library(survival) library(gtsummary) test_that("model_list_variables() tests", { mod <- glm(response ~ age + grade * trt + death, gtsummary::trial, family = binomial) res <- mod |> model_list_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("response", "age", "grade", "trt", "death", "grade:trt") ) expect_equal( res$variable, mod |> model_list_variables(only_variable = TRUE) ) expect_equal( res$var_class, c( response = "integer", age = "numeric", grade = "factor", trt = "character", death = "integer", NA ) ) mod <- lm(marker ~ as.logical(response), gtsummary::trial) res <- mod |> model_list_variables( labels = list(marker = "MARKER", "as.logical(response)" = "RESPONSE") ) expect_equal( res$var_class, c("numeric", "logical"), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( res$var_label, c("MARKER", "RESPONSE"), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( .MFclass2(as.Date("2000-01-01")), "other" ) }) test_that("tidy_identify_variables() works for common models", { mod <- glm(response ~ age + grade * trt + death, gtsummary::trial, family = binomial) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("(Intercept)", "age", "grade", "grade", "trt", "death", "grade:trt", "grade:trt") ) expect_equal( res$var_class, c(NA, "numeric", "factor", "factor", "character", "integer", NA, NA), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( res$var_type, c( "intercept", "continuous", "categorical", "categorical", "dichotomous", "continuous", "interaction", "interaction" ) ) expect_equal( res$var_nlevels, c(NA, NA, 3L, 3L, 2L, NA, NA, NA), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("test tidy_identify_variables() checks", { mod <- glm(response ~ stage + grade + trt, gtsummary::trial, family = binomial) # expect an error if no model attached expect_error(mod |> broom::tidy() |> tidy_identify_variables()) # could be apply twice (no error) expect_no_error( mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() |> tidy_identify_variables() ) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_true( all(c("variable", "var_type", "var_class", "var_nlevels") %in% names(res)) ) # cannot be applied after tidy_add_header_rows expect_error( mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_add_header_rows() |> tidy_identify_variables() ) }) test_that("model_dientify_variables() works well with logical variables", { mod <- lm( age ~ response + marker, data = gtsummary::trial |> dplyr::mutate(response = as.logical(response)) ) res <- model_identify_variables(mod) expect_equal( res |> dplyr::filter(variable == "response") |> purrr::pluck("var_type"), "dichotomous" ) expect_equal( res |> dplyr::filter(variable == "response") |> purrr::pluck("var_nlevels"), 2, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( model_get_xlevels(mod)$response, c("FALSE", "TRUE") ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with different contrasts", { mod <- glm( response ~ stage + grade * trt, gtsummary::trial, family = binomial, contrasts = list(stage = contr.treatment, grade = contr.SAS, trt = contr.SAS) ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( NA, "stage", "stage", "stage", "grade", "grade", "trt", "grade:trt", "grade:trt" ) ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) mod <- glm( response ~ stage + grade * trt, gtsummary::trial, family = binomial, contrasts = list(stage = contr.poly, grade = contr.helmert, trt = contr.sum) ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "stage", "stage", "stage", "grade", "grade", "trt", "grade:trt", "grade:trt") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with stats::poly()", { mod <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ poly(Sepal.Width, 3) + poly(Petal.Length, 2), iris) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( NA, "Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Length" ) ) expect_no_error(tb <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) expect_equal( tb$variable, c( "(Intercept)", "Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Length" ) ) }) test_that("tidy_identify_variables() works with variables having non standard name", { # cf. df <- gtsummary::trial |> dplyr::mutate(`grade of kids` = grade) mod <- lm(age ~ marker * `grade of kids`, df) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( "(Intercept)", "marker", "grade of kids", "grade of kids", "marker:grade of kids", "marker:grade of kids" ) ) expect_equal( res$var_class, c(NA, "numeric", "factor", "factor", NA, NA), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) # interaction only term mod <- lm(age ~ marker:`grade of kids`, df) expect_equal( mod |> model_list_variables(only_variable = TRUE), c("age", "marker", "grade of kids", "marker:grade of kids") ) expect_equal( mod |> model_identify_variables() |> purrr::pluck("variable"), c(NA, "marker:grade of