library(bsts) library(testthat) # GDP figures for 57 countries as reported by the OECD. ## data(gdp) ## <- gdp$Country ## timestamps <- gdp$Time test_that("Predictions and state are sane when only factors are present", { nobs <- 200 ndim <- 3 nfactors <- 2 seed <- 8675309 set.seed(seed) <- sqrt(abs(rnorm(ndim))) / 10 factors <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * nfactors, sd=1), ncol = nfactors) factors <- apply(factors, 2, cumsum) coefficients <- matrix(rnorm(ndim * nfactors), nrow=nfactors) coefficients <- coefficients/coefficients[, 1] state <- factors %*% coefficients errors <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * ndim), ncol=ndim) %*% diag( y <- state + errors ss <- AddSharedLocalLevel(list(), y, nfactors=nfactors) x <- matrix(rep(1, nobs), ncol=1) model <- mbsts(y, ss, niter=500, data.format="wide", seed=seed) pred <- predict(model, 24, seed = seed) ## Each time series should be within the prediction interval of the next ## point. for (s in 1:ndim) { last.y = tail(y[, s], 1) interval <- pred$interval[s, , 1] expect_gt(last.y, interval[1]) expect_lt(last.y, interval[2]) } state.means <- apply(model$shared.state.contributions, c(1, 3, 4), sum) intervals <- apply(state.means[-(1:100), , ], c(2,3), quantile, c(.025, .975)) state.posterior.means <- apply(state.means[-(1:100), , ], c(2,3), mean) <- colMeans(model$[-(1:100), ]) for (s in 1:ndim) { expect_gt(cor(y[, s], colMeans(state.means[, s, ])), .99) } })