context("Tests for brmsfit helper functions") test_that("first_greater returns expected results", { A <- cbind(1:10, 11:20, 21:30) x <- c(5, 25, 7, 15, 7, 10, 15, 19, 3, 11) expect_equal(first_greater(A, x), c(2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2)) expect_equal(first_greater(A, x, i = 2), c(2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2)) }) test_that("array2list performs correct conversion", { A <- array(1:27, dim = c(3,3,3)) B <- list(matrix(1:9,3,3), matrix(10:18,3,3), matrix(19:27,3,3)) expect_equal(brms:::array2list(A), B) }) test_that("probit and probit_approx produce similar results", { expect_equal(brms:::inv_link(-10:10, "probit"), brms:::inv_link(-10:10, "probit_approx"), tolerance = 1e-3) }) test_that("autocorrelation matrices are computed correctly", { ar <- 0.5 ma <- 0.3 ar_mat <- brms:::get_cor_matrix_ar1(ar = matrix(ar), nobs = 4) expected_ar_mat <- 1 / (1 - ar^2) * cbind(c(1, ar, ar^2, ar^3), c(ar, 1, ar, ar^2), c(ar^2, ar, 1, ar), c(ar^3, ar^2, ar, 1)) expect_equal(ar_mat[1, , ], expected_ar_mat) ma_mat <- brms:::get_cor_matrix_ma1(ma = matrix(ma), nobs = 4) expected_ma_mat <- cbind(c(1+ma^2, ma, 0, 0), c(ma, 1+ma^2, ma, 0), c(0, ma, 1+ma^2, ma), c(0, 0, ma, 1+ma^2)) expect_equal(ma_mat[1, , ], expected_ma_mat) arma_mat <- brms:::get_cor_matrix_arma1( ar = matrix(ar), ma = matrix(ma), nobs = 4 ) g0 <- 1 + ma^2 + 2 * ar * ma g1 <- (1 + ar * ma) * (ar + ma) expected_arma_mat <- 1 / (1 - ar^2) * cbind(c(g0, g1, g1 * ar, g1 * ar^2), c(g1, g0, g1, g1 * ar), c(g1 * ar, g1, g0, g1), c(g1 * ar^2, g1 * ar, g1, g0)) expect_equal(arma_mat[1, , ], expected_arma_mat) cosy <- 0.6 cosy_mat <- brms:::get_cor_matrix_cosy(cosy = as.matrix(cosy), nobs = 4) expected_cosy_mat <- matrix(cosy, 4, 4) diag(expected_cosy_mat) <- 1 expect_equal(cosy_mat[1, , ], expected_cosy_mat) ident_mat <- brms:::get_cor_matrix_ident(ndraws = 10, nobs = 4) expected_ident_mat <- diag(1, 4) expect_equal(ident_mat[1, , ], expected_ident_mat) }) test_that("evidence_ratio returns expected results", { ps <- -4:10 prs <- -2:12 expect_true(evidence_ratio(ps, prior_samples = prs) > 1) expect_true( expect_equal(evidence_ratio(ps, cut = 0.5, wsign = "greater"), 10/5) expect_equal(evidence_ratio(ps, cut = 0.5, wsign = "less"), 5/10) }) test_that("find_vars finds all valid variable names in a string", { string <- "x + b.x - .5 + abc(a__3) : 1/2 - 0.2" expect_equal(find_vars(string), c("x", "b.x", "a__3")) }) test_that(".predictor_arma runs without errors", { ns <- 20 nobs <- 30 Y = rnorm(nobs) J_lag = c(1:3, 3, 3, rep(c(0:3, 3), 4), 0:3, 0) ar <- matrix(rnorm(ns * 3), nrow = ns, ncol = 3) ma <- matrix(rnorm(ns * 1), nrow = ns, ncol = 1) eta <- matrix(rnorm(ns * nobs), nrow = ns, ncol = nobs) expect_equal(.predictor_arma(eta, Y = Y, J_lag = J_lag), eta) expect_silent(.predictor_arma(eta, Y = Y, J_lag = J_lag, ar = ar)) expect_silent(.predictor_arma(eta, Y = Y, J_lag = J_lag, ma = ma)) expect_silent(.predictor_arma(eta, Y = Y, J_lag = J_lag, ar = ar, ma = ma)) }) test_that("make_conditions works correctly", { conds <- make_conditions(epilepsy, c("zBase", "zAge")) expect_equal(dim(conds), c(9, 3)) expect_equal(conds$cond__[3], "zBase = -1 & zAge = 1") }) test_that("brmsfit_needs_refit works correctly", { cache_tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds") expect_null(read_brmsfit(cache_tmp)) saveRDS(list(a = 1), file = cache_tmp) expect_error(read_brmsfit(cache_tmp)) data_model1 <- data.frame(y = rnorm(10), x = rnorm(10)) fake_fit <- brm(y ~ x, data = data_model1, empty = TRUE) fake_fit_file <- fake_fit fake_fit_file$file <- cache_tmp scode_model1 <- make_stancode(y ~ x, data = data_model1) sdata_model1 <- make_standata(y ~ x, data = data_model1) data_model2 <- data_model1 data_model2$x[1] <- data_model2$x[1] + 1 scode_model2 <- make_stancode(y ~ 0 + x, data = data_model2) sdata_model2 <- make_standata(y ~ 0 + x, data = data_model2) write_brmsfit(fake_fit, file = cache_tmp) cache_res <- read_brmsfit(file = cache_tmp) expect_equal(cache_res, fake_fit_file) expect_false(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = sdata_model1, scode = scode_model1, algorithm = "sampling", silent = TRUE)) expect_false(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = sdata_model1, scode = scode_model1, algorithm = NULL, silent = TRUE)) expect_false(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = sdata_model1, scode = NULL, algorithm = "sampling", silent = TRUE)) expect_false(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = NULL, scode = scode_model1, algorithm = "sampling", silent = TRUE)) expect_true(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = sdata_model2, scode = scode_model1, algorithm = "sampling", silent = TRUE)) expect_true(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = sdata_model1, scode = scode_model2, algorithm = "sampling", silent = TRUE)) expect_true(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = sdata_model2, scode = scode_model2, algorithm = "sampling", silent = TRUE)) expect_true(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = sdata_model1, scode = scode_model1, algorithm = "optimize", silent = TRUE)) expect_true(brmsfit_needs_refit( cache_res, sdata = make_standata(y ~ x, data = data_model1, sample_prior = "only"), scode = scode_model1, algorithm = NULL, silent = TRUE)) }) test_that("insert_refcat() works correctly", { source(testthat::test_path(file.path("helpers", "insert_refcat_ch.R"))) source(testthat::test_path(file.path("helpers", "simopts_catlike.R"))) for (ndraws in ndraws_vec) { for (nobsv in nobsv_vec) { for (ncat in ncat_vec) { cats <- paste0("cat", 1:ncat) ref_list <- list( ref1 = 1, reflast = ncat ) fam_list <- list( fam_ref1 = categorical(refcat = cats[1]), fam_reflast = categorical(refcat = cats[ncat]) ) if (ncat > 2) { ref_list <- c(ref_list, list(ref2 = 2)) fam_list <- c(fam_list, list(fam_ref2 = categorical(refcat = cats[2]))) } eta_test_list <- list(array(rnorm(ndraws * nobsv * (ncat - 1)), dim = c(ndraws, nobsv, ncat - 1))) if (nobsv == 1) { eta_test_list <- c( eta_test_list, list(matrix(rnorm(ndraws * (ncat - 1)), nrow = ndraws)) ) } for (eta_test in eta_test_list) { for (i in seq_along(fam_list)) { # Emulate content of `fam` after fit: fam <- fam_list[[i]] if (is.null(fam$refcat)) { fam$refcat <- cats[1] } fam$cats <- cats ref <- ref_list[[i]] # Perform the check: eta_ref <- insert_refcat(eta_test, ref) eta_ref_ch <- insert_refcat_ch(eta_test, fam) expect_equivalent(eta_ref, eta_ref_ch) if (length(dim(eta_test)) == 3) { expect_equal(dim(eta_ref), c(ndraws, nobsv, ncat)) } else if (length(dim(eta_test)) == 2) { expect_equal(dim(eta_ref), c(ndraws, ncat)) } } } } } } })