test_that("card_image()", { show_raw_html <- function(x) { cat(format(x)) } expect_snapshot( show_raw_html( card( card_image("https://example.com/image.jpg"), card_body("image cap on top of card") ) ) ) expect_snapshot( show_raw_html( card( card_body("image cap on bottom of card"), card_image("https://example.com/image.jpg") ) ) ) expect_snapshot( show_raw_html( card( card_header("header"), card_image("https://example.com/image.jpg"), card_body("image not a cap") ) ) ) expect_snapshot( show_raw_html( card( card_image("https://example.com/image.jpg", alt = "card-img") ) ) ) }) test_that("card_image() input validation", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, card_image("cat.jpg") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, card_image("foo", "bar") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, card_image("foo", border_radius = "guess") ) })