stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("broom.mixed")) context("glmmTMB models") ## source("helper-checkers.R") ## done automatically in test workflow if (require(glmmTMB, quietly = TRUE) ## do we need all this? ## && ## checkDepPackageVersion(dep_pkg = "TMB", ## this_pkg = "glmmTMB", ## warn = FALSE) && ## checkDepPackageVersion(dep_pkg = "Matrix", ## this_pkg = "TMB", ## warn = FALSE) ) { L <- load(system.file("extdata", "glmmTMB_example.rda", package = "broom.mixed", mustWork = TRUE )) for (obj in L) { assign(obj, glmmTMB::up2date(get(obj))) } test_that("components included for zi models", { td <- tidy(zipm3) check_tidy( td, 29, 8, c( "effect", "component", "group", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value" ) ) }) test_that("tidy respects components argument", { tdc <- tidy(zipm3, component="cond", effects="fixed") check_tidy( tdc, 14, 7, c( "effect", "component", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value" ) ) tdz <- tidy(zipm3, component="zi", effects="fixed") check_tidy( tdc, 14, 7, c( "effect", "component", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value" ) ) }) test_that("tidy respects conf.level", { tmpf <- function(cl=0.95) { return(tidy(zipm3,,conf.level=cl)[1,][["conf.low"]]) } expect_equal(tmpf(),-2.088147,tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(tmpf(0.5),-0.7871105,tolerance=1e-4) }) test_that("empty components are OK", { expect_equal(dim(tidy(zipm3, effects = "ran_pars", component = "zi")), c(0,5)) }) test_that("ran_pars works", { expect_equal(dim(tidy(zipm3, effects = "ran_pars", component = "zi")), c(0,5)) }) test_that("ran_vals works", { ## GH103 expect_equal(dim(tidy(glmm1, effects="ran_vals")), c(15,7)) }) test_that("profile tidying works", { td <- tidy(glmm1, effects="fixed",, conf.method="profile") check_tidy( td, 4, 9, c( "effect", "component", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value", "conf.low","conf.high")) expect_equal(td$conf.low, c(-1.9012409337, -1.61676924, -1.8010155, -2.50085), tolerance=1e-4) }) test_that("confint with non-pos-def results", { d <- data.frame(x = rep(1,100)) suppressWarnings(m1 <- glmmTMB(x~1, family=nbinom2, data=d)) expect_is(tidy(m1), "tbl_df") res <- unlist(suppressWarnings( tidy(m1,[,c("estimate", "conf.low","conf.high")])) ## this test is not reliable ... not sure what else to test? ## expect_equal(unname(res), c(-0.196,0.196), tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(unname(glance(m1)[,c("nobs","df.residual")]), unname(tibble::tibble(100L, 98L))) }) test_that("confint with multiple REs", { if (packageVersion("glmmTMB") > "1.1.3" && requireNamespace("lme4")) { dd <- expand.grid(r = 1:10, a = factor(1:2), b = factor(1:3), f = factor(1:5), g = factor(1:6)) dd$y <- simulate( seed = 101, ~ 1 + (a|f) + (b|g), newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = 1, theta = rep(1,9), sigma = 1), family = gaussian)[[1]] res <- glmmTMB(y~ 1 + (a+0|f) + (b+0|g), data = dd) td <- tidy(res, = TRUE) check_tidy( td, 11, 10, c("effect", "component", "group", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value", "conf.low", "conf.high")) } ## require lme4 (for simulate) } ) if (requireNamespace("lme4")) { ## GH #136 data("sleepstudy", package = "lme4") ## FIXME: speed up by storing this? ## warning because using bogus example suppressWarnings(fm3ZIP <- glmmTMB(round(Reaction) ~ Days + (1|Subject), family=poisson, ziformula=~(1|Subject), data = sleepstudy)) t1 <- tidy(fm3ZIP, = TRUE, component = "cond", effect = "ran_pars") t2 <- tidy(fm3ZIP, = TRUE, effect = "ran_pars") expect_identical(nrow(t1), 1L) expect_identical(nrow(t2), 2L) } ## if requireNamespace("lme4") } ## if require(glmmTMB)