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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(bpbounds) > > test_check("bpbounds") Data: trivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1945896 0.005393853 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990245 0.999007937 CRR 0.8041598 1.005428519 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1945896 0.005393853 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990245 0.999007937 CRR 0.8041598 1.005428519 Data: trivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1946 0.005394 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936 0.993614 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990 0.999008 CRR 0.8042 1.005429 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1946 0.005394 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936 0.993614 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990 0.999008 CRR 0.8042 1.005429 Data: trivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1945896 0.005393853 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990245 0.999007937 CRR 0.8041598 1.005428519 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1945896 0.005393853 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990245 0.999007937 CRR 0.8041598 1.005428519 Data: trivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.19 0.0054 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.99 0.9936 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.80 0.9990 CRR 0.80 1.0054 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.19 0.0054 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.99 0.9936 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.80 0.9990 CRR 0.80 1.0054 Data: trivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1946 0.005394 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936 0.993614 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990 0.999008 CRR 0.8042 1.005429 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1946 0.005394 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936 0.993614 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990 0.999008 CRR 0.8042 1.005429 Data: bivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.197 0.00639 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.994 0.99361 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.796 1.19618 CRR 0.801 1.20387 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.197 0.00639 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.994 0.99361 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.796 1.00258 CRR 0.801 1.00903 Data: bivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1974005 0.006385916 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7962136 1.196180556 CRR 0.8013309 1.203868358 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1974005 0.006385916 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7962136 1.002583006 CRR 0.8013309 1.009026566 Data: bivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.197 0.00639 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.994 0.99361 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.796 1.19618 CRR 0.801 1.20387 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.197 0.00639 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.994 0.99361 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.796 1.00258 CRR 0.801 1.00903 Data: bivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1974005 0.006385916 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7962136 1.196180556 CRR 0.8013309 1.203868358 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1974005 0.006385916 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936141 0.993614084 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7962136 1.002583006 CRR 0.8013309 1.009026566 Data: trivariate Instrument categories: 2 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1946000 0.005400 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936000 0.993600 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990000 0.999000 CRR 0.8041465 1.005435 Monotonicity inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.1946000 0.005400 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.9936000 0.993600 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.7990000 0.999000 CRR 0.8041465 1.005435 Data: trivariate Instrument categories: 3 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.09 0.74000 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.06 0.12000 P(Y|do(X=1)) 0.03 0.80000 CRR 0.25 13.33333 Monotonicity inequality: FALSE Data: bivariate Instrument categories: 3 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.5720399 0.5942029 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.4057971 0.5720399 P(Y|do(X=1)) -0.1627907 1.2209302 CRR -0.2845792 3.0087209 Monotonicity inequality: FALSE Data: bivariate Instrument categories: 3 Instrumental inequality: TRUE Causal parameter Lower bound Upper bound ACE -0.5720399 0.5942029 P(Y|do(X=0)) 0.4057971 0.5720399 P(Y|do(X=1)) -0.1627907 1.2209302 CRR -0.2845792 3.0087209 Monotonicity inequality: FALSE [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 146 ] > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.20 0.18 1.37