context("blmer numerical results with cov prior") source(system.file("common", "lmmData.R", package = "blme")) lme4Version <- packageVersion("lme4") control <- lmerControl(optimizer = "Nelder_Mead") test_that("blmer fits test data with gamma prior(TRUE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ gamma(rate = 0.5)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) if (lme4Version < "1.1-8") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.626025390625) } else { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.626021723159) } }) test_that("blmer fits test data with invgamma prior(TRUE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ invgamma(scale = 2.0)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) if (lme4Version < "1.1-4") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.93956054688) } else if (lme4Version < "1.1-8") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.93955078125) } else { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.93955687941) } }) test_that("blmer fits test data with wishart prior(TRUE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ wishart(scale = 2)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) expect_equal(fit@theta, c(0.677745102365688, -0.439777135132983, 1.48026251108622)) }) test_that("blmer fits test data with invwishart prior(TRUE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ invwishart(scale = 2)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) expect_equal(fit@theta, c(0.627739008945695, -0.137563742254117, 1.05679359569432)) }) test_that("blmer fits test data with gamma prior('var', FALSE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ gamma(shape = 1.75, rate = 2, posterior.scale = 'var', common.scale = FALSE)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) if (lme4Version < "1.1-8") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.435458984375) } else { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.435465082534) } }) test_that("blmer fits test data with invgamma prior('var', FALSE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ invgamma(scale = 0.5, posterior.scale = 'var', common.scale = FALSE)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) if (lme4Version < "1.1-4") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.460400390625) } else if (lme4Version < "1.1-8") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.460410156250) } else { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.460406488784) } }) test_that("blmer fits test data with gamma prior('sd', FALSE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ gamma(rate = 2, posterior.scale = 'sd', common.scale = FALSE)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) if (lme4Version < "1.1-8") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.476779702210) } else { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.476774614593) } }) test_that("blmer fits test data with invgamma prior('sd', FALSE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ invgamma(scale = 0.5, posterior.scale = 'sd', common.scale = FALSE)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) if (lme4Version < "1.1-4") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.452841796875) } else if (lme4Version < "1.1-8") { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.452832031250) } else { expect_equal(fit@theta, 0.452838129409) } }) test_that("blmer fits test data with wishart prior(FALSE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ wishart(scale = 2, common.scale = FALSE)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) expect_equal(fit@pp$theta, c(0.63996739265564, -0.340538787006457, 1.34228986794088)) }) test_that("blmer fits test data with invwishart prior(FALSE), matching previous version", { cov.prior <- "g.1 ~ invwishart(scale = 2, common.scale = FALSE)" fit <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control) expect_equal(fit@pp$theta, c(0.505864621989816, -0.137623340382083, 0.979903012179649)) }) test_that("blmer fits test data with custom prior, matching builtin wishart", { dwish <- function(R) { d <- nrow(R) nu <- d + 1 + 1.5 R.scale.inv <- diag(1e-2, d) const <- nu * (d * log(2) - 2 * sum(log(diag(R.scale.inv)))) + 0.5 * d * (d - 1) * log(pi) for (i in 1:d) const <- const + 2 * lgamma(0.5 * (nu + 1.0 - i)) det <- 2 * sum(log(diag(R))) const - (nu - d - 1) * det + sum((R %*% R.scale.inv)^2) } <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, control = control, cov.prior = wishart(scale = diag(1e4, q.k))) fit.cust <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, control = control, cov.prior = custom(dwish, chol = TRUE, scale = "dev")) expect_equal(, fit.cust@theta, tolerance = 1e-6) <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, control = control, cov.prior = wishart(scale = diag(1e4, q.k), common.scale = FALSE)) fit.cust <- blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 + x.1 | g.1), testData, control = control, cov.prior = custom(dwish, chol = TRUE, scale = "dev", common.scale = FALSE)) expect_equal(c($theta,$cmp[["sigmaREML"]]), c(fit.cust@pp$theta, fit.cust@devcomp$cmp[["sigmaREML"]]), tolerance = 5e-5) }) test_that("blmer not confused by cov priors supplied in different forms", { control$optCtrl <- list(maxfun = 1L) control$checkConv <- NULL cov.prior <- list("g.1 ~ invgamma(scale = 2)", "g.2 ~ invgamma(scale = 3)") expect_is(suppressWarnings(blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1) + (1 | g.2), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control)), "blmerMod") cov.prior <- list(g.1 ~ invgamma(scale = 2), g.2 ~ invgamma(scale = 3)) expect_is(suppressWarnings(blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1) + (1 | g.2), testData, cov.prior = cov.prior, control = control)), "blmerMod") expect_is(suppressWarnings(blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = wishart, control = control)), "blmerMod") expect_is(suppressWarnings(blmer(y ~ x.1 + x.2 + (1 | g.1), testData, cov.prior = wishart(), control = control)), "blmerMod") })