kids", "marker:grade of kids", "marker:grade of kids") ) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("(Intercept)", "marker:grade of kids", "marker:grade of kids", "marker:grade of kids") ) trial2 <- gtsummary::trial |> dplyr::mutate( `treatment +name` = trt, `disease stage` = stage ) mod <- glm( response ~ `treatment +name` + `disease stage`, trial2, family = binomial(link = "logit") ) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() |> tidy_remove_intercept() expect_equal( res$variable, c( "treatment +name", "disease stage", "disease stage", "disease stage" ) ) expect_equal( res$var_type, c("dichotomous", "categorical", "categorical", "categorical") ) mod <- lm( hp ~ factor(`number + cylinders`):`miles :: galon` + factor(`type of transmission`), mtcars |> dplyr::rename( `miles :: galon` = mpg, `type of transmission` = am, `number + cylinders` = cyl ) ) res <- tidy_plus_plus(mod) expect_equal( res$variable, c( "factor(`type of transmission`)", "factor(`type of transmission`)", "factor(`number + cylinders`):miles :: galon", "factor(`number + cylinders`):miles :: galon", "factor(`number + cylinders`):miles :: galon" ) ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with lme4::lmer", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("lme4") mod <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), lme4::sleepstudy) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "Days") ) expect_no_error( mod |> tidy_and_attach(tidy_fun = broom.mixed::tidy) |> tidy_identify_variables() ) mod <- lme4::lmer( age ~ stage + (stage | grade) + (1 | grade), gtsummary::trial ) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach(tidy_fun = broom.mixed::tidy) |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res |> dplyr::filter(effect == "ran_pars") |> purrr::pluck("var_type") |> unique(), "ran_pars" ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with lme4::glmer", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("lme4") mod <- lme4::glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), family = binomial, data = lme4::cbpp ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "period", "period", "period") ) expect_no_error( mod |> tidy_and_attach(tidy_fun = broom.mixed::tidy) |> tidy_identify_variables() ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with survival::coxph", { skip_if_not_installed("survival") df <- survival::lung |> dplyr::mutate(sex = factor(sex)) mod <- survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog + age + sex, data = df) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("ph.ecog", "age", "sex") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with survival::survreg", { skip_if_not_installed("survival") mod <- survival::survreg( survival::Surv(futime, fustat) ~ + rx, survival::ovarian, dist = "exponential" ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "", "rx") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with nnet::multinom", { skip_if_not_installed("nnet") mod <- nnet::multinom(grade ~ stage + marker + age, data = gtsummary::trial, trace = FALSE) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age", "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age" ) ) # should work also with sum/SAS contrasts mod <- nnet::multinom( grade ~ stage + marker + age, data = gtsummary::trial, trace = FALSE, contrasts = list(stage = contr.sum) ) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age", "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age" ) ) mod <- nnet::multinom( grade ~ stage + marker + age, data = gtsummary::trial, trace = FALSE, contrasts = list(stage = contr.SAS) ) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age", "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age" ) ) mod <- nnet::multinom( grade ~ stage + marker + age, data = gtsummary::trial, trace = FALSE, contrasts = list(stage = contr.helmert) ) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age", "(Intercept)", "stage", "stage", "stage", "marker", "age" ) ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with survey::svyglm", { skip_if_not_installed("survey") df <- survey::svydesign(~1, weights = ~1, data = gtsummary::trial) mod <- survey::svyglm(response ~ age + grade * trt, df, family = quasibinomial) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "age", "grade", "grade", "trt", "grade:trt", "grade:trt") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with ordinal::clm", { mod <- ordinal::clm(rating ~ temp * contact, data = ordinal::wine) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("1|2", "2|3", "3|4", "4|5", "temp", "contact", "temp:contact") ) mod <- ordinal::clm(rating ~ temp * contact, data = ordinal::wine, threshold = "symmetric") res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("central.1", "central.2", "spacing.1", "temp", "contact", "temp:contact") ) mod <- ordinal::clm(rating ~ temp * contact, data = ordinal::wine, threshold = "symmetric2") res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("spacing.1", "spacing.2", "temp", "contact", "temp:contact") ) mod <- ordinal::clm(rating ~ temp * contact, data = ordinal::wine, threshold = "equidistant") res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("threshold.1", "spacing", "temp", "contact", "temp:contact") ) # nolint start # wait for # before testing nominal predictors # mod <- ordinal::clm(rating ~ temp * contact, data = ordinal::wine, nominal = ~contact) # res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() # expect_equal( # res$variable, # c("1|2.