context("test micro-level interpretation functions") test_that("edgeprob works with one-mode ERGM with network object", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(12345) data("chemnet") com <- committee %*% t(committee) nw <- network(pol, directed = TRUE) model1 <- ergm::ergm(nw ~ edges + edgecov(com) + istar(2)) expect_error(ep <- edgeprob(model1), NA) expect_s3_class(ep, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(ep), c(870, 10)) expect_equal(colnames(ep), c("tie", "edges", "[[i]]", "istar2", "i", "j", "t", "", "", "probability")) expect_equal(ep$i[1], 1) expect_equal(ep$j[1], 2) expect_equal(ep$[1], "BMA") expect_equal(ep$[1], "BML") expect_false(any($ expect_false(any($ expect_equal(class(ep$probability), "numeric") expect_equal(class(ep$i), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$j), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$t), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$, "character") expect_equal(class(ep$, "character") expect_equal(class(ep$tie), "integer") expect_lte(max(ep$probability), 1) expect_gte(max(ep$probability), 0) }) test_that("edgeprob works with one-mode ERGM with matrix", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(12345) data("chemnet") com <- committee %*% t(committee) model1 <- ergm::ergm(pol ~ edges + edgecov(com) + istar(2)) expect_error(ep <- edgeprob(model1), NA) expect_s3_class(ep, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(ep), c(870, 10)) expect_equal(colnames(ep), c("tie", "edges", "[[i]]", "istar2", "i", "j", "t", "", "", "probability")) expect_equal(ep$i[1], 1) expect_equal(ep$j[1], 2) expect_equal(ep$[1], "BMA") expect_equal(ep$[1], "BML") expect_false(any($ expect_false(any($ expect_equal(class(ep$probability), "numeric") expect_equal(class(ep$i), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$j), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$t), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$, "character") expect_equal(class(ep$, "character") expect_equal(class(ep$tie), "integer") expect_lte(max(ep$probability), 1) expect_gte(max(ep$probability), 0) }) test_that("edgeprob works with bipartite ERGM", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(12345) data("chemnet") cm <- network(committee, bipartite = TRUE, directed = FALSE) set.vertex.attribute(cm, "type", types[, 1]) suppressMessages(model1 <- ergm::ergm(cm ~ edges + nodefactor("type", levels = 1) + b1star(2))) expect_error(ep <- edgeprob(model1), NA) expect_s3_class(ep, "data.frame") expect_equal(dim(ep), c(600, 10)) expect_equal(colnames(ep), c("tie", "edges", "", "b1star2", "i", "j", "t", "", "", "probability")) expect_equal(ep$i[1], 1) expect_equal(ep$j[1], 31) expect_equal(ep$[1], "BMA") expect_equal(ep$[1], "IPU") expect_false(any($ expect_false(any($ expect_equal(class(ep$probability), "numeric") expect_equal(class(ep$i), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$j), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$t), "integer") expect_equal(class(ep$, "character") expect_equal(class(ep$, "character") expect_equal(class(ep$tie), "integer") expect_lte(max(ep$probability), 1) expect_gte(max(ep$probability), 0) }) test_that("edgeprob works with ergm, btergm, and mtergm objects, with and without curved terms", { skip_on_cran() # simulate networks with fixed and changing covariate and gwidegree set.seed(12345) nnodes <- 30 T <- 15 sim <- list() fixed_covariate <- matrix(rnorm(nnodes^2), nrow = nnodes, ncol = nnodes) changing_covariate <- list() for (t in 1:T) { changing <- matrix(rnorm(nnodes^2), nrow = nnodes, ncol = nnodes) changing_covariate[[t]] <- changing sim[[t]] <- ergm::simulate_formula(network::network(nnodes) ~ edges + edgecov(fixed_covariate) + edgecov(changing) + gwidegree(0.5, fixed = TRUE), nsim = 1, coef = c(-2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.4)) } # btergm with fixed GW decay expect_silent({ fit1 <- suppressWarnings(btergm(sim ~ edges + edgecov(fixed_covariate) + edgecov(changing_covariate) + gwidegree(1.0, fixed = TRUE), R = 100, verbose = FALSE)) }) expect_length(coef(fit1), 4) expect_silent(ep1 <- edgeprob(fit1)) expect_s3_class(ep1, "data.frame") expect_equivalent(dim(ep1), c(13050, 11)) # btergm with variable GW decay: currently unsupported in edgeprob expect_warning(fit2 <- btergm(sim ~ edges + edgecov(fixed_covariate) + edgecov(changing_covariate) + gwidegree(fixed = FALSE), R = 20, verbose = FALSE), "NAs generated during bootstrap") # mtergm with fixed GW decay expect_silent({ fit3 <- mtergm(sim ~ edges + edgecov(fixed_covariate) + edgecov(changing_covariate) + gwidegree(1.0, fixed = TRUE), verbose = FALSE) }) expect_length(coef(fit3), 4) expect_silent(ep3 <- edgeprob(fit3)) expect_s3_class(ep3, "data.frame") expect_equivalent(dim(ep3), c(13050, 11)) # mtergm with variable GW decay: currently unsupported in edgeprob expect_silent({ fit4 <- mtergm(sim ~ edges + edgecov(fixed_covariate) + edgecov(changing_covariate) + gwidegree(fixed = FALSE), verbose = FALSE) }) expect_length(coef(fit4), 5) expect_error(ep4 <- edgeprob(fit4), "MPLE-based \\(T\\)ERGMs with variable GW\\* decay are currently not supported") # ergm with fixed GW decay nnodes <- 50 set.seed(12345) cov1 <- matrix(rnorm((nnodes)^2), nrow = nnodes, ncol = nnodes) cov2 <- matrix(rnorm((nnodes)^2), nrow = nnodes, ncol = nnodes) sim <- ergm::simulate_formula(network::network(nnodes) ~ edges + edgecov(cov1) + edgecov(cov2) + gwidegree(1.0, fixed = TRUE), nsim = 1, coef = c(-3, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8)) expect_silent({ suppressMessages(fit5 <- ergm::ergm(sim ~ edges + edgecov(cov1) + edgecov(cov2) + gwidegree(1.0, fixed = TRUE), verbose = FALSE)) }) expect_length(coef(fit5), 4) expect_silent(ep5 <- edgeprob(fit5)) expect_s3_class(ep5, "data.frame") expect_equivalent(dim(ep5), c(2450, 11)) # test validity of coefficients expect_equivalent(coef(fit1) - coef(fit3), rep(0, 4), tolerance = 0.1) })