test_that("load_client_lib", { lib <- load_client_lib() funcs <- c("base64_decode", "set_stderr", "write_fd") expect_true( all(funcs %in% names(lib)) ) lib <- load_client_lib(pxdir = find.package("processx")) expect_true( all(funcs %in% names(lib)) ) }) test_that("errors", { mockery::stub(load_client_lib, "system.file", "") expect_error( load_client_lib(), "Cannot find client file" ) }) test_that("errors 2", { sofile <- system.file( "libs", .Platform$r_arch, paste0("client", .Platform$dynlib.ext), package = "processx" ) mockery::stub(load_client_lib, "dyn.load", function(...) stop("ooops")) expect_error(load_client_lib(sofile)) }) test_that("base64", { lib <- load_client_lib() enc <- lib$base64_encode(charToRaw("hello world!")) expect_equal(lib$base64_decode(enc), charToRaw("hello world!")) }) test_that("write_fd", { do <- function() { lib <- asNamespace("callr")$load_client_lib() f1 <- tempfile() c1 <- processx::conn_create_file(f1, write = TRUE) lib$write_fd(processx::conn_get_fileno(c1), "hello world!\n") close(c1) readLines(f1) } ret <- callr::r(do) expect_equal(ret, "hello world!") }) test_that("set_stdout, set_stderr", { # TODO why does this not work on windows, if `set_std{out,err}_file` work? # Also, `set_std{out,err}` work in `r_session`. # But this test crashes at the `set_stdout()` call. skip_on_os("windows") do <- function() { lib <- asNamespace("callr")$load_client_lib() f1 <- tempfile() f2 <- tempfile() c1 <- processx::conn_create_file(f1, write = TRUE) c2 <- processx::conn_create_file(f2, write = TRUE) lib$set_stdout(processx::conn_get_fileno(c1)) lib$set_stderr(processx::conn_get_fileno(c2)) cat("this is output") message("this is error") close(c1) close(c2) c(readLines(f1), readLines(f2)) } ret <- callr::r(do) expect_equal(ret, c("this is output", "this is error")) }) test_that("set_stdout_file, set_setderr_file", { do <- function() { lib <- asNamespace("callr")$load_client_lib() f1 <- tempfile() f2 <- tempfile() lib$set_stdout_file(f1) lib$set_stderr_file(f2) cat("this is output") message("this is error") c(readLines(f1), readLines(f2)) } ret <- callr::r(do) expect_equal(ret, c("this is output", "this is error")) }) test_that("init function of client lib is run", { pxlib <- r(function() { as.environment("tools:callr")$`__callr_data__`$pxlib }) # File name should be `client.SOEXT` so that R can match the init # function from the name expect_true(grepl("^client\\.", basename(pxlib$.path))) # In case R removes the `dynamicLookup` field skip_on_cran() # Should be `FALSE` since processx disables dynamic lookup in the # init function expect_false(unclass(pxlib$.lib)$dynamicLookup) })