(Intercept)", "2|3.(Intercept)", "3|4.(Intercept)", "4|5.(Intercept)", # "contact", "contact", "contact", "contact", "temp", "contactyes", # "temp:contact") # ) # nolint end }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with ordinal::clmm", { mod <- ordinal::clmm(rating ~ temp * contact + (1 | judge), data = ordinal::wine) res <- mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c("1|2", "2|3", "3|4", "4|5", "temp", "contact", "temp:contact") ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with MASS::polr", { mod <- MASS::polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = MASS::housing) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "Infl", "Infl", "Type", "Type", "Type", "Cont") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with geepack::geeglm", { skip_if(packageVersion("geepack") < "1.3") df <- geepack::dietox df$Cu <- as.factor(df$Cu) mf <- formula(Weight ~ Cu * Time) suppressWarnings( mod <- geepack::geeglm(mf, data = df, id = Pig, family = poisson("identity"), corstr = "ar1") ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "Cu", "Cu", "Time", "Cu:Time", "Cu:Time") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with gam::gam", { skip_if_not_installed("gam") data(kyphosis, package = "gam") mod <- gam::gam(Kyphosis ~ gam::s(Age, 4) + Number, family = binomial, data = kyphosis) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "gam::s(Age, 4)", "Number") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) mod <- suppressWarnings(gam::gam( Ozone^(1 / 3) ~ gam::lo(Solar.R) + gam::lo(Wind, Temp), data = datasets::airquality, na = gam::na.gam.replace )) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "gam::lo(Solar.R)", "gam::lo(Wind, Temp)", "gam::lo(Wind, Temp)") ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with lavaan::lavaan", { skip_if_not_installed("lavaan") df <- lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939 df$grade <- factor(df$grade, ordered = TRUE) HS.model <- "visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3 textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6 + grade speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9 " mod <- lavaan::lavaan(HS.model, data = df, auto.var = TRUE, auto.fix.first = TRUE, = TRUE ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, mod@ParTable$lhs ) expect_no_error(mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables()) expect_vector( mod |> model_list_variables(only_variable = TRUE) ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() message when failure", { skip_if_not_installed("survival") trial <- gtsummary::trial df_models <- tibble::tibble(grade = c("I", "II", "III")) |> dplyr::mutate( df_model = purrr::map(grade, ~ trial |> dplyr::filter(grade == ..1)), mv_formula_char = "Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt + age + marker", mv_formula = purrr::map(mv_formula_char, as.formula), mv_model_form = purrr::map2( mv_formula, df_model, ~ survival::coxph(..1, data = ..2) ) ) expect_message( df_models |> dplyr::mutate( mv_tbl_form = purrr::map( mv_model_form, ~ tidy_and_attach(.x) |> tidy_identify_variables(quiet = FALSE) ) ) ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with glmmTMB::glmmTMB", { skip_if_not_installed("glmmTMB") skip_if_not_installed("broom.mixed") skip_on_cran() mod <- suppressWarnings( glmmTMB::glmmTMB( count ~ mined + spp, ziformula = ~ mined, family = poisson, data = glmmTMB::Salamanders ) ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( res$variable, c( NA, "mined", "spp", "spp", "spp", "spp", "spp", "spp" ) ) expect_no_error( mod |> tidy_and_attach() |> tidy_identify_variables() ) }) test_that("model_identify_variables() works with plm::plm", { skip_if_not_installed("plm") skip_on_cran() data("Grunfeld", package = "plm") mod <- plm::plm( inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld, model = "within", index = c("firm", "year") ) res <- mod |> model_identify_variables() expect_equal( mod |> model_get_model_matrix() |> colnames(), c("(Intercept)", "value", "capital") ) expect_equal( res$term, c("(Intercept)", "value", "capital") ) expect_equal( res$variable, c(NA, "value", "capital") ) })