test_that("SQL Execution API - don't perform", { withr::local_envvar(c( "DATABRICKS_HOST" = "http://mock_host", "DATABRICKS_TOKEN" = "mock_token" )) resp_query <- db_sql_exec_query( statement = "select 1", warehouse_id = "some_warehouse_id", perform_request = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(resp_query, "httr2_request") resp_cancel <- db_sql_exec_cancel( statement_id = "some_statement_id", perform_request = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(resp_cancel, "httr2_request") resp_result <- db_sql_exec_result( statement_id = "some_statement_id", chunk_index = 0, perform_request = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(resp_result, "httr2_request") resp_status <- db_sql_exec_status( statement_id = "some_statement_id", perform_request = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(resp_status, "httr2_request") }) skip_on_cran() skip_unless_authenticated() skip_unless_aws_workspace() test_that("SQL Execution API", { # create a small serverless sql warehouse to issue queries against expect_no_error({ random_id <- sample.int(100000, 1) test_warehouse <- db_sql_warehouse_create( name = paste0("brickster_test_warehouse_", random_id), cluster_size = "2X-Small", warehouse_type = "PRO", enable_serverless_compute = TRUE ) }) expect_no_error({ resp_query <- db_sql_exec_query( statement = "select 1", warehouse_id = test_warehouse$id, wait_timeout = "0s" ) }) expect_type(resp_query, "list") expect_true(!is.null(resp_query$statement_id)) expect_true(!is.null(resp_query$status$state)) expect_no_error({ resp_status <- db_sql_exec_status( statement_id = resp_query$statement_id ) }) expect_type(resp_status, "list") expect_true(!is.null(resp_query$statement_id)) expect_true(!is.null(resp_query$status$state)) expect_no_error({ # wait for results to be available while (resp_status$status %in% c("PENDING", "RUNNING")) { Sys.sleep(1) resp_status <- db_sql_exec_status( statement_id = resp_query$statement_id ) } # get results resp_result <- db_sql_exec_result( statement_id = resp_query$statement_id, chunk_index = 0 ) }) expect_type(resp_status, "list") expect_identical(resp_result$data_array[[1]][[1]], "1") expect_no_error({ resp_cancel <- db_sql_exec_cancel( statement_id = resp_query$statement_id ) }) expect_type(resp_cancel, "list") # cleanup/delete the warehouse used for testing expect_no_error({ db_sql_warehouse_delete( id = test_warehouse$id ) }) })