stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("broom.mixed")) if (require(brms, quietly = TRUE) && require(rstanarm, quietly=TRUE)) { load(system.file("extdata", "brms_example.rda", package = "broom.mixed", mustWork = TRUE )) context("brms models") ## GH #87 tt <- suppressWarnings(tidy(brms_multi, expect_true(all(c("conf.low","conf.high") %in% names(tt))) ## GH #101 gg <- glance(brms_noran) expect_equal(names(gg),c("algorithm","pss","nobs","sigma")) ## Check the descriptive columns of tidy summaries ### brms_RE expected <- tibble::tribble( ~effect, ~component, ~group, ~term, "fixed", "cond", NA, "(Intercept)", "fixed", "cond", NA, "Days_extra", "ran_pars", "cond", "Subject", "sd__(Intercept)", "ran_pars", "cond", "Subject", "sd__Days_extra", "ran_pars", "cond", "Subject", "cor__(Intercept).Days_extra", "ran_pars", "cond", "Residual", "sd__Observation" ) observed <- suppressWarnings(tidy(brms_RE)) expect_equal(observed[, 1:4], expected) ### brms_noran expected <- tibble::tribble( ~effect, ~component, ~group, ~term, "fixed", "cond", NA, "(Intercept)", "fixed", "cond", NA, "wt", "ran_pars", "cond", "Residual", "sd__Observation" ) observed <- suppressWarnings(tidy(brms_noran)) expect_equal(observed[, 1:4], expected) ### brms_brm_fit4 expected <- tibble::tribble( ~effect, ~component, ~group, ~term, "fixed", "cond", NA, "(Intercept)", "fixed", "cond", NA, "x" ) observed <- suppressWarnings(tidy(brms_brm_fit4)) expect_equal(observed[, 1:4], expected) }