test_that("Can retrieve version from theme object", { expect_null(theme_bootswatch(bs_theme())) theme <- bs_theme(version = "3", bootswatch = "paper") expect_equal( theme_bootswatch(theme), "paper" ) theme <- bs_theme(version = "4", bootswatch = "materia") expect_identical( theme_bootswatch(theme), "materia" ) theme <- bs_theme_update(theme, bootswatch = "darkly") expect_identical( theme_bootswatch(theme), "darkly" ) # Can use default to effectively remove bootswatch expect_identical( sass::sass(bs_theme_update(theme, bootswatch = "default")), sass::sass(bs_theme(version = "4")) ) # Can use default as a way to "explicitly don't use" a Bootswatch theme default <- bs_theme(version = "4", bootswatch = "default") expect_equal(default, bs_theme(version = "4"), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_no_match(class(default), "bs_bootswatch_") })