context("lmbeta-lm-beta") skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("modeltests") library(modeltests) skip_if_not_installed("lm.beta") library(lm.beta) test_that("lm.beta tidier arguments", { check_arguments(tidy.lm.beta) }) fit <- lm.beta::lm.beta(lm(mpg ~ wt, mtcars)) fit2 <- lm.beta::lm.beta(lm(mpg ~ wt + log(disp), mtcars)) # the cyl:qsec term isn't defined for this fit na_row_data <- mtcars[c(6, 9, 13:15, 22), ] fit_na_row <- lm(mpg ~ cyl * qsec + gear, data = na_row_data) # rank-deficient fit rd_data <- data.frame(y = rnorm(10), x = letters[seq_len(10)]) fit_rd <- lm(y ~ x - 1, data = rd_data) test_that("tidy.lm.beta works", { td <- tidy(fit) td2 <- tidy(fit2) # = TRUE works for rank deficient fits # should get a "NaNs produced" warning expect_warning(td_rd <- tidy(fit_rd, = TRUE)) check_tidy_output(td) check_tidy_output(td2) check_tidy_output(td_rd) check_dims(td, expected_rows = 2) check_dims(td2, expected_rows = 3) expect_equal(td$term, c("(Intercept)", "wt")) expect_equal(td2$term, c("(Intercept)", "wt", "log(disp)")) # shouldn't error. regression test for issues 166, 241 # rows for confidence intervals of undefined terms should be dropped expect_error(tidy(fit_na_row, = TRUE), NA) })