files = list.files('files', '*wave_*', full.names = T) waves = lapply(files, load.wave) new_waves = waves detections = lapply(waves, call.detect) traces = lapply(waves, test_that('Basics.', { mt = measure.trace.multiple(traces = traces, waves = waves, new_waves = new_waves, detections = detections) expect_equal(class(mt), 'data.frame') expect_true(mt$mean_fund_hz[1] > 1) expect_equal(names(mt), c('mean_fund_hz', 'duration_s', 'band_hz', 'max_freq_hz', 'min_freq_hz', 'diff_start_mean', 'diff_end_mean', 'ipi_s', 'fm_hz', 'sd_trace', 'prop_missing_trace', 'file', 'start', 'end', 'signal_to_noise')) }) test_that('Test without waves.', { mt = measure.trace.multiple(traces = traces, sr = waves[[1]]@samp.rate) expect_equal(mt$file, rep(NA, 2)) expect_equal(mt$start, rep(NA, 2)) expect_equal(mt$end, rep(NA, 2)) expect_equal(mt$signal_to_noise, rep(NA, 2)) }) test_that('Test without waves and sr - warning.', { expect_warning(measure.trace.multiple(traces = traces), regexp = 'Sample rate set to 1. This will make the duration meaningless. Supply `sr` for meaningfull durations.') }) test_that('PDF.', { path_pdf = tempfile(fileext = '.pdf') mt = measure.trace.multiple(traces = traces, waves = waves, new_waves = new_waves, detections = detections, path_pdf = path_pdf) expect_equal(class(mt), 'data.frame') unlink(path_pdf) })