# Components of var-type-------------- test_that("Test for VAR-type minnesota", { skip_on_cran() etf_ncol <- ncol(etf_vix) var_spec <- set_bvhar( sigma = apply(etf_vix, 2, sd), lambda = .2, delta = rep(.1, etf_ncol) ) fit_test_bvhar_var <- bvhar_minnesota(etf_vix, bayes_spec = var_spec) expect_s3_class(var_spec, "bvharspec") expect_s3_class(fit_test_bvhar_var, "bvharmn") expect_equal( nrow(fit_test_bvhar_var$coef), ncol(etf_vix) * 3 + 1 ) expect_equal( ncol(fit_test_bvhar_var$coef), ncol(etf_vix) ) }) # Components of vhar-type-------------- test_that("Test for VHAR-type minnesota", { skip_on_cran() etf_ncol <- ncol(etf_vix) vhar_spec <- set_weight_bvhar( sigma = apply(etf_vix, 2, sd), lambda = .2, daily = rep(.3, etf_ncol), weekly = rep(.2, etf_ncol), monthly = rep(.1, etf_ncol) ) fit_test_bvhar_vhar <- bvhar_minnesota(etf_vix, bayes_spec = vhar_spec) expect_s3_class(vhar_spec, "bvharspec") expect_s3_class(fit_test_bvhar_vhar, "bvharmn") expect_equal( nrow(fit_test_bvhar_vhar$coef), ncol(etf_vix) * 3 + 1 ) expect_equal( ncol(fit_test_bvhar_vhar$coef), ncol(etf_vix) ) }) #> Test passed 🌈