library(testthat) context("Test that simulations with weird cases work as expected") seed <- 1 source(paste0("", "testUtils.R")) test_that(getTestName("Simulate a bolus without observation"), { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=1000)) simulation <- expression() test <- expression( expect_error(simulate(model=model, dataset=dataset, dest=destEngine, seed=seed), regexp="Dataset does not contain any observation") ) campsisTest(simulation, test, env=environment()) }) test_that(getTestName("Simulate a bolus with single observation at time 0"), { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=1000)) %>% add(Observations(time=0)) simulation <- expression(simulate(model=model, dataset=dataset, dest=destEngine, seed=seed)) test <- expression( expect_equal(nrow(results), 1), expect_equal(results[c("ID", "TIME", "CP")], tibble::tibble(ID=1, TIME=0, CP=0)) ) campsisTest(simulation, test, env=environment()) }) test_that(getTestName("Simulate a model which is not valid"), { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 # Corrupt name slot of parameter KA model@parameters@list[[1]]@name <- c("KA", "KA2") dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=1000)) %>% add(Observations(time=0)) simulation <- expression() test <- expression( expect_error(simulate(model=model, dataset=dataset, dest=destEngine, seed=seed), regexp="name is length 2. Should be 1.") ) campsisTest(simulation, test, env=environment()) }) test_that(getTestName("Simulate a dataset which is not valid"), { model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=1000)) %>% add(Observations(time=0)) # Corrupt amount slot of first bolus dataset@arms@list[[1]]@protocol@treatment@list[[1]]@amount <- c(1000,1000) simulation <- expression() test <- expression( expect_error(simulate(model=model, dataset=dataset, dest=destEngine, seed=seed), regexp="amount is length 2. Should be 1.") ) campsisTest(simulation, test, env=environment()) }) test_that(getTestName("Covariates must be trimmed by campsis to avoid issues"), { regFilename <- "trim_covariate" model <- CampsisModel() %>% add(Equation("EQ_DUMMY", "0")) %>% # Needed for rxode2 only add(Ode("A_DUMMY", "0")) %>% # Needed add(Equation("MY_COV", "COV0 + THETA_SLOPE*t"), pos=Position(OdeRecord())) %>% add(Theta("SLOPE", value=1.0)) dataset <- Dataset(3) %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=1, compartment=1)) %>% add(Covariate("COV0 ", c(10,20,30))) %>% # Trailing space has been voluntarily added add(Observations(c(0,1,2,3,4,5))) # Note: without trim, # rxode2: error is raised # mrgsolve: no error is raised. Variable not initialised properly. simulation <- expression(simulate(model=model, dataset=dataset, dest=destEngine, seed=seed, outvars="MY_COV")) test <- expression( outputRegressionTest(results, output="MY_COV", filename=regFilename) ) campsisTest(simulation, test, env=environment()) }) test_that(getTestName("Arm label mapping must first verify the ARM column exists"), { arm1 <- Arm(subjects=1, label="Arm 1") %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=1, compartment=1)) %>% add(Observations(c(0,1,2,3,4,5))) dataset <- Dataset() %>% add(arm1) model <- model_suite$testing$nonmem$advan4_trans4 # Explicitely remove ARM column outfun <- Outfun(level="scenario", fun=~.x %>% dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of("ARM"))) simulation <- expression(simulate(model=model, dataset=dataset, dest=destEngine, seed=seed, outfun=outfun)) test <- expression( expect_true(nrow(results)==6), expect_false("ARM" %in% results) ) campsisTest(simulation, test, env=environment()) }) test_that(getTestName("Model advan1_trans1 must compile properly with mrgsolve v1.5.2 on Windows"), { model <- model_suite$nonmem$advan1_trans1 regFilename <- "advan1_trans1" # See issue #160 dataset <- Dataset(3) %>% add(Bolus(time=0, amount=1000, compartment=1, ii=12, addl=2)) %>% add(Observations(times=c(0,12,24) %>% purrr::map(~.x + (1:11)) %>% purrr::list_c(), compartment=1)) simulation <- expression(model %>% simulate(dataset, dest=destEngine, seed=seed)) test <- expression( outputRegressionTest(results, output="CONC", filename=regFilename) ) campsisTest(simulation, test, env=environment()) })