context("ergm") skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("modeltests") library(modeltests) skip_if_not_installed("ergm") library(ergm) data(florentine) data(faux.mesa.high) gest <- ergm(flomarriage ~ edges + absdiff("wealth")) gest2 <- ergm(flomarriage ~ edges + absdiff("wealth"), family = "gaussian") suppressWarnings({ gest3 <- ergm(faux.mesa.high ~ edges + degree(1:3)) }) test_that("ergm tidier arguments", { check_arguments(tidy.ergm) check_arguments(glance.ergm) }) test_that("tidy.ergm", { expect_warning({ tde <- tidy(gest, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE) }) check_tidy_output(tde) # regression test for #688 expect_true("term" %in% colnames(tde)) # number of columns in output varies with ergm version # so this test is temporarily deactivated # check_dims(tde, 2, 7) # tidy.ergm warns when exponentiating w/o link expect_warning(td2 <- tidy(gest2, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE)) check_tidy_output(td2) # see comment above: # check_dims(td2, 2, 7) }) test_that("glance.ergm", { gl <- glance(gest, deviance = TRUE) gl2 <- glance(gest3, deviance = TRUE, mcmc = TRUE) expect_message( gl3 <- glance(gest, deviance = TRUE, mcmc = TRUE) ) check_glance_outputs(gl) check_dims(gl, expected_cols = 9) check_dims(gl2, expected_cols = 12) check_dims(gl, expected_cols = 9) })