DUR from scaled inverse chi-squared distribution: 100.0% Success rate when sampling OMEGA BLOCK(2) from scaled inverse Wishart distribution: 100.0% Success rate when sampling SIGMA_RUV_FIX from scaled inverse chi-squared distribution: 100.0% Invalidating 165 row(s) that did not succeed the 'min-max' check Sampling 198 extra row(s) Invalidating 27 row(s) that did not succeed the 'min-max' check Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 83.9% Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 100.0% Invalidating 1 row(s) that did not succeed the 'definite positiveness' check Sampling 1 extra row(s) Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 95.2% Success rate when sampling parameters from variance-covariance matrix: 100.0% [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 436 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 50.68 4.78 54.03