generate_str <- function (n, length) { stringi::stri_join(stringi::stri_rand_strings(n, length, "[A-Za-z0-9]"), collapse = ",") } # stri_sub is fastest results <- bench::press( n = c(5, 20, 100, 1000), length = c(1, 4, 10, 100), { dat <- generate_str(n, length) bench::mark( first_regex = stringi::stri_extract_first_regex(rand_strings, "^[^,]*"), stringi_split = stringi::stri_split_fixed(rand_strings, ",")[[1L]][1L], strsplit = strsplit(rand_strings, split = ",")[[1L]][1L], substr = substr(rand_strings, start = 1L, stop = stringr::str_locate(rand_strings, ",") - 1L), stri_sub = stringi::stri_sub(rand_strings, to = stringi::stri_locate_first_fixed(rand_strings, ",")[1L] - 1L, use_matrix = FALSE), iterations = 10000, check = TRUE) } ) # Working with . is fastest. hb <- data.table(hospital_billing) bench::mark( SD = hb[, .SD[which.min(timestamp)], by = case_id, .SDcols = "timestamp"], I = hb[hb[, .I[which.min(timestamp)], by = case_id]$V1][, .(case_id, timestamp)], dot = hb[, .(ts = min(timestamp)), by = case_id], dot_c = hb[, .(ts = min(timestamp)), by = c("case_id")], iterations = 25, check = FALSE ) # A tibble: 4 x 13 #expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc # #1 SD 1.41s 1.59s 0.629 162.76MB 4.33 25 172 39.7s #2 I 21.45ms 24.33ms 39.2 2.67MB 3.13 25 2 638.1ms #3 dot 4.06ms 4.76ms 205. 1.81MB 0 25 0 121.9ms #4 dot_c 4.62ms 5.07ms 182. 1.81MB 7.29 25 1 137.1ms # DT with keys is fastest x <- data.table(Id = stri_rand_strings(10000, 3, "[A-Za-z0-9]"), X1 =, 10000, replace = FALSE), key = "Id") y <- data.table(Id = stri_rand_strings(10000, 3, "[A-Za-z0-9]"), Y1 =, 10000, replace = FALSE), key = "Id") bench::mark( DT = x[y, on = "Id", nomatch = 0], merge = merge(x, y, on = "Id"), iterations = 25, check = FALSE ) # A tibble: 2 x 13 #expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc # #1 DT 2.44ms 2.77ms 348. 329KB 0 25 0 71.9ms #2 merge 2.83ms 3.21ms 290. 329KB 12.1 24 1 82.8ms # # Without keys: # A tibble: 2 x 13 #expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc # #1 DT 8.3ms 10.9ms 94.8 419KB 0 25 0 264ms #2 merge 8.97ms 10.7ms 91.9 414KB 0 25 0 272ms x <- data.table(X =, 10000, replace = TRUE), Y = stri_rand_strings(10000, 3, "[A-Za-z0-9]")) # setorderv is fastest. bench::mark( setorder = setorder(x, X, Y), setorderv = setorderv(x, c("X", "Y")), order = x[order(X, Y)], base_order = x[base:::order(X, Y)], iterations = 1000, check = FALSE ) x <- data.table(X =, 10000, replace = TRUE), Y = stri_rand_strings(10000, 3, "[A-Za-z0-9]"), Z = stri_rand_strings(10000, 1, "[A-Z]")) bench::mark( setorder = x[, setorder(.SD, X), by = Z], order = x[order(X), .SD, by = Z], iterations = 1000, check = FALSE ) generate_nas <- function (n, pct) { data.frame(X =, n, replace = TRUE)) %>% mutate(X = ifelse(row_number(.) %in% sample(1:n(), size = ((pct * 100) * n() / 100)), NA, X)) } # lenght(which(! is fastest results <- bench::press( n = c(100, 1000, 10000), pct = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5), { dat <- generate_nas(n, pct) bench::mark( na.omit = length(na.omit(dat$X)), which = length(which(!