library(testit) test_site = function(theme) { o = options(blogdown.hugo.args = c('--panicOnWarning', '--quiet')) on.exit(options(o), add = TRUE) dir.create(d1 <- tempfile()) on.exit(unlink(d1, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) d2 = new_site(d1, theme = theme, serve = FALSE) xfun::in_dir(d2, blogdown::build_site(build_rmd = 'newfile')) (xfun::normalize_path(d1) %==% xfun::normalize_path(d2) && xfun::in_dir(d2, blogdown::hugo_build(args = '--panicOnWarning')) == 0) } assert('new_site() and build_site() work with selected themes', { themes = c( 'hugo-apero/hugo-apero', sprintf('HugoBlox/theme-%s', c('online-course', 'research-group')), sprintf('yihui/hugo-%s', c('lithium', 'prose', 'xmag', 'xmin', 'ivy', 'paged')) ) status = !sapply(themes, test_site) if (any(status)) stop( 'Theme(s) failed: ', paste(themes[status], collapse = ' '), call. = FALSE ) })