context("stats-mlm") skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("modeltests") library(modeltests) fit_mlm <- lm(cbind(mpg, disp) ~ wt, mtcars) df_tidy <- tidy(fit_mlm, = TRUE) test_that("tidy.mlm works", { expect_equal(dim(df_tidy), c(4L, 8L)) expect_is(df_tidy, "tbl_df") }) #' helper function: replicate each element of x #' times times. rep_each <- function(x, times) { retv <- outer(rep(1, times), x, function(x, y) y) dim(retv) <- c(prod(dim(retv)), 1) retv <- switch(class(x), character = as.character(retv), numeric = as.numeric(retv), integer = as.integer(retv), retv ) retv } test_that("tidy.mlm works", { # create data nob <- 100 set.seed(1234) datf <- data.frame( x1 = rnorm(nob), x2 = runif(nob), z1 = rnorm(nob), z2 = rnorm(nob) ) %>% dplyr::mutate( y1 = 0.5 * x1 + x2 + z1 - z2, y2 = -2 * x1 + 0.25 * x2 + 3 * z1 + z2 ) # fit two mlm objects fit <- lm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x1, data = datf) fit2 <- lm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x1 + x2, data = datf) # tidy dataframe td <- tidy(fit) td2 <- tidy(fit2) # hit the confidence interval code tdc <- tidy(fit, = TRUE) tdc2 <- tidy(fit2, = TRUE) modeltests::check_tidy_output(td) modeltests::check_tidy_output(td2) modeltests::check_tidy_output(tdc) modeltests::check_tidy_output(tdc2) modeltests::check_dims(td, expected_rows = 4) modeltests::check_dims(td2, expected_rows = 6) modeltests::check_dims(tdc, expected_rows = 4) modeltests::check_dims(tdc2, expected_rows = 6) modeltests::check_dims(td, expected_cols = 6) modeltests::check_dims(td2, expected_cols = 6) modeltests::check_dims(tdc, expected_cols = 8) modeltests::check_dims(tdc2, expected_cols = 8) expect_equal(td$term, rep(c("(Intercept)", "x1"), 2)) expect_equal(td2$term, rep(c("(Intercept)", "x1", "x2"), 2)) expect_equal(td$response, rep_each(c("y1", "y2"), 2)) expect_equal(td2$response, rep_each(c("y1", "y2"), 3)) })