context("stats-prcomp") skip_if_not_installed("modeltests") library(modeltests) pc <- prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE) test_that("prcomp tidier arguments", { check_arguments(tidy.prcomp) check_arguments(augment.prcomp, strict = FALSE) }) test_that("tidy.prcomp", { td <- tidy(pc, matrix = "d") check_tidy_output(td) check_dims(td, 4, 4) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "pcs"), td) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "eigenvalues"), td) td2 <- tidy(pc, matrix = "v") check_tidy_output(td2, strict = FALSE) check_dims(td2, 16, 3) expect_identical( tidy(pc, matrix = "rotation"), tidy(pc, matrix = "variables") ) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "rotation"), td2) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "variables"), td2) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "loadings"), td2) td3 <- tidy(pc, matrix = "u") check_tidy_output(td3) check_dims(td3, 200, 3) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "x"), tidy(pc, matrix = "samples")) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "x"), td3) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "samples"), td3) expect_identical(tidy(pc, matrix = "scores"), td3) expect_error( tidy(pc, matrix = c("d", "u")), regexp = "Must select a single matrix to tidy." ) no_row_nm <-, ncol = 3) + rnorm(n = 9, sd = 0.25)) pca <- prcomp(no_row_nm) expect_error(tidy(pca, matrix = "u"), NA) }) test_that("augment.prcomp", { check_augment_function( aug = augment.prcomp, model = pc, data = USArrests, newdata = USArrests, strict = FALSE ) }) test_that("augment.prcomp works with matrix objects", { library(broom) set.seed(17) # data C <- chol(S <- toeplitz(.9^(0:31))) X <- matrix(rnorm(32000), 1000, 32) Z <- X %*% C # model pZ <- stats::prcomp(Z, tol = 0.1) # using stats predict method pred <- names(pred) <- paste0(".fitted", names(pred)) # with data df1 <- broom::augment(pZ) # without data df2 <- broom::augment(pZ, data = Z) expect_equal(dim(df1), c(1000L, 15L)) expect_equal(dim(df2), c(1000L, 47L)) testthat::expect_equal(tibble::as_tibble(pred), df1[, -1]) expect_is(df1, "tbl_df") })