notcran <- Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") != "" if (notcran) { seed <- 8675309 SeasonalTransitionMatrix <- function(nseasons) { ## Returns the transition matrix for a seasonal state model. ## ## Args: ## nseasons: The number of seasons per cycle. ## ## Returns: ## A matrix with nseasons - 1 rows and columns. id.matrix <- diag(rep(1, nseasons - 2)) return(rbind(rep(-1, nseasons - 1), cbind(id.matrix, rep(0, nrow(id.matrix))))) } SimulateSeasonalPattern <- function(sample.size, initial.pattern, season.duration, { ## Args: ## sample.size: The number of time points to simulate. ## initial.pattern: The pattern from a single cycle, which need not sum to ## zero. ## season.duration: The number of time points that each seasons will last. ## The standard deviation of the innovation error term in the ## seasonal state model. ## ## Returns: ## A vector of length 'sample.size' containing the contribution of this ## seasonal component to the mean of the series. ## Compute the initial state by removing the final element from the initial ## pattern. state <- head(initial.pattern, -1) nseasons <- length(initial.pattern) transition.matrix <- SeasonalTransitionMatrix(nseasons) pattern <- numeric(sample.size) for (i in 1:sample.size) { pattern[i] <- state[1] state <- transition.matrix %*% state state[1] <- state[1] + rnorm(1, 0, } if (season.duration > 1) { pattern <- rep(pattern, each = season.duration)[1:sample.size] } return(pattern) } set.seed(seed) daily.pattern <- rnorm(7) ## There are roughly 52 weeks per year, but we can pretend there are ## fewer for testing purposes. weeks.per.year <- 5 n.years <- 10 ## A smooth annual pattern is more easily aliased with the trend. weekly.annual.pattern <- rnorm(weeks.per.year, cos(2 * pi * (1:weeks.per.year) / weeks.per.year), .1) sample.size <- round(7 * weeks.per.year * n.years) trend <- cumsum(rnorm(sample.size, 0, .3)) seasonal.daily <- SimulateSeasonalPattern(sample.size, daily.pattern, season.duration = 1, = .15) seasonal.annual <- SimulateSeasonalPattern(sample.size, weekly.annual.pattern, season.duration = 7, = .5) series <- rnorm(sample.size, trend + seasonal.daily + seasonal.annual, 1.0) ss <- AddLocalLevel(list(), series, sigma.prior = SdPrior(.3, 10)) ss <- AddSeasonal(ss, series, nseasons = 7, sigma.prior = SdPrior(.15, 10)) ss <- AddSeasonal(ss, series, nseasons = weeks.per.year, season.duration = 7, sigma.prior = SdPrior(.5, 10)) model <- bsts(series, ss, niter = 500, seed = seed, prior = SdPrior(1.0, 10)) ## Check that the recovered state values match the truth. test_that("seasonal model covers true state", { expect_that(model, is_a("bsts")) ## The trend here is more jagged than the model expects, so the trend test ## fails. That's fine as long as the other two tests pass. ## ## expect_true(CheckMcmcMatrix(model$state.contributions[, 1, ], ## truth = trend, confidence = .5), ## info = "trend failed") expect_true(CheckMcmcMatrix(model$state.contributions[, 2, ], truth = seasonal.daily, confidence = .8), info = "seasonal.daily failed") expect_true(CheckMcmcMatrix(model$state.contributions[, 3, ], truth = seasonal.annual, confidence = .8), info = "seasonal.annual failed") }) }