$X))), iterations = 10000, check = TRUE) } ) # A tibble: 24 x 15 # expression n pct min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc # # 1 na.omit 100 0.05 51.2us 68.1us 13154. 239KB 105. 9921 79 754.22ms # 2 which 100 0.05 28.4us 37.2us 21860. 154KB 61.4 9972 28 456.18ms # 3 na.omit 1000 0.05 55.7us 68.8us 11979. 239KB 52.9 9956 44 831.14ms # 4 which 1000 0.05 28.6us 37us 22727. 154KB 63.8 9972 28 438.77ms # 5 na.omit 10000 0.05 53us 64.6us 13123. 239KB 58.0 9956 44 758.68ms # 6 which 10000 0.05 26.5us 32.8us 28239. 154KB 79.3 9972 28 353.13ms # 7 na.omit 100 0.1 63.1us 70.1us 12902. 243KB 58.3 9955 45 771.56ms # 8 which 100 0.1 29.1us 36us 24967. 153KB 70.1 9972 28 399.41ms # 9 na.omit 1000 0.1 62.3us 72.7us 12265. 243KB 55.4 9955 45 811.63ms # 10 which 1000 0.1 29.1us 35.5us 25763. 153KB 74.9 9971 29 387.03ms # 11 na.omit 10000 0.1 62.8us 69.8us 13151. 243KB 60.8 9954 46 756.89ms # 12 which 10000 0.1 29.3us 35.9us 26060. 153KB 73.2 9972 28 382.66ms # 13 na.omit 100 0.25 91.7us 99.6us 9439. 254KB 45.5 9952 48 1.05s # 14 which 100 0.25 35.3us 41.9us 22048. 147KB 59.7 9973 27 452.33ms # 15 na.omit 1000 0.25 90.4us 100.2us 9219. 254KB 45.4 9951 49 1.08s # 16 which 1000 0.25 35.5us 41.8us 22068. 147KB 62.0 9972 28 451.88ms # 17 na.omit 10000 0.25 89.7us 100.1us 9154. 254KB 45.1 9951 49 1.09s # 18 which 10000 0.25 35.1us 42.3us 21929. 147KB 61.6 9972 28 454.73ms # 19 na.omit 100 0.5 116.6us 130us 7149. 274KB 38.1 9947 53 1.39s # 20 which 100 0.5 42.1us 47.7us 19369. 137KB 52.4 9973 27 514.9ms # 21 na.omit 1000 0.5 117.2us 129us 7104. 274KB 37.9 9947 53 1.4s # 22 which 1000 0.5 42.2us 48.5us 19374. 137KB 52.5 9973 27 514.77ms # 23 na.omit 10000 0.5 115.8us 126.8us 7360. 274KB 40.0 9946 54 1.35s # 24 which 10000 0.5 41.3us 48.1us 19192. 137KB 52.0 9973 27 519.64ms x <- data.table(X =, 10000, replace = TRUE), Y = stri_rand_strings(10000, 3, "[A-Za-z0-9]"), Z = stri_rand_strings(10000, 1, "[A-Z]")) # slice_sample is much faster! bench::mark( sample_n = dplyr::sample_n(x, size = 100), slice_sample = dplyr::slice_sample(x, n = 100), iterations = 1000, check = FALSE ) # A tibble: 2 x 13 #expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc # #1 sample_n 5.17ms 5.71ms 164. 167KB 2.67 984 16 5.98s #2 slice_sample 887.4us 998.75us 894. 113KB 3.59 996 4 1.11s load("tests/testthat/testdata/patients.rda") i <- 1 stop <- FALSE while (!stop) { set.seed(i) case_ids <- patients %>% group_by(.data[[activity_id(.)]]) %>% distinct(.data[[case_id(.)]]) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = 1) if (!("John Doe" %in% case_ids[["patient"]])) { stop <- TRUE } i <- i + 1 } # No real difference bench::mark( .data = eventdataR::patients %>% arrange(desc(.data[[timestamp(.)]])), sym = eventdataR::patients %>% arrange(desc(!!timestamp_(.))), iterations = 1000, check = TRUE )