context('find_mod') test_use = function (...) { call = parse_spec(call[[2L]], names(call[-1L])) } test_that('"./" can only be used as a prefix', { expect_error(test_use(./a), NA) expect_error(test_use(.././a)) expect_error(test_use(a/./b)) expect_error(test_use(a/.)) expect_error(test_use(a/b/./c)) }) test_that('"../" can only be used as a prefix', { expect_error(test_use(../a), NA) expect_error(test_use(../../a), NA) expect_error(test_use(./../a)) expect_error(test_use(a/../b)) expect_error(test_use(../a/../b)) expect_error(test_use(a/..)) expect_error(test_use(a/b/../c)) }) test_that('local path is searched globally', { old_opts = options(box.path = NULL) on.exit(options(old_opts)) path = utils::tail(mod_search_path(environment()), 1L) expect_paths_equal(path, getwd()) }) test_that('local path is searched in module', { old_opts = options(box.path = NULL) on.exit(options(old_opts)) box::use(rel = mod/nested/rel_import) nested_path = file.path(getwd(), 'mod', 'nested') expect_paths_equal(rel$global_path, nested_path) expect_paths_equal(rel$path_in_fun(), nested_path) expect_paths_equal(rel$path_in_nested_fun(), nested_path) }) test_that('all module file candidates are found', { # See spec = parse_spec(quote(a/b), '') paths = c('x', 'y') candidates = mod_file_candidates(spec, paths) expected = c( 'x/a/b.r', 'x/a/b.R', 'x/a/b/__init__.r', 'x/a/b/__init__.R', 'y/a/b.r', 'y/a/b.R', 'y/a/b/__init__.r', 'y/a/b/__init__.R' ) expect_setequal(unlist(candidates), expected) }) test_that('script path can be set manually', { on.exit(box::set_script_path()) expect_paths_equal(module_path(), getwd()) box::set_script_path('mod/b/a.r') expect_equal(module_path(), 'mod/b') }) test_that('script path can be queried', { path = 'some/script.r' box::set_script_path(path) expect_equal(box::script_path(), path) expect_equal(box::set_script_path(), path) expect_null(box::script_path()) }) test_that('can execute a script with spaces in path', { # Generate the test case dynamically since `R CMD check` complains if there # are paths with spaces in the package source directory. path = 'support/path with spaces' dir.create(path) on.exit(unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)) writeLines(c( '.on_load = function (ns) cat("path with spaces\\n")', 'box::export()' ), file.path(path, 'a.r')) writeLines('box::use(./a)', file.path(path, 'script.r')) rscript_out = rscript(file.path(path, 'script.r')) expect_equal(rscript_out, 'path with spaces') }) test_that('modules are found during Shiny startup', { script_path = rscript('support/run-shiny.r') expect_paths_equal(script_path, 'support/shiny-app') })