stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("broom.mixed")) ## test tidy, augment, glance methods from lme4-tidiers.R if (require(lme4, quietly = TRUE)) { load(system.file("extdata", "lme4_example.rda", package = "broom.mixed", mustWork = TRUE )) context("lme4 models") d <- colnames(d) <- c("y", "x", "subj", "tx") fit <<- lmer(y ~ tx * x + (x | subj), data = d) test_that("tidy works on lme4 fits", { td <- tidy(fit) ## FIXME: fails if lmerTest has been loaded previously ... expect_equal(dim(td), c(12, 6)) expect_equal( names(td), c( "effect", "group", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic" ) ) expect_equal( td$term, c( "(Intercept)", "tx2", "tx3", "tx4", "x", "tx2:x", "tx3:x", "tx4:x", "sd__(Intercept)", "cor__(Intercept).x", "sd__x", "sd__Observation" ) ) }) test_that("tidy/glance works on glmer fits", { gm <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), cbpp, binomial, nAGQ = 0 ) ggm <- broom::glance(gm) expect_equal(names(ggm), c("nobs", "sigma", "logLik", "AIC", "BIC", "deviance", "df.residual")) td <- tidy(gm) expect_equal( names(td), c( "effect", "group", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value" ) ) td_ran <- tidy(gm, "ran_pars") expect_equal(names(td_ran), c("effect", "group", "term", "estimate")) }) test_that("glance includes deviance iff method='ML'", { expect(!("deviance" %in% names(glance(lmm0))),"deviance not included") expect("REMLcrit" %in% names(glance(lmm0)),"REMLcrit not included") expect("deviance" %in% names(glance(lmm0ML)),"deviance not included") }) test_that("tidy works on non-linear fits", { startvec <- c(Asym = 200, xmid = 725, scal = 350) # use nAGQ = 0 to avoid warnings nm <- nlmer(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ Asym | Tree, Orange, start = startvec, nAGQ = 0L ) gnm <- broom::glance(nm) expect_equal(names(gnm), c("nobs", "sigma", "logLik", "AIC", "BIC", "deviance", "df.residual")) td <- tidy(nm) expect_equal( names(td), c( "effect", "group", "term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic" ) ) td_ran <- tidy(nm, "ran_pars") expect_equal(names(td_ran), c("effect", "group", "term", "estimate")) }) test_that("scales works", { t1 <- tidy(fit, effects = "ran_pars") t2 <- tidy(fit, effects = "ran_pars", scales = "sdcor") expect_equal(t1$estimate, t2$estimate) expect_error( tidy(fit, effects = "ran_pars", scales = "varcov"), "unrecognized ran_pars scale" ) t3 <- tidy(fit, effects = "ran_pars", scales = "vcov") get_sdvar <- function(x) { (x %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("^(sd|var)",term)) %>% dplyr::select(estimate) )} ## ?? need to coerce to data frames: expect_equal(, %>% mutate_all(~.^2)) ) expect_error( tidy(fit, scales = "vcov"), "must be provided for each effect" ) }) test_that("tidy works with more than one RE grouping variable", { dd <- expand.grid(f = factor(1:10), g = factor(1:5), rep = 1:3) dd$y <- suppressMessages(simulate(~(1 | f) + (1 | g), newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = 1, theta = c(1, 1)), family = poisson, seed = 101 ))[[1]] gfit <- glmer(y ~ (1 | f) + (1 | g), data = dd, family = poisson) tnames <- as.character(tidy(gfit, effects = "ran_pars")$term) expect_equal(tnames, rep("sd__(Intercept)", 2)) }) test_that("augment works on lme4 fits with or without data", { au1 <- suppressWarnings(broom::augment(fit)) au2 <- suppressWarnings(broom::augment(fit, d)) ## FIXME: columns not ordered the same?? expect_equal(au1, au2[names(au1)]) }) dNAs <<- d dNAs$y[c(1, 3, 5)] <- NA test_that("augment works on lme4 fits with NAs", { fitNAs <- lmer(y ~ tx * x + (x | subj), data = dNAs, control=lmerControl(check.conv.grad= .makeCC("warning", tol = 5e-2, relTol = NULL))) au <- suppressWarnings(broom::augment(fitNAs)) expect_equal(nrow(au), sum(complete.cases(dNAs))) }) test_that("augment works on lme4 fits with na.exclude", { fitNAs <- lmer(y ~ tx * x + (x | subj), data = dNAs, na.action = "na.exclude", control=lmerControl(check.conv.grad= .makeCC("warning", tol = 5e-2, relTol = NULL))) # expect_error(suppressWarnings(augment(fitNAs))) au <- suppressWarnings(broom::augment(fitNAs, dNAs)) # with na.exclude, should have NAs in the output where there were NAs in input expect_equal(nrow(au), nrow(dNAs)) expect_equal(complete.cases(au), complete.cases(dNAs)) }) test_that("glance works on lme4 fits", { g <- broom::glance(fit) expect_equal(dim(g), c(1, 7)) }) test_that("ran_vals works", { td0 <- tidy(lmm0, "ran_vals") td1 <- tidy(lmm1, "ran_vals") expect_equal(dim(td0), c(18, 6)) expect_equal(dim(td1), c(36, 6)) if (packageVersion("lme4") >= "1.1.18") { td2 <- tidy(lmm2, "ran_vals") expect_equal(dim(td2), c(36, 6)) expect_equal(names(td1), names(td2)) } }) test_that("confint preserves term names", { td3 <- tidy(lmm0, = TRUE, conf.method = "Wald", effects = "fixed") expect_equal(td3$term, c("(Intercept)", "Days")) }) test_that("tidy respects conf.level", { tmpf <- function(cl=0.95) { return(tidy(lmm0,,conf.level=cl)[1,][["conf.low"]]) } expect_equal(tmpf(),232.3019,tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(tmpf(0.5),244.831,tolerance=1e-4) }) test_that("effects='ran_pars' + works", { tt <- tidy(lmm0, effects="ran_pars",, conf.method="profile", quiet=TRUE)[c("conf.low","conf.high")] tt0 <- structure(list(conf.low = c(26.007120448854, 27.8138472081303 ), conf.high = c(52.9359835296834, 34.591049857869)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) tt0 <- structure(list(conf.low = c(26.00712, 27.81384), conf.high = c(52.9359, 34.59104)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) ## ??? why do I need ## otherwise [1] "Rows in x but not y: 2, 1. Rows in y but not x: 2, 1. " expect_equal(,, tolerance=1e-5) }) test_that("augment returns a tibble", { ## GH 51 expect_is(augment(fit), "tbl") }) test_that("conf intervals for ranef in correct order", { ## GH 65 t1 <- tidy(lmm1,,effect="ran_pars",conf.method="profile",quiet=TRUE) cor_vals <- t1[t1$term=="cor__(Intercept).Days",] expect_true(cor_vals$conf.low>(-1) && cor_vals$conf.high<1) }) }